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Should i use a...

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  • Should i use a...

    soft or hard tip if im a soft touch player?
    All comments are welcome, thanks! :snooker:
    Will those snookies im playing with ever stop calling me a 'ONE-pointer for a day!

  • #2
    i think you should try both because i dont think someone can 'tell' you which tip to use because its really your choice and what you play better with.
    Billiards is very similar to snooker.... except there are only 3 balls and no body watches it. :snooker:


    • #3
      Originally Posted by 147harry View Post
      i think you should try both because i dont think someone can 'tell' you which tip to use because its really your choice and what you play better with.
      Thanks 147harry, any comments on kamui soft tip when comparing it to the typical elk master tip?
      Will those snookies im playing with ever stop calling me a 'ONE-pointer for a day!


      • #4
        well kamui tips are 100% pigskin, hold chalk really well and are one of the best money can buy... elkmasters are reliable, they wear well and hold their shape aswell. As i said before i think you should experiment with different tips (hard,soft,medium) and see which suits you best mate!
        Billiards is very similar to snooker.... except there are only 3 balls and no body watches it. :snooker:


        • #5
          If you were to ask of my opinion. I would recommend you go for kamui.
          Only some of elkmaster tips are good, not all depends on your luck.
          I like hard tips, whether its buffalo or pig as long it plays well.
          Try out Kamui hard and soft. see which suit you(only you can tell).
          If not mistaken there are pro players play with Kamui tip lately..


          • #6
            Originally Posted by 147harry View Post
            well kamui tips are 100% pigskin, hold chalk really well and are one of the best money can buy... elkmasters are reliable, they wear well and hold their shape aswell. As i said before i think you should experiment with different tips (hard,soft,medium) and see which suits you best mate!
            I must agree this piggy thingy does holds chalk quite effortlessly when i tried applying it for the first time after tip installation this afternoon.
            Don't think i'll buy something that's soo expensive well...errr ok anyway... it's a free trial thus i've choosen myself a peach colour kamui tip and thats when my friend bugged-in advising me to choose the black colour ones instead saying that 'im a soft touch player thus soft tip suits me. I choose hard tip initially as read somewhere before in this forum people commented kamui hard tip plays fantastically well err whatever.. anyway my friend was an ex-national player and thus i listened to him.
            Thanks you 147harry for your comments.
            Will those snookies im playing with ever stop calling me a 'ONE-pointer for a day!


            • #7

              Kamui black is slightly harder than the pro.
              I usually split the 13 layer one into 2 to save money.
              (please do so with care,very easy to cut your fingers if careless)
              If you dun split it, it will be very wasteful for the 4-6 layers after filling.

              For those who play soft and wanna try Kamui tip, i will highly recommend Kamui black S or S/S. They feel like the best Elkmaster or Blue Diamond, just hard enough for the fastest cloth cloth n soft enough for those soft play to get into position.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Freddie Ng View Post
                If you were to ask of my opinion. I would recommend you go for kamui.
                Only some of elkmaster tips are good, not all depends on your luck.
                I like hard tips, whether its buffalo or pig as long it plays well.
                Try out Kamui hard and soft. see which suit you(only you can tell).
                If not mistaken there are pro players play with Kamui tip lately..
                Hi Freedie Ng am real glad to see you here again. Indeed.. heard' one of the pro best of the pro of the best player in my country is currently using it right now.
                If trying out both deemed really worthy in your opinion then, in this case think i'll try 'em both out and see where both of these tip will take me to in future games to come. :snooker:
                Will those snookies im playing with ever stop calling me a 'ONE-pointer for a day!


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by willytan View Post

                  Kamui black is slightly harder than the pro.
                  I usually split the 13 layer one into 2 to save money.
                  (please do so with care,very easy to cut your fingers if careless)
                  If you dun split it, it will be very wasteful for the 4-6 layers after filling.

                  For those who play soft and wanna try Kamui tip, i will highly recommend Kamui black S or S/S. They feel like the best Elkmaster or Blue Diamond, just hard enough for the fastest cloth cloth n soft enough for those soft play to get into position.
                  Hi bro willytan... im really glad that you're here rendering me your valuable advises.

                  Right, firstly i assumed your (S = 'soft' and S/S = 'super-soft'). Secondly, i assumed your using pen-knife to sliced-down tip when you mentioned splitting your 13 into 2.

                  And next, is it true that kamai tips suits maple-cue exceptionally well?!? Or it's already a matter of fact that different cue types does goes with a certain kinds of tips?

                  Will those snookies im playing with ever stop calling me a 'ONE-pointer for a day!


