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john parris cue problem

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  • #31
    complaint is all good, as long as there's facts to back up...

    I've owned and seen numerous Parris, the top range cues are excellent, the Ultimates were perfect, never owned any MW & TW, but seen a few, they're ok, but up to now, I haven't seen a perfect MW or TW, but they're mostly good, just like any other cue makers...

    I'd say yes, the poster is good to complain here if he can't get in touch with John Parris 2 days before Christmas... But, some pictures to back up the complain would be greatly appreciated...


    • #32
      sorry John

      With regards to my complaint, I was happy with the original cue. The reason I kept having the alterations done, was that I was experimenting with weight, balance and length. I was happy with the work up to the last time it went it. The butt being over plained and rattling is very real and not in my head. I will post pictures or youtube vid at some time in the future. But can't do any thing at this time, as I have lead tape wrapped around the butt. In its current condition, I would say the resell value to be very poor. The cue still plays well and I will most likely hold onto it, for my son when he's older. I think I might have been a bit harsh in my criticism and to be fair I haven't given john an opportunity to put it wright.


      • #33
        No need to apologize. If anyone associated with John Parris cue in the past 20~25 years, they can tell that the standard of JP cues has been dropped alarmingly... that's the fact. For example, the low end product of John Parris such as Classic cue in the 80's or 90's possess truely high quality and used by many amature snooker players around the world. A huge difference is noticed when comparing the old one and new one. When someone paying 300~400 pounds for a snooker cue, they're entitled to expect decent quality in return. This is not complaining, just hope John will keep up the good work and good standard.


        • #34
          Originally Posted by 147Q View Post
          just hope John will keep up the good work and good standard.
          Think its a bite late for that to be frank


          • #35
            Originally Posted by 1lawyer View Post
            Every now and again the same old "slagging John Parris cue" thread starts off on here....I have to say I dont believe a word of it.

            I have had numerous cues (exclusives and ultimate and just bog standard ones) and they have all been good - brilliant...
            His service is second to none and I just don't believe this nonsense anymore...
            i am sorry but you are in a very small minority who actually believe that,,there is no doubt that once upon a time a long long time ago ( get the idea) that parris set the standard , but over the last 7/8 years the standard has dropped to a completely unacceptable level for them to be sold as top quality , i know of 5/6 pios players who have ordered cues from him and waited up to 9 months for them and bought something else within a week or so of using them as the quality of them were shocking , and these are good quality players who know what they want ,, there are too many people complaining about parris cues for it to be considered a 'one off' ,,,,,,


            • #36
              minority of what...don't talk tripe...

              1..Thousands of people are happy with their cues from Parris and his service...
              2. The original poster (or perhaps sock puppet) came on complaining about Parris cues in his first posts without even introducing himself...and I dont believe him or many other posters who slate JP cues...

              It is like the ice cream wars or something with cues on here at times...

              So MR snooker warrior we are all entitled to our opinions...dont just devalue mine because you dont agree. I think John Parris cues are great and far better than some of those cheap warpy mass produced things from the far east.


              • #37
                I believe to all those people who are saying that they are having problems... But I would really love to buy Parris Ultimate
                You cannot improve your game if you don't have a cue and snooker table
                BTW vucko means wolfie


                • #38
                  Originally Posted by 1lawyer View Post
                  2. The original poster (or perhaps sock puppet) came on complaining about Parris cues in his first posts without even introducing himself...and I dont believe him or many other posters who slate JP cues...
                  Well you certainly do seem to live in "dreamland" as it says in your location
                  So unless you introduce yourself, are you not allowed to have a problem and to say you dont believe him is pretty narrow minded of you, lets hope you never have any kind of problem eh
                  Last edited by jrc750; 29 December 2009, 09:11 PM.


                  • #39
                    I have a genuine fault with my cue so don't have to be sorry on this count.
                    I just thought on reflextion that we are talking about peoples lively hoods here and things are tough enough at the moment without us adding to there problems. May be people should only talk about there own experiences and directly to JP. It's a difficult one, if you don't like the feel of a cue it doesn't mean it faulty. If the cue is faulty I'm sure that you are protected by your consumer rights. I think this is the route people should take. Also if you have a JP and want to sell it on, it wont help slagging his cues down.
                    Last edited by cazmac1; 29 December 2009, 09:11 PM.


