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Just got my new mike wooldridge cue.

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  • #46
    mike ive never met or talked to you but i like you !!!!

    quality post lmaol !!!!!!!!


    • #47
      Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Post
      in my experience, the only people who object to registering are time wasters or people with something to hide.
      not really :S

      there are people who are not sure what cue they want to buy and so would like to look around. The information you ask for, at the end of the day, is private information so it's not that they've got something to hide, it's that they don't want to provide you their private information in case they end up not buying from you. I don't really see what harm there is in letting a potential buyer have a look at your cues before signing up and then buying one.

      You call people who don't want to register time wasters but what if someone registers and then decides not to buy from you? are they time wasters? if so, are people who do not buy your cue time wasters because that seems slightly unfair to the buyer imo, they have the right to have a look around and to be called a time waster for doing exactly that is kind of unfair :S
      Last edited by Jonny; 10 May 2009, 03:36 PM.


      • #48
        Originally Posted by Jonny View Post
        not really :S

        there are people who are not sure what cue they want to buy and so would like to look around. The information you ask for, at the end of the day, is private information so it's not that they've got something to hide, it's that they don't want to provide you their private information in case they end up not buying from you. I don't really see what harm there is in letting a potential buyer have a look at your cues before signing up and then buying one.

        You call people who don't want to register time wasters but what if someone registers and then decides not to buy from you? are they time wasters? if so, are people who do not buy your cue time wasters because that seems slightly unfair to the buyer imo, they have the right to have a look around and to be called a time waster for doing exactly that is kind of unfair :S
        lol. i think you've misunderstood me slightly.

        i don't consider someone a timewaster if they don't buy from me. far from it.

        but i like to know exactly who i'm dealing with.

        you seem to miss the fact that the website is totally free and packed with information. people can look at that all they want without telling me who they are.

        the shop is a shop. totally separate, and set up to combat credit card fraud that we all know is rife throughout the web.

        i'm not 'blanket' calling anyone a time waster, just telling you my personal experience of 'enquiries' over the last 20 odd years.

        ask any cuemaker/trader if they know the sort of people i'm referring to. try adr147.

        i set the website up to help people. but if they want to buy, or check prices, they can tell me who they are first. that's all.

        i'm not gonna contact them or share their info with anyone and i'm not gonna consider them a timewaster if they don't buy.

        just wanna know who they are seeing as they want to know more about me and my products...
        The Cuefather.


        • #49
          Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Post
          the shop is a shop. totally separate, and set up to combat credit card fraud that we all know is rife throughout the web.

          i set the website up to help people. but if they want to buy, or check prices, they can tell me who they are first. that's all.
          I don't understand your way of thinking Mike..
          Its like having a shop and when someone enters just to have a look,you ask him to give you all his private info..
          Or even when he is outside the shop in the showcase..


          • #50
            Mike said he wants people to register so he knows who he is dealing with, and he does not want to come across fraud.
            It is his shop--he does not want to list his price until he knows who he is talking to, that is all.


            • #51
              I don't blame Mike at all, if you have nothing to hide give your details, I don't see a problem personally if in the same position I'd want to know who I was dealing with to, whats a little good faith between people?
              -'Don't choke, don't choke, don't choke! aww I knew I was going to choke'-


              • #52
                I am sorry for any confusion. I thought the reason for registering to see your shop, was to stop time wasters or fraudulant people (I've seen similiar things in the past with some music software, and they phoned me up to confirm I wasn't some dodgy guy). I didn't want to waste your time with this considering I was only wondering how much the shark cue was. I also read on your site that your replies are often short and abrubt due to how busy you are. I didn't want to waste your time, when people on here knew how much they were already.

                I havn't been playing snooker long. My highest break is only in the 30's, and as I am a student I can't afford to spend a lot of money on a cue. At the moment I have a peradon which was sub 100, while it may be considered to be crap, it feels good to me.

                But I want to start playing more and try and improve my game. With the summer coming up I was interesting in getting more hours at work so I can save up for a decent cue. I just thought I'd look arround now and find something that was viable price wise, but was quality. I've been reading posts on this forum for the past week, and have heard good things about your cues Mike, and that the shark is a reasonable price.

                You seem like a good guy Mike, with a good sense of humour. I also found a lot of the info on your site to be really useful, and I will definately use the info to help me choose my next cue (whenever that may be). And for that I am very grateful.


                • #53
                  As somebody that has signed up to Mikes online shop, I can testify that he nor anybody else has rung me, e-mailed me or sent me anything through my letterbox trying to sell me a cue.

                  The only thing i've purhcased so far are some great tips.

                  At the end of the day, you can view loads of great info for free, but to make a purchase you have to register, I can't personally see the problem with that.


                  • #54
                    I don't think you'll find a better cue for the money than mikes sharks at around 160-165. However bare in mind the cost rises if you go out of a standard spec, and the mini butt will cost another 40 i believe on top of that.

                    As for the registering thing I must admit I found it a little strange at first, but I respect his reasons for it and its not really that much effort to register.
                    sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


                    • #55
                      I respect the reasons, I just didn't want to waste his time. I apologise for the confusion.


                      • #56
                        Originally Posted by oselifer View Post
                        I don't understand your way of thinking Mike..
                        Its like having a shop and when someone enters just to have a look,you ask him to give you all his private info..
                        Or even when he is outside the shop in the showcase..
                        lol. if your name's not john you ain't coming in!

                        hang on, are you wearing trainers?

                        tbh, not many people do understand my way of thinking...

                        truth is, i don't need a shop, i don't need to advertise. i could work the rest of my life on the back of recommendations and trade contacts.

                        so i really don't care if people don't want to register. they can go elsewhere with no hard feelings on my part.

                        it's just what i want to do, so i do it. that's all.

                        but it seems to me that some people just want to 'know'. and they get all arsey when they find they can't.

                        f*ck 'em i say...

                        Originally Posted by neptar View Post
                        I respect the reasons, I just didn't want to waste his time. I apologise for the confusion.
                        hey, no problem friend.

                        i understand what you say about the phone calls. never thought of that. will add a note on site to confirm i have no intention of pestering anyone....

                        as for wasting my time, i don't consider any contact to be wasting my time.

                        you email me, i'll answer. no problem.

                        you buy, you go away. no problem.

                        you may come back later, you may not. no problem.

                        but i tell what i don't want - people keeping me on the phone for an hour telling me how big their tip needs to be and what their old cue was like...
                        The Cuefather.



                        • #57
                          Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Post
                          lol. if your name's not john you ain't coming in!
                          My name is John..How did you know that?


                          • #58
                            Mike, have you starting making my cue yet!!!


                            • #59
                              Mike , dont forget my cue, you said it will be sent out early this week.


                              • #60
                                I guess being able to say that and still get business is a luxury earned by never compromising on quality.

                                If you keep things concise Mike is very accomodating in my experience.
                                Tear up that manure-fed astroturf!

