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Hi, Trevor, I have tried every possible way

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  • Hi, Trevor, I have tried every possible way

    Hi, Trevor, I have tried every possible way to get in touch with you for the last 10 days. I have read about the unfortunate news with your hand. hopefully, it will get well soon.

    I have been waiting for 4 months for my cue, you did say you would finish my cue off after you come back from your 2 weeks holiday. I know you are a very busy man, and I can understand if i have to wait a little longer for the cue. however, i have tried to call you on your landline and mobile, tried to sms you, tried to email you sever times for the last 10 days. i have got no response at all from none of these.

    if you see this, please reply, and let me know the status of the cue. you should have more than 1 copy of my friend's address in Australia. please get in touch.

    not that i am impatient, as i said, if you could let me know the situation, i don't mind waiting a little longer. please get in touch.

    my name is Dong Liang.

  • #2
    Trevor is probably too busy to reply his emails, because his is a one man shop and he is swamped with orders.
    I am sure he will contact you when your cue is ready.


    • #3
      I shall no doubt be abused, but this is another example of shocking customer service, there's absolutely NO justification for dodging phone calls, emails or any contact from your customers just becaue you're busy. If you have to tell a customer bad news, then so be it.. if you have to tell a customer you don't even know when their order will be complete.. so be it. Just take the pain, and learn from it and don't accept orders you can't fullfil next time. To simply ignore and hide from the situation to the point people have to post on a completely unrealted forum about the situation is absurd (not the first time we've seen this is it?). It shows a complete lack of self respect, respect for the customer and the courage to face up to the problem.
      Old cue collector --
      Cue Sales:
      (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


      • #4
        just let everyone know, I have got back in touch with Trevor again yesterday, my cue should be on the way very soon, haha....very excited...


        • #5
          He's a cuemaker. What would you prefer him to do, sit in an office dealing with mail for a couple of days per week, or be finishing cues of and then contacting people. Maybe he needs a student part-time to work for him?


          • #6
            I'm sat here waiting for my cue to arrive this morning since Trevor said yesterday it would be here before 1pm.
            Trevor for me as always returned phone calls and e-mails and i have in return been patient and not pushed him when it was a tad later than expected.

            I am very happy with the customer service myself sorry for those who are not.



            • #7
              Originally Posted by dantuck_7 View Post
              He's a cuemaker. What would you prefer him to do, sit in an office dealing with mail for a couple of days per week, or be finishing cues of and then contacting people. Maybe he needs a student part-time to work for him?

              It's not a hobby it's his business, so yes I would expect him to reply to his customers, as every other business has to do.

              I'm glad the original poster has actually managed to get in touch, and have no doubt he'll be delighted with his new cue.
              Old cue collector --
              Cue Sales:
              (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


              • #8
                I totally agree with perpetualboredom !
                He could spend half an hour or so reading his emails and at least answer some...

                I also emails him twice, and still received no answer. But I only expected my cue in September, so I'll be patient for a little while...
                Last edited by Feyd-Rautha; 1 October 2009, 05:46 PM.
                I'll play the black in the middle, one-handed.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
                  I shall no doubt be abused, but this is another example of shocking customer service, there's absolutely NO justification for dodging phone calls, emails or any contact from your customers just becaue you're busy. If you have to tell a customer bad news, then so be it.. if you have to tell a customer you don't even know when their order will be complete.. so be it. Just take the pain, and learn from it and don't accept orders you can't fullfil next time. To simply ignore and hide from the situation to the point people have to post on a completely unrealted forum about the situation is absurd (not the first time we've seen this is it?). It shows a complete lack of self respect, respect for the customer and the courage to face up to the problem.
                  He is not hiding from anyone, just being too busy doing what he promised his customers to do, which is building cues--what you have described and what is actually happening are two different things.

                  Trevor is a top craftsman and an artist, he is very well respected and I am sure he is not lack of self-respect. The few times I have spoken to him, he showed lots of respect; in the past, when a problem occured, he never striked me as someone who has no courage to face the problem.

                  If you do not like him, you do not have to order from him. But to come here and attack him about what you just said, which is quite unrelated to what is really happening here, is out of place in my opinion. It sounds to me like you may have a personal agenda against the man.
                  Last edited by poolqjunkie; 1 October 2009, 07:17 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                    He is not hiding from anyone, just being too busy doing what he promised his customers to do, which is building cues--what you have described and what is actually happening are two different things.

                    Trevor is a top craftsman and an artist, he is very well respected and I am sure he is not lack of self-respect. The few times I have spoken to him, he showed lots of respect; in the past, when a problem occured, he never striked me as someone who has no courage to face the problem.

                    If you do not like him, you do not have to order from him. But to come here and attack him about what you just said, which is quite unrelated to what is really happening here, is out of place in my opinion. It sounds to me like you may have a personal agenda against the man.
                    poolqjunkie i think you are wrong the guy wasnt attacking trevor he was right, it is bad customer service!, im a self employed roofer and aswell as doing the roof work i have to deal with the customers, i answer all the phone calls and emails i would never ignore anyones calls and not get back to them, at the end of the day trevor is running a business. If he is to busy making the cues he should employ someone to deal with the calls and emails, the customer shouldnt have to keep chasing him, and by the way i have nothing against trevor its just the way i see it.


