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Any Shops with Wooldrige/Parris Cues

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by snawaz View Post
    I'm with ADR147 here. There is information sharing and potentially discrediting someone. Martin does get carried away at times but in my experience he is a decent guy and if he told you this is confidence you should have kept it that way. He took you into his confidence and you should have respected that!!!
    thats my view also. what i might or might not know is my business but if i had told you something in private and you posted it on a forum i would be very unhappy about it.


    • #32
      Yeah but if its true surely we have a right to know - and if this Martin bloke hasn't any proof then he is the one who should keep his mouth shut, if any damage is done to Mike's reputation then Martin is the one at fault and in no way is it ours discussing it on a forum.


      • #33
        Personally I dont think this Martin should be saying this kind of stuff to customers and people that he doesnt really know.
        Maybe it shouldnt of been posted on a forum, if anything I think you should of just let Mike know in private so he is aware that somebody is trying to discredit him.
        I just think theres a time n a place...
        Highest Match Break - 77
        Highest Practice Break - 101, 106, 111
        Highest Breaks of 2010 - 76-65-62-61-60-60-59-57


        • #34
          Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
          Yeah but if its true surely we have a right to know - and if this Martin bloke hasn't any proof then he is the one who should keep his mouth shut, if any damage is done to Mike's reputation then Martin is the one at fault and in no way is it ours discussing it on a forum.
          why would anyone have a right to know?


          • #35
            Your beginning to sound like a politician ! - Without customers cue makers/sellers wouldn't have a business to run, so dont you think the customer deserves to know the truth ?


            • #36
              not at all. what matters is the quality of the products that you buy - and if they are fit for purpose - how and where mike makes his cues etc is not really anyones business - if he is happy to put his name and reputation behind a cue then what he does towards it is not important.


              • #37
                Originally Posted by whufcarl View Post
                Personally I dont think this Martin should be saying this kind of stuff to customers and people that he doesnt really know.
                Maybe it shouldnt of been posted on a forum, if anything I think you should of just let Mike know in private so he is aware that somebody is trying to discredit him.
                I just think theres a time n a place...
                Perhaps I should have done that - it's a bit of a grey area for me. I'm hardly shouting it from the rooftops. I recommended Chesworth Cues to snawaz at the start of this thread. I then find out that Martin Chesworth is making some fairly serious accusations about MW and his cues. I thought it was reasonable to let snawaz and the other people in this thread know, given I'd recommended him.

                As I have said, Martin seemed like a decent bloke and he was very helpful. But when he said that he wasn't just giving his opinion as a cue maker/salesman, he was making a statement of fact. If Martin is going to make up things about a competitor in public, he should be prepared to stand by what he has said in public. Otherwise, he's just going to keep getting away with it and potentially damage a cue makers reputation in the process. snawaz or I could easily have decided to not buy a MW cue based on what he had said.

                You can't make something up, then say: "but don't tell anyone I said that" and it suddenly becomes okay.

                My feelings on the matter!



                • #38
                  Originally Posted by djyates View Post
                  ... I then find out that Martin Chesworth is making some fairly serious accusations about MW and his cues. I thought it was reasonable to let snawaz and the other people in this thread know.....
                  You can't make something up, then say: "but don't tell anyone I said that" and it suddenly becomes okay...
                  Well i for one thank you for it


                  • #39
                    Originally Posted by djyates View Post
                    Perhaps I should have done that - it's a bit of a grey area for me. I'm hardly shouting it from the rooftops. I recommended Chesworth Cues to snawaz at the start of this thread. I then find out that Martin Chesworth is making some fairly serious accusations about MW and his cues. I thought it was reasonable to let snawaz and the other people in this thread know, given I'd recommended him.

                    As I have said, Martin seemed like a decent bloke and he was very helpful. But when he said that he wasn't just giving his opinion as a cue maker/salesman, he was making a statement of fact. If Martin is going to make up things about a competitor in public, he should be prepared to stand by what he has said in public. Otherwise, he's just going to keep getting away with it and potentially damage a cue makers reputation in the process. snawaz or I could easily have decided to not buy a MW cue based on what he had said.

                    You can't make something up, then say: "but don't tell anyone I said that" and it suddenly becomes okay.

                    My feelings on the matter!

                    what has he made up?


                    • #40
                      Guy's interested in your 'chat' about MC's shop and your experiences visiting him. Can't comment on the MW cues and origin of them, but ironically, the Mastercues you were shown, I understand ARE manufactured in and imported from Thailand...

                      PM or email me to and arrange to come over to Clay Cross as I'm only down the road from you. I have UK made Hand-spliced cues from £85 upwards, 1 piece and 3/4's, quick release and airlock joints, cues with butt joints, extending mini-butts and long extensions.(see example pictures below) Plus I'll let you try them out first on a full size table. Why spend £400 when I can set you up locally with a top cue/case deal for a lot less?... Dave, Snookerpoolman
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by snookerpoolman; 9 April 2010, 01:09 AM.


                      • #41
                        Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                        Your beginning to sound like a politician ! - Without customers cue makers/sellers wouldn't have a business to run, so dont you think the customer deserves to know the truth ?
                        I'd like to know, not as a customer, just out of interest


                        • #42
                          Ultimately, the whole debate is around 1 guys opinion...
                          We all know that they are like A**holes, everybody has 1
                          The guy even said that out of the cues he tried the MW cue was the best one.
                          Fact or fiction, where or how a cue is made doesnt bother me too much, a good cue is a good cue
                          Highest Match Break - 77
                          Highest Practice Break - 101, 106, 111
                          Highest Breaks of 2010 - 76-65-62-61-60-60-59-57


                          • #43
                            Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                            what has he made up?
                            I was referring to Martin's claim that some or all of MW cues are made in Thailand. He did not tell me this as his opinion, he told me it as a matter of fact. "MWs cues are really good" is an opinion. "MWs cues are made in Thailand" is a statement of fact, not an opinion.

                            Martin has either made that up (and is lying), is misinformed, or is telling the truth. At first I assumed it was one of the first two options and I thought that was worth warning others about on this forum. However, after reading your posts ADR147, I have no clue which is true. Your posts in this thread read to me as if a) you know some or all of MWs cues are made in Thailand and b) that this fact shouldn't matter, as it's the quality that counts, not where a cue is made. I could be way off, so feel free to correct me.

                            Personally, I don't care where my cue is made. I just want the best quality I can afford. But I think it would be very misleading and dishonest for someone to give the impression that their cues are made in the UK, to find out they are made in Thailand.



                            • #44
                              the thing is there is nothing wrong with cues made in thailand - the mastercue one piece i have just sold is as good a cue as anyone can make anywhere.


                              • #45
                                Hmm not sure where I sit on this, I assume you don't actually know Martin but he just told you this as a customer?
                                If that's the case then he shouldn't be telling you things about other people that he doesn't want you to repeat.
                                If someone were to say to me Mikes cues are made in Thailand I would say they are wrong, but I'm curious why no one "in the know" so to speak has come out and said that... Surely the best way to deal with it is "No Mikes cues are made in the UK"
                                The same allegations get made about Parris all the time and every time the answer you get is a definitive "no they are not"...
                                This is turning out to be a very bemusing thread

                                And for the record I couldn't care less where cues are made as long as this fact is transparent. I couldn't care less if Mikes cues are made on the moon and then finished off by trained monkeys in his workshop. Your still buying the same quality brand.
                                sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!

