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John Parris fake

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by cueman View Post
    Think the mods need to delete this. As already mentioned this seems to be a completely bogus and I think its strange that someone would use their first post to mention something like this. If he had a problem why not talk to Dave first rather than try and cause trouble by posting not once but twice on here? Doesn't make any sense to me either and the member should either provide evidence or be deleted as we don't need these kinds of people on here.
    I agree, this if untrue could be seen as defamation against DC and the person responsible sued. There is too much of this goes on and it can have an effect on a persons reputation should others read it. I don't believe threads like this should be allowed without proof posted in the way of pictures.

    A person is entitled to have an opinion on anything if it is their honestly held opinion. However if it is done maliciously then this could be on dodgy ground too.

    Moderators should close this thread I agree.


    • #32
      Originally Posted by brother4 View Post
      My Mail: Bro4@brother4 DOT com DOT hk

      To Brother4 : Thanks. To get back soon.
      To Thread originator : Sorry to use your thread.
      It's in the Shaft


      • #33
        He should have do some research and ask around before buying.
        If he did not respond in next one or two days.
        Moderator should just close this thread..


        • #34
          It's obvious that without proof this and the other thread is just a load of rubbish. Delete it? If a tree falls in the woods and no ones there to hear it does it make a sound? Obviously the only people within this Universe who have seen this thread would be the people who frequent this forum. And im sure anyone who is in this catagory knows that the person in question would never sell a fake cue. Therefore, sure, close this thread, but i dont think it should be removed, for other people who read this in the future should know how dave coutts of Coutts Cues is respected and trusted by all of the members on here.


          • #35
            Well I've now merged the two identical threads. I will now lock this thread as libel is not allowed on here.

            If subumed can provide some good pictures of the cue in question, or other substantial evidence that what he's saying is right, I will of course unlock the thread so that the debate might resume.