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Freddie Ng View Post
                    If you were to ask of my opinion. I would recommend you go for kamui.
                    Only some of elkmaster tips are good, not all depends on your luck.
                    I like hard tips, whether its buffalo or pig as long it plays well.
                    Try out Kamui hard and soft. see which suit you(only you can tell).
                    If not mistaken there are pro players play with Kamui tip lately..
                    Hi! Freddie,
                    Where do you got the Kamui tips in Malaysia ?
                    Honestly speaking, I have not try any, only the blue diamond.
                    Most people in Melaka don't even heard of Kamui tips .....



                    • #11
                      No.. You don't usually get Kamui here in Malaysia easily.
                      Even if they sell it, it surely won't cheap.
                      If you want to buy it, I would recommend you get it online.
                      Blue diamond quality has gone down over the years. They used to produce top class tip.
                      But you can hardly get it know.
                      I would recommend you to try Omin red tip. It's made from buffalo armpit skin.
                      Plays well. Maybe you can try Moori also, willytan told me it's almost the same as Kamui.
                      I myself using it till now. Have try blue diamond and elk master and few others.
                      But not my cup of tea. Finally still switch back to Omin Red.
                      Slightly expensive then BD and Elk, but cheaper than Kamui alot.
                      I have those red Omin for sale, if you're interested do let me know.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by wannabenumb View Post
                        Hi Freedie Ng am real glad to see you here again. Indeed.. heard' one of the pro best of the pro of the best player in my country is currently using it right now.
                        If trying out both deemed really worthy in your opinion then, in this case think i'll try 'em both out and see where both of these tip will take me to in future games to come. :snooker:
                        Nice to see you here too ..
                        There's a thread recently saying John Higgins is use Kamui too..
                        Thats give you good assurance.. Haha
                        Since you wanna try both, I think you should try the medium one.
                        If you want it to be harder then go for hard tip next time, and vise versa.
                        Before you try Kamui, have you try out Moori ?
                        Omin red tip ?
                        Talisman ?
                        All the best in your game



                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by Freddie Ng View Post
                          Nice to see you here too ..
                          There's a thread recently saying John Higgins is use Kamui too..
                          Thats give you good assurance.. Haha
                          Since you wanna try both, I think you should try the medium one.
                          If you want it to be harder then go for hard tip next time, and vise versa.
                          Before you try Kamui, have you try out Moori ?
                          Omin red tip ?
                          Talisman ?
                          All the best in your game

                          Yup, deemed pretty much assuring to me. However, my mind-set is that many pros and good players capable of century breaks cums 147 are using elky so why settle for stuffs thats causing much more damages. Right, unless' im proved otherwise by materializing next highest break of mine

                          Freddie, i have a noobie question for you... how do i ever know when it's time for me to use a harder tip? Any (scenairo) that leads me to figure them all out? What is the colour of Medium kamai tip?

                          Alll the best in your game too....

                          Will those snookies im playing with ever stop calling me a 'ONE-pointer for a day!


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by wannabenumb View Post
                            Yup, deemed pretty much assuring to me. However, my mind-set is that many pros and good players capable of century breaks cums 147 are using elky so why settle for stuffs thats causing much more damages. Right, unless' im proved otherwise by materializing next highest break of mine

                            Freddie, i have a noobie question for you... how do i ever know when it's time for me to use a harder tip? Any (scenairo) that leads me to figure them all out? What is the colour of Medium kamai tip?

                            Alll the best in your game too....

                            Haha... You cant compare to pros, they can play with broom stick I think,
                            Is more of your personal choice and availability and affortable when comes to choose your favourite cue tip.
                            It's alright there is no noobie question, as we're all here to learn from one another.
                            To know which suit you the most, you have to try it out(different tip). Only you can tell. You will have the "feel"..and the way it takes the cue ball. It takes time, to figure out. Use the tip you are using know to guide you to a better tip.

                            Hope this help:


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Freddie Ng View Post
                              No.. You don't usually get Kamui here in Malaysia easily.
                              Even if they sell it, it surely won't cheap.
                              If you want to buy it, I would recommend you get it ~~~~~
                              ~~~~~~~ my cup of tea. Finally still switch back to Omin Red.
                              Slightly expensive then BD and Elk, but cheaper than Kamui alot.
                              I have those red Omin for sale, if you're interested do let me know.

                              Thanks Freddie,

                              Actually I don't know much about tips~~~Kamui, Moori ~~ all these sound fresh to me.

                              So far only use the B.Diamond, still have 30pcs

                              Can you sell just 1pc of the Omin red tip~~~
                              Just wanna try it out

