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Fedia's trick

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  • #16
    He must be Ronnies friend, i spoke to john about fedia and he said that he bought over 100 cues within 2 years and got plenty on order. He also had ronnies cue which he sold and i asked john if that cue was ronnies and john confirm that it was gift for him from Ronnie.
    This Fedia is honest man i asked him few times about hunt and osbourne cue he has for sale and he said that he bought this cue from ebay and paid £305 with dellivery.


    • #17
      All this money he makes from the cues you'd think he'd buy a new quilt cover...


      • #18
        Originally Posted by ddsisters View Post
        He must be Ronnies friend, i spoke to john about fedia and he said that he bought over 100 cues within 2 years and got plenty on order. He also had ronnies cue which he sold and i asked john if that cue was ronnies and john confirm that it was gift for him from Ronnie.
        This Fedia is honest man i asked him few times about hunt and osbourne cue he has for sale and he said that he bought this cue from ebay and paid £305 with dellivery.

        He is NOT Ronnies friend!! I also asked John Parris about Fedia and John told me that he (Fedia) persuaded John to sell him one of the cues that he had made for Ronnie and Fedia bought it and then put it straight onto ebay for £1000!!
        'Believe To Achieve'


        • #19
          ddsisters being Fedia's friend is certainly more likely than Fedia being a friend of Ronnie


          • #20
            It would appear to me that fedia is just selling cues for what he can for them.

            Nothing wrong with that.

            ok, so he buys them cheap and them them high. Nothing different than any other business you buy anything from.

            As others have said, no one is being forced to buy a cue from this man.

            Maybe his discriptions and write ups should be taken with a pinch of salt but as far as I can assertain he supplies the goods as discribed.

            And just a note.

            Im in the market for a new high end cue and I know where its coming from and its NOT Fedia.


            • #21
              Correct, anyone looking for a top end cue on here has ADR147, trevor, mike, aurora etc etc and there are plenty of other options as well, craftsman, cue craft etc etc

              No need for any member here to get ripped off.


              • #22
                My personal view is that you have to be stark raving mad to by an expensive cue from ebay or any other web site. the fact that you are unable to pick it up to see and feel what its like means you are trusting to luck. I suppose if don't have access to a decent cue maker this may be the only option open to you, but I still think your mad. For the money that their asking, your as well of to wait and get a cue made from scratch. I can't see any reason, unless your a pro or top amature, why you couldn't wait. Also their are many good cue makers that have stock cues, so again why would you buy of ebay.
                The only reason you would buy from ebay is if you were getting a great deal, which you won't unless the cue is no good


                • #23
                  Well, I agree if you have access to a cue maker from which you can try his cues out, that would be great!
                  But sometimes it is not possible.
                  You know how it is, when you have the urge to buy a new cue and you just want to spend your money on a new cue, any new cue, right now!
                  I have purchased quite a few cues that way myself before on ebay--some were good but most were rubbish, or overpriced. But the point was I could get the cue within a few days without the waiting period.
                  I do not do that anymore for obvious reasons, but I can relate to the mentality of buying on ebay.


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by cazmac1 View Post
                    My personal view is that you have to be stark raving mad to by an expensive cue from ebay or any other web site. the fact that you are unable to pick it up to see and feel what its like means you are trusting to luck. I suppose if don't have access to a decent cue maker this may be the only option open to you, but I still think your mad. For the money that their asking, your as well of to wait and get a cue made from scratch. I can't see any reason, unless your a pro or top amature, why you couldn't wait. Also their are many good cue makers that have stock cues, so again why would you buy of ebay.
                    The only reason you would buy from ebay is if you were getting a great deal, which you won't unless the cue is no good
                    the same goes for the top makers. You can't pick up the cue to play with because it hasn't been made so essentially you are also going by luck


                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by Jonny View Post
                      the same goes for the top makers. You can't pick up the cue to play with because it hasn't been made so essentially you are also going by luck
                      This is true, but as the cue is being made to your specs, you have a slightly better chance of getting something that works for you, and Hay if it's no good you can allways sale it on ebay


                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by Jonny View Post
                        the same goes for the top makers. You can't pick up the cue to play with because it hasn't been made so essentially you are also going by luck
                        I quite agree. Though if you get one made to your spec and the cue maker is a professional who does his best for you to get it how you want it then you can get close and with time get used to it.
                        I have tried cues out at a shop and played well with them at the time (thought this is the one) took it home and played rubbish the next. So its horses for courses.

