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Peradon Cue Wizard?

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  • Peradon Cue Wizard?

    Hi all,

    New here and my first post! I did a search but couldn't find anything so appologies if I'm just being a forum noob.

    I've been looking at buying a new cue. I currently use a 'Champion JX' which I bought from my local snooker hall years ago and I'm better now than I was then (quite considerably). At the time I thought it was awesome, Rosewood butt, 3/4 split however after doing some google searches the company that made it has either gone bust or was just not very good in the first place since they appear to have absolutely no internet presence whatsoever! (I suspect the latter! ).

    I was planning to get a peradon cue after using a friend of mine's peradon pool cue. Reading a post on here a week ago I saw someone say that the only way to guarantee that you get hand made cue from them is to order one through Peradon's Cue Wizard.

    I'm a big fan of simplistic design and I really like the idea of just a one piece solid ash cue with no additional butt wood spliced in, and just a single large decorative splice of Thuya Burr on the front with a dark blue vaneer seperating the two.

    So I suppose my questions are threefold. Firstly will not having a rosewood/ebony butt on the cue affect its playability?

    Seconly, are these CueWizard cues good? The cue I would like will cost £135, or with a 6" mini-extension £187 (they adapt the cue to take the extension which is, I assume, why a 6" extension costs £52 extra!).

    Third, does anyone know whether they come with that horrible shiny sticky laquer/varnish on them that you get with some cues? My housemate's pool cue has quite a smooth 'action' and almost a matt finish (not sure how to describe it).

    I'd love to get something like a John Parris classic but to be honest, I don't have the money for one at the moment, and I don't think I play well enough to warrant having a John Parris (perhaps when my 50 breaks turn into 90 breaks!).

    Thank you for any help I get,


  • #2
    Originally Posted by Snowblind View Post
    Hi all,

    I'd love to get something like a John Parris classic but to be honest, I don't have the money for one at the moment, and I don't think I play well enough to warrant having a John Parris (perhaps when my 50 breaks turn into 90 breaks!).

    Hi Snow,

    If your getting 50 breaks regularly then imo you're eligible for a John Parris/Mike Wooldridge(and the other top name cuemakers) cue. And why turn your breaks into 90's when 100 sounds so much

    I have a Peradon Ascot at present and it has served me well. However, I am now looking to upgrade to a Mike Wooldridge cue once he has his vcm up and running. I drool over his cues(before you think it, yes I know I am sad!!!!)
    Breaks 2010- 47, 40, 56, 53, 47, 45, 46

    Highest break 69


    • #3
      Originally Posted by snawaz View Post
      Hi Snow,
      I drool over his cues(before you think it, yes I know I am sad!!!!)

      haha were all here for the same reason :P

      having said that, peradon make nice enough cues, but i think youd get a better playing cue for that price going with someone else. look arnd the forum, plenty of cues at that price! my mates peradon (york) was all icky sticky for a while, till i told him to soak his cue in linseed oil. feels better now =]

      IMO not worth the 900 australian dollars he paid for it tho. at that price, he coulda got something that felt better. but then agn, maybe thats cause it weights 22/23 ounces... i normally play with 16.5


      • #4
        Oh I didn't realise this forum had a classifieds section. Will definitely check that out, hopefully be able to pick up something nice .


        • #5
          You dun need bigger breaks in-order to justify yourself to own a John Parris, anyone can too. I will highly recommend you to look ard for any 2nd hand John Parris cue or you can even custom from the likes of mastercraft or cuecraft, they make very nice and good cue too.


          • #6
            Hi there snowblind i can deffo recomend cuewizard by peradon.I had been playing with the same cue for nearly 15 years when it got stolen so i was looking for a no frils old looking cue as a replacement..I found the cuewizard site and went ahead ordering my basic cue..I wanted a plain maple shaft and a nice old looking hand spliced rose wood butt.I can tell you that the cue took 6/7 weeks to arraive and i was more than happy with the cue and the nice natural feel to the wood.(no nasty varnish) just a nice oil.feel. I have had the cue for nearly 3 years and i have had several 100+ are a couple of pics..hope this helps you.

            Last edited by warren132; 24 February 2010, 07:22 PM.
            Not played for 3 years and itching for a game....11-3-2017.


            • #7
              Warren How the f**** do you get this cue wizard to work. I've had a look at it a few times and just get a blank page with a red cross in the top left. Pop-ups getting blocked clearly but too technical for me. Any advice?


              • #8
                Hi mate you must have to do something to allow the popups thats why you cant veiw the page..i had the same problem but i cant remember how the hell i sorted it ! I think it has something to do with java runtime..whatever that is...hope this helps you.
                Not played for 3 years and itching for a game....11-3-2017.


                • #9
                  i can arrange a discounbt for the cue wizard by the way. just pm me.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by warren132 View Post
                    Hi mate you must have to do something to allow the popups thats why you cant veiw the page..i had the same problem but i cant remember how the hell i sorted it ! I think it has something to do with java runtime..whatever that is...hope this helps you.
                    Warren Ta, but too technical for me. Will have to leave it. Only Java I know is an old WW1 film...think John Wayne was in it. Maybe one of the techys will give me a post.
                    My Crucible tickets arrived today..Yahodi!!


                    • #11
                      Just to let you all know, I decided to buy a John Parris cue from ebay in the end. A 19 ounce 3/4 split John Parris Classic with a telescopic extension and an aluminium case. It cost me £225 posted.

                      Will let you know what I think once I've played with it after it arrives!!

                      Thank you for the help people!


                      • #12
                        My snooker cue is from the cue wizard also.

                        Matt Lester

