Hi everybody, a very good day to you guys and i wish you and your family a happy 2010!!! 
Now, i really hoped someone here whom can actually enlighten me on the following... 'Upon acquirering a brand new cue...there's an advise gaven from someone saying that there's actually a need to sand away a layer of don't know 'what' that's initially on the new cue shaft. This stunt was executed
using don't know what grade sand-paper think he mentioned sand-paper
grade 2000 or something. However, he added it's not necessary a must and it's soley based on each new cue's condition, for this instance my new cue fell into his category.
"Because its Rough" 
For certain i knew it has got something to do with cue's smoothness and that's what my current cue is lacking, quite lacking till the extend that after
15-20mins of potting, cue begins roughening up and thing is i've cloth wiped with furniture spray just before frame.
Million thanks in advance for all advises!!!

Now, i really hoped someone here whom can actually enlighten me on the following... 'Upon acquirering a brand new cue...there's an advise gaven from someone saying that there's actually a need to sand away a layer of don't know 'what' that's initially on the new cue shaft. This stunt was executed
using don't know what grade sand-paper think he mentioned sand-paper
grade 2000 or something. However, he added it's not necessary a must and it's soley based on each new cue's condition, for this instance my new cue fell into his category.

For certain i knew it has got something to do with cue's smoothness and that's what my current cue is lacking, quite lacking till the extend that after
15-20mins of potting, cue begins roughening up and thing is i've cloth wiped with furniture spray just before frame.

Million thanks in advance for all advises!!!