                        I agree with you though that it is better to try them out before you buy but not always the case because I am still looking for the 1 and I have looked hard.


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by cazmac1 View Post
                          This is true, but as the cue is being made to your specs, you have a slightly better chance of getting something that works for you, and Hay if it's no good you can allways sale it on ebay
                          Well then if you go buy a cue off ebay with the same specs as one which you want custom made, what's the difference? If i went to a cue maker and asked for this this and that, and you also wanted the same cue, what different does it make? the fact that it was made for me or you makes no difference spec wise. So say i returned the cue - because i didn't like it - and you went to the same cue maker for the same specs and he gave you my cue, you probably wouldn't even realise.

                          As i gather (not an expert) all cues play differently anyway even if they are the same spec
                          Last edited by Jonny; 2 January 2010, 11:59 PM.


                          • #28
                            Johny, I spent the last 3 years finding out what works for me and can honestly say that it would be unlikly I would find one that would match my specs. Having said all this I think SH is on his third replica cue made by JP to his exact specs and he is still not happy.
                            We can only try


                            • #29
                              Originally Posted by cazmac1 View Post
                              Johny, I spent the last 3 years finding out what works for me and can honestly say that it would be unlikly I would find one that would match my specs. Having said all this I think SH is on his third replica cue made by JP to his exact specs and he is still not happy.
                              We can only try
                              You're not understanding what i'm saying. You said that one would be starking mad to buy a cue off ebay because it is luck if the cue is right for them. If you want, lets say - a cue which is 57" 17oz - and you find a cue off ebay which matches those exact specs, what difference is there if you went to a cue maker and asked for 57" 17oz? Both scenarios you are getting a cue to your specs and in both situations you can't see/pick the cue up. Just because you say to a cue maker i want 57" 17oz doesn't suddenly mean that the cue will play like magic. Equally, just because you pick up a cue - with the same specs - but made for someone else, it doesn't mean that cue won't play like magic.

                              What i'm saying is, whether or not you ask for a cue to be made for you or not, 17oz (this is just an example) will be 17oz whether or not i asked for 17oz then resold it, or you ask for 17oz personally


                              • #30
                                Thats a good point Jonny.

                                Here's my experience for what its worth, I use a Hunt and O'Byrne which I have had for many years. To my eternal regret when I played a lot of snooker and a lot of pro ams and travelled about a bit, the cue spent a lot of time in my car boot.

                                This, combined with that stupid, pointless, brass rail thing on UK pool tables caused and allowed the soft grain in the points on the underside of the cue to wear away a bit. Whilst the cue still plays well, this annoys me, also my failing eyesight means I want a new cue with a bigger tip to start playing again.

                                I have had many, many different cues and made countless enquiries in trying to obtain a cue with similar playing characteristics to my own. In the process of this, I have become a cue anorak I have learned to splice cues, put joints in, made ferrules of different materials blah blah blah

                                I have, as yet not found a replacement even close. Possibly my problem is exacerbated by starting to play with such a fine cue (this was by accident, I got it for a pittance not even knowing what it was).

                                I have bought dozens off ebay, only buying when I can see the specs are slightly bigger than my own (as it is easier to reduce than enlarge) and only when I see clear pictures of the whole cue and if necessary, after asking the vendor questions, which I keep in case I need to make a complaint to ebay.

                                I have NEVER, NEVER, NEVER bought a cheap cue as the chances of getting a good one are virtually nil due to materials used etcetc and I have never bought a really expensive one (£200+) due to possible difficulties in resale and due to the fact I do not have the heart to rip anyone off.

                                In short, my own problem has really been cause by a combination of not looking after my cue properly (which I bitterly regret and curse my then ignorance) and my need for a bigger tip, I do not now believe this can be completely solved via ebay or anywhere else for that matter, I believe my search must end, and I must bite the bullet, I believe I must now get a cue made to my spec and learn to play with it.

                                However, in saying that I also believe that once a person becomes a "cue person", they are forever lost to coveting their neighbours cue and believeing that out there somewhere is the cue for them.

                                Am really sorry to all site users, in reading this back it is a completely pointless and probably useless post, however, I've typed it now so I'm hitting submit!

