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Dent in my mates cue

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  • Dent in my mates cue

    Hi All
    My mate dropped his cue, and he now as a dent right at the end of his cue just where he bridges. Is there a way of getting this dent out without damaging it? the cue is made of ash by the way. :snooker:
    Welsh Is Best

  • #2
    I've got dents out of a cue before by holding cue over a kettle when it steams.

    It gets the dent out after 2-3 attempts.


    • #3

      iv taken dents out of my cue by placing a damp cloth over the dent, and then applying a warm iron over the dent


      • #4
        Originally Posted by jasond28 View Post
        I've got dents out of a cue before by holding cue over a kettle when it steams.

        It gets the dent out after 2-3 attempts.
        Originally Posted by circle View Post
        iv taken dents out of my cue by placing a damp cloth over the dent, and then applying a warm iron over the dent
        Dont understand how this could work


        • #5
          Isnt it a case of rubbing a glass over it as dicussed in several other posts?

          (jrc750 is the ussain bolt of space inaders!)


          • #6
            Originally Posted by bonoman1970 View Post
            Isnt it a case of rubbing a glass over it as dicussed in several other posts?

            (jrc750 is the ussain bolt of space invaders!)
            cheers for that - is it april fools day ? - maybe i should investigate the search facility for this sometime


            • #7
              I have found that holding a hot cue towel (soaked in hot water) can smooth out small dents. You must press the towl on the offending area.

              It must make the wood expand somehow ? Don't know exactly how it works but it does work. No messing.

              Give it a go & see what happens.


              • #8
                yeah ,rubbing glass against your shaft does really do it !

                No seriously though,
                em ....there are lots of posts on here somewhere that suggest that glass can smooth off an imperfection in your cue.


                • #9
                  Another method is the burnishing method . Put a small amoun of water over the dent , get a piece of undyed leather and rub it vigirously over the dent . With a bit of luck the heat caused by the friction will expand the wood .


                  • #10
                    Dents In Cues

                    Hi All if you visit this site they sell a cue doctor dent remover I have used one myself they do work but realy only on small dents. I have seen these on a UK site but cant remember which one.



                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                      Dont understand how this could work
                      A damp/moist cloth works well with an iron.
                      lay a damp cloth (tea towel) on top of the dent and apply the tip of an iron onto the towel at the position of the dent.
                      The wood will swell and remove the dent.
                      Rub down with some fine wire wool or very fine abrasive paper.


                      • #12
                        when you say glass, just any glass? like grab an empty beer bottle n rub it? does it work on other parts? like, a maple splicing in the butt? and with he towel technique, how many layers should the cloth be folded? how damp? or should it be very thin layer? =] thanks guys. this is very useful information!

                        would it possibly help to heat apart of the glass first?


                        • #13
                          All that rubbing a glass over the dent does is slowly and evenly compress the wood around the dent so that the dent 'disappears'.

                          The best way, IMO, is to put a small part of a warm damp towel (doubled over) over the dent and then put the 'nose' of the normal household iron onto the towel.
                          Maybe sit in on for 5 seconds and check its progress. Wait a couple of minutes for the damp wood to settle and check it again.
                          If it needs more 'steaming' then repeat the process.
                          Dry it off and finish the cue with whatever polish or oil that you use and it should be fine.
                          Chellenge your mates to find where the dent was, because as you know where it was, your memory may tell you its still there...when it isn't.


                          • #14
                            perhaps this....never tried one myself tho



                            • #15
                              so the glass trick is just effectively, putting a dent so big you wont notice it agasint your hand? lol i hav very sensetive hands... doesnt sound like a good idea

                              wat if i were to dampen a cloth, wrap it around the dent, then hold it over a lighter. would that get the same effect? =3

