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Need to shorten my que, urgent

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  • #31
    Hi Mate,
    I understand what you are saying about having full control. A decent player will always be able to knock breaks in but not as consistently as someone who plays with a cue that feels right all the time. Like an extension to your arm. Once you master the basics of snooker the rest is in your mind. I always felt that if you are not happy with the cue for any reason you will always blame the cue but not yourself. I have spoken to our local coach, John Farnworth, at length regarding this issue and he agrees as he offers mental coaching too.


    • #32
      It depends on the quality of the shaft and what type of reaction ie, if you have a slightly whippy cue the reaction will not be the same when altered. For example, I borrowed a cue of a friend previously and it was a new 3/4 cue ebony butt jointed to an old matured English Ash shaft. It was effortless when playing side, soft screws and blindside stun shots. But when the cue was shortened, it played like a different cue. Initially, the weight of the cue, balance and it's 'spring' effect was bob on. But since it's alteration the reaction was a lot stiffer. Again I agree with Matty, a lot does depend on how much is taken off.


      • #33
        Like I said I never have been 100% happy with the cue and I recently hit really bad form. I think there were two things playing on my mind one was that my new Trevor white cue would be here soon, so I couldn't be bothered to put the effort in. The other was that people kept saying that my bridge over hang was too long. So with all this in mind I thought I'll shorten the cue this should make me more compact and my potting should improve. Unfortunately it don't quite work like that, the cue over hang has decreased but I now too far away from the white ball. As someone posted earlier in this tread, my timing has gone. I'm sure with practice I could adjust. But to be honest I think I will stick with my long bridge. There is nothing worse than the feeling that a cue is holding you back. I take my hat off to people who say they can pick up a broom stick and play with it. Unfortunately I'm not that gifted and need all the help I can get. I play almost every day and not being able to play to my full ability is hard for me, that’s why I want to go down to JP and see what he has. I need to get playing again ASAP.
        Broken snooker player


        • #34
          I know the feeling when one's game has gone to bits, many players have been there and it happens to the best look at Golfers.This is what I do that works for me when my game goes.It does not mean it will work for the rest.
          I think you confidence has gone in your head about your cue and that has effected your thoughts bout the game.
          This what I do.
          1. I take a short break, do not play for a week.
          2 I go to a driving range and hit a 500 balls.(To ged rid of the frustration and it helps the timing)
          3 After a week of resting, do pactice drills with a tutor to see were are your mistakes.
          4 When you start playing again, try to do the basics as well as you can.
          5 Try to stay away from any screw shots, let the table and corners do the work for you.
          6 After doing the basics good your confidence will have picked up because you started concentrating on good things and not things that have put you off.
          7 Practice allot of drills.for every one hour you play 1 hour goes for drills.

          Anyway use it dont use it but that what I do.
          Start playing snooker 1 May 2010
          Highest Break 32
          Highest Score 113
          Cue: Mastercraft.
          Cue specs 9mm Talisman soft, 18 ounce


          • #35
            Hi coveg, This is very good advice.
            It's along the line's I was going to take, only thing diffferent is that I don't play golf, but do boxersize. I find this helps my timing. Need to get fit any how, so I'll start that up again. I had an offer for my cue and I'm going to except it and put the money towards getting a new JP, this will mean I'm not tempted to run down the club and will ensure I take a much needed break.
            Thanks for thanks for the advice.

