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Talisman Pro or WB??

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  • Talisman Pro or WB??

    So i read the thread on the talisman tips, but was just wondering; which do you'll recommend, the WB (water buffalo) or the Pro (Pig skin)?? Has anyone tried the WB?? And is it a bad idea to get soft?? I unfortunately cant experiment, as i cannot afford to, and since they are not available here. Will probably try a soft and medium. What do you'll think??

    I need a tip which gives a nice firm feel of the shot, and grips the cue ball well. And for the price, im hoping it will last at least a few years!! Any input guys??

  • #2
    I use mike wooldridge tips. Best tips I have ever used. maybe you can try that...
    You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
    BTW vucko means wolfie


    • #3
      To be honest I think Elkmaster and Blue Diamond are good enough for anyone. My favourite is Elkmaster, the tip is fairly soft. I like the feel it gives me as it makes contact with the cueball and it holds Master or Triangle chalk very well. Blue Diamond seems to be harder than it was back in the early 90s. Anyway read this stuff:
      You don't need anything fancy; everyone from Steve Davis to Ronnie O'Sullivan has been satisifed with Elkmaster or Blue Diamond.
      And you can get a box of 50 Elkmaster tips for £13.36:
      Last edited by JamesFoster; 16 June 2009, 08:10 AM.


      • #4
        WB tips are a lot harder than talisman pro-soft, and take more getting used to (expect lots of miscues at first). the pro soft have a similar feel to elks, but last longer and your much less likely to get a duff one. if you're used to normal pressed tips then go with either a talisman pro soft or an o'min pig skin tip, theyre about the same, and play pretty much the same as pressed tips.


        • #5
          oops, repost....


          • #6
            Thanks guys!! And incidentally, i already read the post where they test the BD and the Elk!! I love the elk, but maybe we dont get the proper one here, because every 5-10 frames i have to reshape it (the accuracy starts reducing drastically!) and you have to replace them too often. So i think i'd like a talisman pro soft by the looks of it. I find it difficult to concentrate on the game when i have to keep fixing the tip. Problem is that i like a round tip, and the elk gbecomes flat too soon, i'm afraid.


            • #7
              Oh, but please- any further views will be very much appreciated. Maybe I find elk a bit problematic because i like a round tip?? I guess the fact that i want a round tip is probably why i need to shape and eventually replace the tip so often. Just a guess!! Any comments??


              • #8
                yeah i moved onto layered tips because i was fed up with reshaping and replacing all the time. you still need to bed them in and do a bit of initial shaping (with the soft ones at least), but once theyre bedded in they dont deform nearly as much as pressed tips.


                • #9
                  What are you using ATM Matt? I put on a multi-layered red water buffalo tip from Omin yesterday, although I haven't had a hit with it yet.

                  Thus far, it appears not to hold chalk all that well.

                  I must say, I did a damn fine job tipping it though. : )


                  • #10
                    I've got a red omin WB tip on one of my uk pool cues, it doesnt appear to hold chalk but thats quite deceptive, as it doesnt need as much. i have found though that some old dark green triangle works better with it than new light stuff.... you'll probably misscue a ****e load while getting used to it though, as its nowhere near as forgiving as a soft tip. its a good way to force you to cue better though!

                    on my snooker cue I've got a talisman pro soft, and on my main playing uk pool cue I've got an omin pig skin. theres not much between them to be honest, would probably recomend the omin out of the 2 just because theyre cheaper.


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by Shanghai Matt View Post
                      WB tips are a lot harder than talisman pro-soft, and take more getting used to (expect lots of miscues at first). the pro soft have a similar feel to elks, but last longer and your much less likely to get a duff one. if you're used to normal pressed tips then go with either a talisman pro soft or an o'min pig skin tip, theyre about the same, and play pretty much the same as pressed tips.
                      correct - very hard tips and they get a bit of a shine to them after a while - not to my taste at all


                      • #12
                        What is your recommended tip ADR?


                        • #13
                          its a personal taste thing and depends how hard you like your tips if you like soft the blue diamond plus are very good if you like harder try the talisman soft.


                          • #14
                            So final conclusion - what is the best balance between softness and durability?? Because i like a soft tip, but find that my game is affected when i have to keep retipping and reshaping.

                            So which is the softest tip with least maintenance?? (I guess a touch harder than elk would be ok, as long as it does not need to be shaped constantly, but is capable of gripping the cue ball and giving a proper "feel" on the shot.)


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Dragonsye View Post
                              So final conclusion - what is the best balance between softness and durability?? Because i like a soft tip, but find that my game is affected when i have to keep retipping and reshaping.

                              So which is the softest tip with least maintenance?? (I guess a touch harder than elk would be ok, as long as it does not need to be shaped constantly, but is capable of gripping the cue ball and giving a proper "feel" on the shot.)
                              dont make it too complicated and the replies as they are. go for blue diamond plus

