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Riley Burwat

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  • Riley Burwat

    Hi all .Anyone tell me roughly when this riley burwat was made ?[IMG]

    I got it a couple of days ago for 50 pound..was it worth it ?
    Last edited by warren132; 30 January 2010, 08:05 PM.
    Not played for 3 years and itching for a game....11-3-2017.

  • #2
    Probably made in the 80's.

    It's only worth what it's worth to someone as a player, if it's a nice solid cue then when you look at some of the tat that's going on ebay for £50 it's not a bad buy.


    • #3
      Thanks jb..yeh its a nice cue and good perfect ash...not like some of the stuff around today..
      Not played for 3 years and itching for a game....11-3-2017.


      • #4
        1980's is about right.......not seen one like yours though usually there just a plain rosewood butt, they also did a riley professional along the same lines as the burwat ( same style badge ) but with green & yellow veneers.

        The ones i've had have all been great playing cues which is the main thing, the last Riley Burwats/Professionals made in the Uk were made by Aeon in Coventry as they got the contract for the top end Riley Cues near the end, so a great cue regardless.........

        £50 will be nothing if you start knocking big breaks in with and i wouldn't think you'd lose any money on it if you sold it anyway mate.......


        • #5
          Some of the burwat professionals were the best modern cues Riley made. Probably explained by the fact that Riley didn't make them. Didn't know that about Aeon, very interesting, thanks.


          • #6
            Yes your right......Riley but more likely Aeon at the top of there game....... i used to carry a Riley Burwat & Professional around with me in a one piece case back in the day & switch between the 2, the butt on the Professional looked great & lovely ash on both.

            Without doubt 2 of the best cues i've ever had regardless of maker or price, i went through a phase with these cues of thinking i just couldn't play any better & being at the top of my game .........which was a great feeling.

            Not had that feeling for a while though other end of the scale these


            • #7
              So it would be fair to say that if I'd just purchased one for £120, I've been shafted (pun intentional) on my cue.



              • #8
                Originally Posted by explodingboy View Post
                So it would be fair to say that if I'd just purchased one for £120, I've been shafted (pun intentional) on my cue.

                Was that the one on ebay with a metal badge ? (and poor pics) if so i think it was a different model, post up link and see what comments you get


                • #9
                  Yeah, it was this one

                  Remember to do your research before you impulse buy people!


                  • #10
                    Well its been looked at by Craftsmans cues so should be sorted, plus extensions easily worth £45, so maybe not as bad as you might be thinking, i'll leave others to comment on the cue itself


                    • #11
                      I know that cue! It hits the ball well. It's arguably not the best £125 ever spent on eBay but if it's the cue for you it's priceless!