                    • #40
                      to be honest his cues are nothing special at all and after looking at and trying a couple at telford i found them to be pretty non descript to use.... no feel and average workmanship at best, yes it was nice woods and grain on the ash but the overall finish of the cue was not that of a top quality cue maker and definitely not worth the money being charged for said cues...


                      • #41
                        Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                        Well you certainly do seem to live in "dreamland" as it says in your location
                        So unless you introduce yourself, are you not allowed to have a problem and to say you dont believe him is pretty narrow minded of you, lets hope you never have any kind of problem eh
                        I did not say you are not allowed to have a problem...

                        I am certainly not narrow minded but if you want to insult me then that's ok, whatever floats yer boat...

                        I have had a problem with a parris cue before myself.. I have had quite a few of these cues tho and its to be expected on occasion (I'm not saying every cue he makes is perfect).

                        What I do not believe (let me make myself clear now)

                        I do not believe the poster of the problem because he has not shown the problem in any picture and I find to come on a snooker forum and not talk about snooker but just slate a cue maker in your opening posts to me is suspicious.

                        You can believe who and what you want...

                        Secondly I do not believe John Parris would not reply and not offer to put the problem right if indeed there was one in the first place because he is a professional guy and I have always found him to be that way.
                        If you don't think he is tell him why yourself...he is a member of the forum just like you are.

                        Everyone has an opinion on cues but if I put a JP Ultimate in your hand would you say nice cue or throw it in the bin???

                        Nuff said...:snooker:


                        • #42
                          I wasnt meaning to insult you - sorry if you read it that way, just that you seem to totally disregard the original posters problem as if it could never happen. I didnt realise that John Parris was a member of this forum - wonder why he doesnt jump in to defend himself on this, and the numerous other similar JP bashing threads. I know i would


                          • #43
                            Originally Posted by 1lawyer View Post
                            minority of what...don't talk tripe...

                            1..Thousands of people are happy with their cues from Parris and his service...
                            2. The original poster (or perhaps sock puppet) came on complaining about Parris cues in his first posts without even introducing himself...and I dont believe him or many other posters who slate JP cues...

                            It is like the ice cream wars or something with cues on here at times...

                            So MR snooker warrior we are all entitled to our opinions...dont just devalue mine because you dont agree. I think John Parris cues are great and far better than some of those cheap warpy mass produced things from the far east.
                            how do you know 'thousands' are happy with them you are just assuming so ,, the old saying 'theres no smoke without fire' springs to mind , and there is a hell of a lot of smoke !!!!!!!!!!!


                            • #44
                              Originally Posted by 1lawyer View Post
                              I think John Parris cues are great and far better than some of those cheap warpy mass produced things from the far east.
                              maybe maybe not

                              Point being I sold my parris ambassador becos I have a cheap machine made cue from thailand that plays better than the parris I had. My mate though who bought it from me loves it to bits so i suppose its horses for courses. To be fair the parris I had was not at fault but I just was never comfortable with it. It looked good and played decently. just did not suit me. And the cue that I am playing with now although cheap is a well balanced Old omin machine made cue. Omin himself refurbished it for me and added a single splice to it so it looks almost new. Most importantly it plays well. Mass produced, cheap but well balnced and straight


                              • #45
                                Originally Posted by snooker warrior View Post
                                Another glowing report for parris cues !!!!!!!! Not !!!!! Unless you are in the top 16 players in the world , i wouldnt buy from him , infact i wouldnt buy from him ever !!!!!!!! Any of the following trevor white,wooldridge,stamford,osbourne,hunt, but not jp ,,, if you are outside the top 16 it,s probably made by a chineese schoolboy(possibly). That is why there are so many horror stories about parris cues ,,
                                so are you an arsonist?

                                What has JP ever done to you?
                                Does he not deserve to make a living like all the other cue makers you mentioned?