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by paulbur View Post
                      poolqjunkie i think you are wrong the guy wasnt attacking trevor he was right, it is bad customer service!, im a self employed roofer and aswell as doing the roof work i have to deal with the customers, i answer all the phone calls and emails i would never ignore anyones calls and not get back to them, at the end of the day trevor is running a business. If he is to busy making the cues he should employ someone to deal with the calls and emails, the customer shouldnt have to keep chasing him, and by the way i have nothing against trevor its just the way i see it.

                      I do not disagree with you about everything that you said above.

                      I was just disagreeing with what was said by this other poster accusing Trevor of not having the couraging to face a problem, lacking respect for himself. I consider this personal attcks made on his character uncalled for, and ungrounded.

                      Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
                      ... To simply ignore and hide from the situation to the point people have to post on a completely unrealted forum about the situation is absurd (not the first time we've seen this is it?). It shows a complete lack of self respect, respect for the customer and the courage to face up to the problem.
                      By the way, speaking from personal experience, sometimes, when you are really busy unexpectedly, you may not even turn on your computer because there are just so much to do. Imagine if you have all the sudden 50 orders which are all different, and you need to keep track of them as they are all different, and you need to keep track of what you are working on and so on so you will not make a mistake, plus you need to make them all to the quality that you expect, and you have 50 phone messages waiting to be answered, and many customers asking to place an order, not to menation unexpected issues that come up all the time when you need things to run smoothly...this can totally wrack someone's "normal" life and it will take some time before such a person can get things sorted out in order to run his business in a more organized fashion. Does that mean this person is a coward as someone tried to accuse him of, of course not! Does this mean this person lacks self respect? Of course not! I cannot even see the logic behind thsi accusation. Does that mean he shoudl get some help, most certainly. Does that mean he should answer all customers emails and phone call about "when is my cue ready?" I think if he has the time to, then yes; but if he cannot, and does not have someone to do it for him, then he simply cannot. It is not about disrespecting his customers. Do I think he should if he could, absolutely!

                      My point is for anyone to accuse him of lacking self respect and of being a coward is totally ridiculous. The poster just wanted to contact him to know the progress of his cue, and he was contacted. Thers is no need for such ungrounded personal attack was my point.

                      I believe if Trevor were to insall an automatic email response saying he is really busy and will respond once he can get around to do so might have the customers feeling much better--they just want to feel that they have not been forgotten or ignored--while he tries to sort out how to deal with all the back orders and back logs of emails and phone messages.
                      Last edited by poolqjunkie; 2 October 2009, 12:21 AM.


                      • #12
                        An automatic responder? Saying what? I'll get back to you when I can spare you a few seconds of my valuable time? A couple of seconds is all it takes to type:

                        "Hi x, Sorry I'm a bit behind with your cue at the moment, I expect to have it completed around 4 weeks later than planned. I will give you a firm date by the end of October"

                        That took me around 10 secs to type, it wasn't hard. Notice that you send this before you miss a due date, not after avoiding someone for a couple of week having already missed the deadline and hoping they wouldn't complain.

                        I notice most of the people having problems are overseas customers, so maybe he puts them at the end of the line, who knows.

                        There's not much point in arguing. It wasn't a personal attack just my opinion, it would have been the same opinion if it was any other individual or company.
                        Old cue collector --
                        Cue Sales:
                        (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                        • #13
                          I am sure Trevor does not responds cause he does not have the time to do..
                          A year ago when he made me the first cue he was not even responding to my emails to pay him when my cue was ready..If he was doing that intentionally he would have taken the money asap as everyone loves money...
                          Now that he made me the second cue he contacted me when the cue was ready and after i paid him he send it..That simple..

                          And he never gave me a date for when it will be ready..It took about 5 months each time,but you have to know that you should never force a cuemaker to make your cue faster..He should have as much time as he needs to make it perfect..


                          • #14
                            Nothing to add here.

                            Was intending to post a reply, but thought better of it.
                            Last edited by trevs1; 2 October 2009, 09:31 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by oselifer View Post
                              I am sure Trevor does not responds cause he does not have the time to do..
                              A year ago when he made me the first cue he was not even responding to my emails to pay him when my cue was ready..If he was doing that intentionally he would have taken the money asap as everyone loves money...
                              Now that he made me the second cue he contacted me when the cue was ready and after i paid him he send it..That simple..

                              And he never gave me a date for when it will be ready..It took about 5 months each time,but you have to know that you should never force a cuemaker to make your cue faster..He should have as much time as he needs to make it perfect..

                              that's it. I have exactly the same experience. Trevor is helpful and polite, just slow in responding. And that is a quite common issue of craftsmen of any faculty.

                              I also had to ask twice for the final amount to pay my cue and ordering my second cue took a while. But the result is worth it. I'd wait also nine months to get my perfect cue. (Trevor, please do not take it literally. It was just metaphoric... )

                              And the cue is what finally counts.
                              I am confused... Oh wait... Maybe I'm not...

