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John Parris Classic Cue Shaft -Need Advice

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  • John Parris Classic Cue Shaft -Need Advice

    I have a John Parris Classic Cue a few Years now.Initially i was quite happy with the cue.But i have come to the conclusion that the cue is about one inch too short as i am frequently holding the very end of it.I also find that the ash shaft of the cue is too solid,I have had tip trouble as a very soft tip is needed and previous elkmaster tips were not as soft as the ones made years ago? i am using a talisman tip now and find it better,i would like a cue with a shaft having a slight bit more play in it.Or is it the fact that the cue may be too heavy with a full ebony butt?
    I was going to get it lengthened using a light wood and hoping that this would offer some improvement or would i be better off selling the cue and getting a new one? I would be intrested in a maple shaft and i was wondering if this would this solve most of my problems?
    Thanks to anyone that can offer any suggestions :snooker:

  • #2
    Lengthening the butt will have no effect on the flex in the shaft.
    If you have it done with a lighter wood the balance point will move a bit forward.
    If the shaft is too stiff you can ask JP to taper it slimmer to make it more flexible.
    But all this measures will change the characteristics of the cue in a bit unpredictable way and it will cost you some money.
    I'd leave the cue as it is and invest the money in another cue with the specs that you feel could suit you better. If you are wrong you can easily go back to the cue you are used to.
    I am confused... Oh wait... Maybe I'm not...


    • #3
      what chatlag said is absolutely right,instead of spending 120-150 pounds on alterations you might aswell save up some more and buy a new weapon.


      • #4
        you can get the cue made longer and not alter the weight or balance too much, have a ash dowel inserted in the butt then resplice over with tulip wood all four sides so that it looks like a eurika, the ebony removed and replaced with tulip wood should keep the weight pretty much the same,and it will flex a bit more


        • #5
          Thanks for the help

          I have emailed John Parris also to see what advice and price he comes up with for alterations.I agree that lightening the cue the way golferson123 suggests would help but i dont think that would improve the flex in the shaft? Thinning down the shaft would probably work but i think a different cue with a slightly softer wood shaft would be better.I will sell my cue on here if that is the best option.


          • #6
            Hi, what weight and how long is your cue?


            • #7
              Originally Posted by chris-147 View Post
              I have a John Parris Classic Cue a few Years now.Initially i was quite happy with the cue.But i have come to the conclusion that the cue is about one inch too short as i am frequently holding the very end of it.I also find that the ash shaft of the cue is too solid,I have had tip trouble as a very soft tip is needed and previous elkmaster tips were not as soft as the ones made years ago? i am using a talisman tip now and find it better,i would like a cue with a shaft having a slight bit more play in it.Or is it the fact that the cue may be too heavy with a full ebony butt?
              I was going to get it lengthened using a light wood and hoping that this would offer some improvement or would i be better off selling the cue and getting a new one? I would be intrested in a maple shaft and i was wondering if this would this solve most of my problems?
              Thanks to anyone that can offer any suggestions :snooker:
              order a shaft of hornbeam, if the traditional masters someone will take up manufacturing


              • #8
                Hi Phlanders, the length of the John Parris Classic cue is 57'' inches with a 9.5mm tip and 18 ounces in weight


                • #9
                  Maybe you PM Dan to help you in the lengthening of cue be adding 4 splices at the butt to create the extra 1" length.

                  Otherwise you can have the cue send back to JP for resplicing. It will cost abt 50pound & 12 pound for the SD joint.



                  • #10
                    Update on Parris Classic Cue

                    I have heard back from John Parris and i am pleased to say i will be keeping my cue.I am going to get it altered slightly as suggested by the helpfull replies here.I am getting the cue shaft tapered slightly and olivewood spliced into the end to lengthen it.
                    Thanks to the snooker forum members for their help :snooker:

