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Problem with Trevor White

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  • Problem with Trevor White

    Hi all...

    I posted almost a year back that I had purchased a trevor white cue that someone had tried to colour over.
    The original thread is here

    Since then I had sent the cue to Trevor who agreed to restore it for me. I also paid him the money agreed upon (80GBP for the restoration and 8GBP postage) He was supposed to get the cue ready in 4-6weeks (or maybe 6-8 weeks i can't recollect) and send it to Crispian Jones. With whom I had ordered a Cue Case. Both were to be sent to India together to save on the Postage costs.

    Rough Timeline...

    Cue sent on 15th August 2008

    Its only on 16 September that TW acknowledged that the cue had reached him and gave me a quote of 80GBP

    I send the payment by paypal on 24th September.

    Since then I could not get a reply from him until January.

    This has been going on and on since then with me not getting replies to emails and PM's.

    Every 2-3 months, after sending a strong email or PM, I would get a reply that would say no excuses for the delay etc, and that the cue would be ready in a weeks time. Yeah right!

    A few of the PMs' and emails that I sent/received are below.

    Originally Posted by On 25th January 2009 Trevor White
    Hi Ram,

    The cue will be ready to go by the end of next week.

    I am sorry, but I did forget to get it done when I should have done, so I won't try to offer you any lame excuses.

    I'll be in touch over the next few days to sort it out with you.

    Below is the mail I sent on April 15th (between the above mail and this, I had sent atleast 3 one-line mails asking for updates.

    Originally Posted by me
    Hi Trevor,

    I have contacted you 3 times since January when I received the below
    message that you will have the cue ready in a weeks time.

    I have not received a reply to any of the messages.

    I had sent the cue for restoration to you on August 15th 2008. And I
    had paid the full amount along with shipping charges immediately.

    It has been eight months now. I was given to understand that it would
    take 6-8 weeks for the repair.

    If you look at my previous PM's and emails, you will see that I had
    ordered a Cue case from Crispian Jones at the same time, and requested
    you to send the repaired cue to him, so that he could send the cue
    along with the case back to me.

    Now Mr jones has also been waiting for the last 6 months.

    Now, I don't know if you're unhappy with anything I did or said, but
    what ever the issue may be, its not fair to keep me waiting this long
    without replying to my mails/PMs.

    Please let me know if you still haven't started work on the cue. I
    would rather play with a dodgy painted cue than with the house cues
    here. And I can chalk up the time and money wasted to expreience!

    To which the reply was
    Originally Posted by On 16th April Trevor White
    Hi Ram,

    Very very sorry for the delay over the cue.

    I must admit,, I had somehow forgotten about it amongst all the other work I
    have here, so there's no excuse for it.

    I'll get it sorted and sent to Crispian, and also, I will send the money
    back that was paid for it, it's the least I can do.



    Since then, I have sent a few mails (and PMs) asking for updates and not received a single reply

    Finally on 20th July, I sent the below PM to Trevor

    Originally Posted by me
    Hi trevor

    Are you ever going to send my cue back??

    I've been mailing you and don't get a reply.

    Every once in a while I get an email saying you won't offer any 'lame excuses' and that th e cue will get ready in a weeks time.

    This has happened thrice!!
    Its almost been a year since I sent the cue!

    Can you just send the damm cue back.

    A painted cue is a lot better than no cue.

    Unless you have either misplaced the cue or done whatever else with it. In which case you should probably fess up.

    I know the language was not the best, but I think this has gone on too far.

    I'm posting this so that anyone who thinks of ordering a TW cue knows what the experience will be like!

    Now who cna help me get the bloody cue back!!!???

  • #2
    why dont you try ringing him on the phone.


    • #3
      History just repeats itself quite often, hearing this type of complaint. Hope u will get it back very soon
      It's in the Shaft


      • #4
        I think that it is unfair to make you wait such a long period of time, but trevor did offer to do the restoration and send the money back to apologise for the delay. I had ordered a cue from trevor earlier this year, i received the cue 14 weeks later and it was perfect, everything i asked for. I found trevors service to be great, considering he works by him self and had loads of orders at the time. It is just unfortunate that you did not. At least he offered to do the work and give your money back.

