While surfing the classified ads for a used John Parris cue, chanced upon a ad for "JP cue set selling S$800". Thus i text msg the seller for more information as it sound like a good deal.
Then i recieved a call from a local that he has a Parris cue set(mini butt,tele extension & cuecraft alu case) selling at S$800 or 320pound.
Thinking that it must be a professional & above series cue, I ask further since he didnot say which model but highlighting that it has some splicing in his ad.
After several text msg, he told me the model is John Parris classic. Indicating that this is a special classic model marked with serial no. 10, complete with 4 splash of splicing over green veneer! While I keep pestering him for pics, but he gave me tons of excuses enforcing me to meet him to view his cue in order to have a better understanding.
With my limited years of cue knowledge, I hope m8 here can correct me if it is a fake or there is seriously a limited edition classic made by John Parris with the above describe.
Please advise.
While surfing the classified ads for a used John Parris cue, chanced upon a ad for "JP cue set selling S$800". Thus i text msg the seller for more information as it sound like a good deal.
Then i recieved a call from a local that he has a Parris cue set(mini butt,tele extension & cuecraft alu case) selling at S$800 or 320pound.
Thinking that it must be a professional & above series cue, I ask further since he didnot say which model but highlighting that it has some splicing in his ad.
After several text msg, he told me the model is John Parris classic. Indicating that this is a special classic model marked with serial no. 10, complete with 4 splash of splicing over green veneer! While I keep pestering him for pics, but he gave me tons of excuses enforcing me to meet him to view his cue in order to have a better understanding.
With my limited years of cue knowledge, I hope m8 here can correct me if it is a fake or there is seriously a limited edition classic made by John Parris with the above describe.
Please advise.