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I'm so confused!!

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  • I'm so confused!!

    I've spent the last 4 months trying to decide what cue to buy, I've looked at countless threads and websites. I'm so confuzzled!!!! I have no idea what to choose!!

    Someone want to choose for me?

  • #2
    Budget? Are you looking for maker, design, specifications?
    Could always buy something off someone on the forum when they list them
    sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


    • #3
      Anything up to £250.
      I'd like it to be around 20oz or maybe a bit heavier


      • #4
        seeing as you're in leeds, why don't you go down to craftsman cues and have a look at a few of their cues.


        • #5
          I've been but didn't find anything I liked


          • #6
            Thats a good point. If you can't decide what design etc. you are after then pop into craftsman tell them your budget, I'm sure they will be happy to discuss it with you and let you try out a load of cues n the shop. Buy the one you lke playing wit the most.
            sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


            • #7
              Mastercraft, Omin, Peradon and a couple of more are good that will fit in your budget and you can also get a case with it or perhaps get some good design

              You can also speak with Dan ( T0xic or something cant recollect his forum name ) and he does make some good looking cues and has good knowledge too

              If you can increase your budget to say about 300-350 you can go for John Parris, Trevor White, Robin cook, Tony Wilshaw etc
              Check out the John Parris ambassador cue that is a bit heavy but has a 9mm tip and is just slightly over your budget

              I spent about 3 months to decide on my cue and finally bought a Trevor White from Adr147 and I must say its much much better than any other cues i have played with
              The finish and the feel is completely different and worth the money

              You can speak to adr147 on the forums he is one of the best person to source good cues

              Just a word of advice
              Dont fall for certain cue makers who claim some technological invention or less side spin drift etc ( acuerate, gravity, etc )
              Just personal opinion

              Hope this information helps


              • #8
                Once you know exactly what specs you want , length , ferrule size , weight , butt diameter , then you can have that cue made to the design of your choice . I would forget about the look of the cue , but see which cue you feel most comfortable with when you try them out . Once you know what spec suits you then have what design you fancy . When you say you did,nt fancy anything from Craftsman , do you mean you did,nt like the designs or you did,nt like the feel of the cues when you tried them out . Im submising you tried them obviously .
                Last edited by hotpot; 15 February 2010, 10:53 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by Lostris View Post
                  I've been but didn't find anything I liked
                  I suggest you custom make it rather than getting anything from instock
                  Its always worth the wait to get a custom cue according to your spec rather than adjusting to a stock cue spec


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by abhi147 View Post
                    I suggest you custom make it rather than getting anything from instock
                    Its always worth the wait to get a custom cue according to your spec rather than adjusting to a stock cue spec
                    But Craftsman in Leeds should carry a number of "stock cues" in all different specs, and they will be able to advise you on what might suit you best. And there is no real substitute for actually trying a cue out beforehand.
                    On specifications, over 20 oz sounds like too much to me personally, its very heavy.
                    sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


                    • #11
                      Yeah it is heavy
                      And yes i do agree that trying a cue is always best but again its not easy to find a cue if you have a bit precise specs
                      And its really difficult to find many cues in 20oz in stock with any cue maker to try and that match your other specs like tip size, butt size, length etc


                      • #12
                        Just went to find a tape measure Ha Ha!


                        Stuck on the design though


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by RGCirencester View Post
                          But Craftsman in Leeds should carry a number of "stock cues" in all different specs, and they will be able to advise you on what might suit you best. And there is no real substitute for actually trying a cue out beforehand.
                          On specifications, over 20 oz sounds like too much to me personally, its very heavy.
                          Originally Posted by abhi147 View Post
                          Yeah it is heavy
                          And yes i do agree that trying a cue is always best but again its not easy to find a cue if you have a bit precise specs
                          And its really difficult to find many cues in 20oz in stock with any cue maker to try and that match your other specs like tip size, butt size, length etc
                          Can't play with a light cue


                          • #14
                            Why not going for the best plain black cue you can get for the budget instead of spending a lot just for splicing?
                            You might get fed up with fancy design but a plain black cue will always be classy.
                            I am confused... Oh wait... Maybe I'm not...


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by ChatLag View Post
                              Why not going for the best plain black cue you can get for the budget instead of spending a lot just for splicing?
                              You might get fed up with fancy design but a plain black cue will always be classy.
                              Cos I'm a girl and it's gotta look nice

