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Info on top cue makers?

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  • #46
    Originally Posted by KeithinFrance View Post
    It might be great, IF Tony actually makes the cues, and IF Stu actually takes delivery of them, and IF Tony doesn't just take his money and then make up a bundle of excuses for 3 YEARS, like he's done with me.
    Thats a hell lot of time Keith!
    Did you get any reasonable reply from him.
    Last edited by sunny3909; 18 October 2009, 10:58 AM.
    My deep screw shot


    • #47
      Originally Posted by KeithinFrance View Post
      I can only agree with that, now it's a bit clearer ...

      I also think the part I've highlighted is the most important of all, tbh.
      reliable, sensible timescales...built into the contract i reckon.......

      i'm sure Stu has a plan..........

      having them actually physically in stock would be my plan.........not that its any of my business........

      to be fair though keith......dealing with Tony is a unique experience all of its own.......


      • #48
        Hi CueBallKick sorry for the slow reply been away on tour,
        I've sent you a reply to your question by email

        Got mostly Thailand cues in stock but when possible I do get UK made cues into stock as well.

        Sunny's right Tony Ions is making me some cue for stock, it's taking time to get them made but when they are finished I'm sure they will have been worth the wait.


        • #49
          Originally Posted by sunny3909 View Post
          Thats a hell lot of time Keith!
          Did you get any reasonable reply from him.
          You're right, that's a hell of a long time ... and no, I didn't once get a reasonable response from him, just a lot of excuses - most of them bad.
          Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

          "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


          • #50
            Originally Posted by eaoin11 View Post
            Apologies Stu, I didn't mean any harm, maybe just have too much free time... I'm a big fan of your shop at GBL.

            It was just a hypothetical idea that amused me (it would be a surprise if true...) it's not based on any fact at all. Let's imagine a cue maker has found a place at the top end of the cue market and business has been going well.

            He has increased staff, put together a state of the art workshop and can now produce more cues than there are buyers for at the top end of the market.

            He can't offer the same product at a lower price whilst keeping his place at the top end, so he just creates another brand...

            I'm not alluding to any particular cue maker. Mike Wooldridge for example is definitely top end but seems to have more than enough buyers, and he has the black sharks in the mid range market.
            No worries eaoin11, no need to apologize.
            Love the fact you are a fan of the shop, it's nice that people appreciate what I'm doing


            • #51
              Hi Keith how's it going ?
              I'm sure Tony will have the cues made in a reasonable time scale. Like you say I'm not far from him, it's going to benefit Tony having his cues on display and being promoted for him, the last time I spoke to him he said he was nearly in a position to make cues at a faster rate !! I hope so lol
              I've only got 10 cues being made at present by Tony, once I get them I will be ordering another 10, having them in the shop is the way forward. Customers wanting one of Tonys cues made to order will have to go direct to him.


              • #52
                Hey Stu, not bad thanks, how're you? Your cue is still helping Christophe do the business, by the way!
                I do hope that Tony will have the cues made for you as you say - the only problem I have with Tony is that he's been full of promises, explanations and excuses for the last 3 years! I ordered 2 butterfly-spliced cues in August 2006 and I'm still waiting for them ... and the other cue that Tony said he'd include "for my trouble"! I've been on to him god knows how many times and it's always been the same story - they're nearly ready, they'll be ready soon, he's had this problem, injury, broken equipment, illness, break-in, order which was placed before mine (!!!) to complete etc etc etc ... I'm bloody well fed up with it all, to be honest.
                I hope you'll get your cues, and you'll be happy, and then you can order some more, and that it all works out for you, but I have to say that I don't have any faith left in the guy at all now.
                Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

                "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


                • #53
                  That's a shame Keith, from all I've read he must be a top cuemaker. I guess great skill in a craft doesn't guarantee good management skills, and it would seem to be a trap to receive payments up front for cues if the business isn't run very carefully. If you fall behind, the pressure would be huge I think, and that in turn would affect the quality of your work.

                  If that's the cause of Tony's problems, he wouldn't be the first.

                  Stu removes all the risk for any customer able to visit his shop, and can offer great reccomendations for those unable to make the trip, including myself
                  Tear up that manure-fed astroturf!


                  • #54
                    Stu has just emailed me pictures of nine different maple one piece cues he has in stock!
                    Looks like I have a long journey to make in the near future

                    If it is ok with him I will post the pics on here.


                    • #55
                      Originally Posted by CueBallKick View Post
                      Stu has just emailed me pictures of nine different maple one piece cues he has in stock!
                      Looks like I have a long journey to make in the near future

                      If it is ok with him I will post the pics on here.
                      Feel free to post them on CueBallKick


                      • #56
                        Looking forward to trying these Maple cues out.


                        • #57
                          I like the cue second from the left, but would prefer it with the old style badge from the cues on the right !


                          • #58
                            hi guys,

                            I'm new on the forum!
                            I would like to know if anybody has some experience to share about cue craft cues. Is this a cue maker you would recommend?
                            Thanks for your answers



                            • #59
                              Originally Posted by luc4 View Post
                              hi guys,

                              I'm new on the forum!
                              I would like to know if anybody has some experience to share about cue craft cues. Is this a cue maker you would recommend?
                              Thanks for your answers

                              Cue craft: here is an interesting one, up until the last year or two I would have said they were all very average however the latest range of cues are very good, the price has risen accordingly though!

