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Keeping it smooth

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  • Keeping it smooth

    Hi everyone,
    I've been playing since the start of December and am having some trouble keeping the action on my cue smooth.
    I used my dads old cue for maybe a fortnight but felt i needed something better. I bought a £50 John Higgins signature cue as it felt right and had a really nice flame lick on the butt (i cna post pics if you want).
    On the advice of a snooker website i have been taking a cloth, putting some wood furniture polish on and cleaning it with it, then buffing it. This works brilliantly but only for say and hour or two until it gets stick and not as smooth. Rebuffing it does it up again but not as i'd like.

    Anyway i can KEEP it smooth?

    A bit off topic i know but i have a high break of 22 (red blue red pink red black red then missed a green). Is that alright for a month and a half's worth of playing?

  • #2
    Don't waste any more money on polish. A small amount of water on a clean cloth is all you need. Then use tissue or another cloth to dry it completely. Always wash your hands befopre playing as this makes it run smoother and stops grease etc from getting on the cue.


    • #3
      Yeah and there is no point using polish, oil or wax on a cue that's been laquered.

      A highest break of 22 after only one months play is brilliant.


      • #4
        yes that's really quite good after a month. most ive had is 35 and ive been playing ages
        If practice makes perfect, and no one's perfect, then why practice?

