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Serial no. For John Parrish classic cue

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  • Serial no. For John Parrish classic cue


    While surfing the classified ads for a used John Parris cue, chanced upon a ad for "JP cue set selling S$800". Thus i text msg the seller for more information as it sound like a good deal.

    Then i recieved a call from a local that he has a Parris cue set(mini butt,tele extension & cuecraft alu case) selling at S$800 or 320pound.
    Thinking that it must be a professional & above series cue, I ask further since he didnot say which model but highlighting that it has some splicing in his ad.
    After several text msg, he told me the model is John Parris classic. Indicating that this is a special classic model marked with serial no. 10, complete with 4 splash of splicing over green veneer! While I keep pestering him for pics, but he gave me tons of excuses enforcing me to meet him to view his cue in order to have a better understanding.

    With my limited years of cue knowledge, I hope m8 here can correct me if it is a fake or there is seriously a limited edition classic made by John Parris with the above describe.

    Please advise.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by willytan; 23 January 2010, 08:05 AM.

  • #2
    I only meet a John Parris Special with number #207.
    As I remember it sold on Ebay before.
    it means
    "If u want to have a extraordinary life,u must have a extraordinary devote"


    • #3
      MAybe it was a classic that was sent back to JP for additional splicing work at some point?
      sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


      • #4
        He could be a Robertson fan and had his John Parris Classic spliced by Peter Hanley so it looks like Robbo's !! lol


        • #5
          Ronnie? :S i said Robbo lol


          • #6
            Anyway,Willy...waiting u...
            Show us sth "SPECIAL"...hahahaha~
            it means
            "If u want to have a extraordinary life,u must have a extraordinary devote"


            • #7
              Originally Posted by willytan View Post
              Pardon me for the typo mistake. I was using my Iphone to start this thread in the toilet.

              Willy, that is a bit too much info...


              • #8
                Pardon me for the typo mistake. I was using my computer to reply this thread when a hot nude girl stand in front of me.

                Toilet really a good place to hide when u are working.
                it means
                "If u want to have a extraordinary life,u must have a extraordinary devote"


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by brother4 View Post
                  Pardon me for the typo mistake. I was using my computer to reply this thread when a hot nude girl stand in front of me.

                  Toilet really a good place to hide when u are working.

                  Universal Problem Identified!

                  One-handed "typing" with Fanta-girls [ who always seem to have foldmarks through the middle ]
                  on the inside stall door can make "working it" difficult.

                  Thanks for posting brother4.





                  • #10
                    U know,it is hard to type with 1hand with few fingers in the toilet.
                    Another hand always busy to clear sth.Hahaha...
                    it means
                    "If u want to have a extraordinary life,u must have a extraordinary devote"


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by brother4 View Post
                      u know,it is hard to type with 1hand with few fingers in the toilet.
                      Another hand always busy to clear sth.hahaha...

                      Originally Posted by brother4 View Post
                      Pardon me for the typo mistake. I was using my computer to reply this thread when a hot nude girl stand in front of me.

                      Toilet really a good place to hide when u are working.

                      By the way, why would you care about replying a thread when a hot girl is standing in front of you all naked!

                      I am afraid you may have gotten your priority all wrong...:-)
                      Last edited by poolqjunkie; 21 January 2010, 02:59 AM.


                      • #12
                        LOLOLOL@ABOVE hahahaha the man clearly loves his snooker :P LOLL


                        • #13
                          The pics are out!!!

                          Please help me verify before i head down to secure this wonderful deal.


                          • #14
                            I don't know what it is but somewhat disturbes me on that badge and the veneers.
                            I am confused... Oh wait... Maybe I'm not...


                            • #15
                              This pics was just sent to me.
                              I insisted on pics of the joints & shaft but he resisted

                              I have a compare with my JP special, but found nothing wrong.

                              But have to say the splicewood is good.

