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Hi, Trevor, I believe I have been very patient.

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  • Hi, Trevor, I believe I have been very patient.

    Hi, Trevor,

    this is what you wrote to me on 30/09/2009 after I have posted a new thread on this forum looking for you:

    Hi Dong,

    Apologies for being difficult to reach, but I do not always hear the phone, and at times, am too busy to answer it.

    As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I had to re-build the cue for you, which is pretty much ready to go now. I have had some distractions to the work I'd have liked to complete recently, but I am through that now and back to getting the completed work out, so I'll try to get an image of thecue to you by the end of the week, so you can see it looks ok for you before it goes out. Free to pass on your address there and I'll send it straight to you to save some further waiting and bother.



    This was my reply on 30/09/2009

    That is excellent news, Trevor. No need to apologise, I understand you are busy man, I am happy as long as I am in touch with you.

    I can't wait to see the photo of my cue now, can you also make sure you take a picture of the badge for me as well? I want to see my name engraved on it. haha...I am sure it will be perfect. thanks for the offer about sending the cue directly to me. It will certainly save me a lot of time and bother.

    Thanks again for the extra work you had to spend on my cue. Wish your hand will get well soon.


    Dong Liang

    Today is 19/10/2009. I have tried to get in touch with you again using the normal way, phone(***********), mobile(***********), and email(***********). Have I got these info wrong?

    Again, I understand you are busy, but could you at least keep in touch with me?

    Dong Liang

    Last edited by ferret; 19 October 2009, 11:29 AM.

  • #2
    Not fair to post phone numbers i think dude, i can understand your issues and i do hope you get them solved asap but keep a man's privacy.


    • #3
      MasterBreak147, from my last posted thread looking for Trevor, someone said that i might have got Trevor's contact info wrong, what is the better way to make sure I have not got his number correctly? If he could answer the phone at least once, I would not doubt the number might have been wrong at all.

      By the way, it is a business number, isn't it?


      • #4
        Originally Posted by MasterBreak147 View Post
        Not fair to post phone numbers i think dude, i can understand your issues and i do hope you get them solved asap but keep a man's privacy.
        I dont think there's anything wrong with posting a business phone (if it's not a house landline) coz at the end of the day cue making is what Trevor does for living and posting business no can only do the business good than not, however personal phone no should be kept private IMO, the man needs some privacy after work....


        • #5
          When he gave me his number he said "I'll give you my HOME number" so i presume its not a business number and i can only say the same about his mob.
          If its his home number its wrong to post it and untill you know if it is a business number for sure, i personaly think its wrong to post it opinion that's all.
          Buy hey i could be wrong here but if im not its wrong topost home numbers
          Last edited by MasterBreak147; 19 October 2009, 09:56 AM.


          • #6
            I agree. The man is very busy as he has said before. It is worth the wait. But all i will say is i cannot see he would appreciate all his info being put online. Especially as spam bots would see the info and now he would have tons of spam mail to filter through. Just think of it like this. He is not answering the phone as he is busy on your cue. If there was a problem im sure he would contact you. Email him as he will reply asap
            sigpic <---New Website
            Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


            • #7
              I also agree that it is ot good netiquette to make phone numbers and mail addresses public.
              On the other side, if you search the forum you will find them all in previous posts.

              And I can understand that it is hard to wait for a reply. Be confident, the man does his job properly and the result will be worth the wait, don't worry.
              I am confused... Oh wait... Maybe I'm not...


              • #8
                you would rather he was at your beck and call to answer any phone calls and emails straight away rather than actually working on your cue then????


                • #9
                  If you have complaint's I suggest you email him not continue to post on a public forum.

                  Many cue makers no longer put phone numbers on websites due to constant pestering from customers..
                  It's fine for the like's of Parris who may have 10 or more people making his cue's for him. but when your a one man band like many of us, phone calls are a pain.


                  RANT OVER................


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by BITTER View Post
                    If you have complaint's I suggest you email him not continue to post on a public forum.
                    yeah but if he hasnt got the time to answer the emails, hows that going to help ?????


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                      yeah but if he hasnt got the time to answer the emails, hows that going to help ?????
                      ... but time to read and respond to other post on this forum mind.. hmm priorities?
                      Old cue collector --
                      Cue Sales:
                      (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                      • #12
                        Just send him an email and I am sure when he gets around to it, he will answer you. When your cue is ready, it will be shipped.

                        Trevor is a one man shop, and he is very busy because he is simply the best.

                        I can feel for your pain but please do not keep posting this agin and again on the forum. It will not speed up anything, and is only giving Trevor a hard time.

                        I am not saying I do not think that you are entitled to an answer to your email, and I do agree that if there is a delay he needs to let you know.


                        This is the second time you have posted this. You have made your point the last time. You seem to think this is the best way you can get an answer out of Trevor. Is this going to drag on even after you have received an answer from Trevor like what happened last time, and then another similiar post if you do not receive an email reply from him again?

                        This should be resolved privately. Send a PM to ADR147 and ask him to help you.

                        You are not respecting his privacy at all while trying to do so. Not to mention that it is really unnecessary for you to damage his reputation this way.

                        The day when Trevor decides to leave the forum and never post again will be a sad day for all of us is all I am saying.
                        Last edited by poolqjunkie; 20 October 2009, 04:44 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
                          ... but time to read and respond to other post on this forum mind.. hmm priorities?
                          I appreciate you must be making so many negative comments out of perptualboredom...
                          but how about cutting the man some slack pal?!
                          It's his business not yours.




                          • #14
                            Im afraid its the customers prerogative to question what they like when they have parted with the type of cash needed to purchase a cue from one of the top guys.

                            What do you want him to do when his calls/emails are not getting answered?

                            The only other way the guy knows to get in touch with Trevor is through this site so thats what hes tried to do.

                            Its a bit hypocritical that other cue makers have been slated on here for what could be seen as poor customer service but just because its Trevor everybody jumps to defend him...

                            Dont get me wrong Trevor is definatly a genius at what he does but this might be the first this guy has dealt with him so he is rightly worried about not being contacted due to the amount of money he has laid out..


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Boy Wonder View Post
                              Im afraid its the customers prerogative to question what they like when they have parted with the type of cash needed to purchase a cue from one of the top guys.

                              What do you want him to do when his calls/emails are not getting answered?

                              The only other way the guy knows to get in touch with Trevor is through this site so thats what hes tried to do.

                              Its a bit hypocritical that other cue makers have been slated on here for what could be seen as poor customer service but just because its Trevor everybody jumps to defend him...

                              Dont get me wrong Trevor is definatly a genius at what he does but this might be the first this guy has dealt with him so he is rightly worried about not being contacted due to the amount of money he has laid out..
                              that may be terue but after five mins of him not getting in touch with him, rather than be patient and try again later on or just drop an email with reciept request so can check if its been recieved even!!! he immediately jumps on here and starts yet another thread about it

                              tbvh if i was trevor white, i would be bloody ignoring him by now and just getting the cue done to best i could and get it to him asap and out of my hair!!!!