        "I'm posting this so that anyone who thinks of ordering a TW cue knows what the experience will be like!"

        lol, ok
        Last edited by MattCash; 21 July 2009, 02:22 PM.


        • #5
          I just gave Trevor a call and informed him of this post, he will be contacting you at some point today to let you know whats happening with your cue.


          • #6
            I don't know if posting this will help you get your cue back any faster tbh ... I would try to give him a call and speak to him person to person and see if you can come to some kind of resolution.

            I know you are probabaly frustrated, and you have every right to be - but I don't think you are going to make things any better by taking this route - you will probabaly just end up with an argument on your hands

            Anyway, I wish you all the best in getting your cue back.



            • #7
              Originally Posted by snookerloopy_08 View Post
              I think that it is unfair to make you wait such a long period of time, but trevor did offer to do the restoration and send the money back to apologise for the delay. I had ordered a cue from trevor earlier this year, i received the cue 14 weeks later and it was perfect, everything i asked for. I found trevors service to be great, considering he works by him self and had loads of orders at the time. It is just unfortunate that you did not. At least he offered to do the work and give your money back.
              I don't know... the first time i got the apologise in January, I was really expecting the cue to be ready after a week. After the second and third, does it have any use to offer to do something free in april and then nothing gets done? And I never asked for anything free. That would be unfair. I said pls send it back without doing the work, I prefer that. And i'm saying the same thing now.
              Originally Posted by snookerloopy_08 View Post
              "I'm posting this so that anyone who thinks of ordering a TW cue knows what the experience will be like!"

              lol, ok
              What do you mean?


              • #8
                To tell you the truth, I am surprised that Trevor was willing to fix it in the first place. I mean, someone just put a spray gun and sprayed his cue butt black and now he has to get that off and paint it black again!

                I would guess Trevor might not want to just send you the cue back with paint all over the place done by someone else with his name badge on it, so he migth be trying to get it done perfectly for you. Seeing how busy he is and that this is quite an unusual request, I cannot believe he would do it for only 80 pounds and now for free.


                • #9
                  Wait is the way that u can get a perfect cue.
                  it means
                  "If u want to have a extraordinary life,u must have a extraordinary devote"


                  • #10

                    i am on your side!!!
                    hope u'll get ur cue back soon. (either fixed or unfixed...?)

                    i think this addressed the issue that trevor is so popular but at the same time getting too much order that is more than he can manage... as he's doing this all alone...

                    well... craftsmanship is one thing... but customer service is another...

                    i know tht trevor can make very nice cues with stunning splices and perfect finish...
                    but just try to fit into ram_p's shoes...
                    i can see the point of frustration...


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by ram p View Post
                      What do you mean?
                      What i mean is that, to say that you can expect delays and other problems when you order from him is false. Everyone is possible of making mistakes etc but for you to guarantee them when you order from him is just stupid


                      • #12
                        I think we as "cue consumers" are a very tolerant bunch on the whole, and bad customer service or delays are rare on the whole
                        We too as a nation seem to take crap service and put up with it rather than complain. I think we are entitled to our views and should be able to offer examples of bad customer service as well as the praise we heap so readliy, especially after what Trevor himself describes as "completely unexceptable" service

                        I do think that with cuemakers in general offering up a realistic leadtime on cue repairs and cue building would certainly add to eliminate the confusion.............or just employ me instead simples!!!
                        Its not how well you play its how good you look playing that counts!


                        • #13
                          Very unlucky ram_p . Hope it works out well in the end . I bet its very frustrating.......


                          • #14
                            It's very strange, but I think I might suffer from a similar disease? I have a terrible habit of borrowing things and then continually forgetting to return the item to it's owner. Not because I want to keep it, I just forget. Again and again...

                            In such an event I can tell you nothing short of a good kick up the ass will cure the problem, so you are perfectly right in posting your problem here.
                            Tear up that manure-fed astroturf!


                            • #15
                              Its a poor show and poolqjunkie I think your missing the point. Anyway, hope this nonsense is sorted out in your favour, amicably, pronto.
                              Always play snooker with a smile on your face...You never know when you'll pot your last ball.

                              China Open 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.
                              Shanghai Masters 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.

