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stamford cue

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by bob1 View Post
    I went to your site, very nice cue's would not mind trying one. I know that
    Terry has one and he seems to have gone through alot of cue makers
    products, I wonder what he thinks of the original point of this thread
    the Stamford cue or how about MW vs Aurora cues, maybe your cue
    might give MW a run for his money!!
    Thanks for visiting my pictures.
    In all honestly, there are so much to learn. I would be very happy if one day I could be as good as Mike.
    Mike's splicing work is so precise, and his craftsmandship is as perfect as can be.
    I guess you are right, we should get back on topic. It is about Stamford cue.
    Last edited by poolqjunkie; 25 March 2010, 09:06 PM.


    • #32
      I ordered 2 series 1 stamford cues in July and assuming they will finish by end of Sept, I checked with them once a month by e-mail and they reply quickly and up to now, they confirmed it is on schedule. So 3 months waiting, I think it is kind of efficient.
      I choose Stamford because I have tried 2 in a pro shop in HK, and found they deliver strong feelings of solid and firm, on every pot no matter on spin, stun, forward.....etc, I don't know how others think, but for me, I think a cue can offer you the confidience on every pot is the most important. I almost brought one on that date but they charge too high i throught, then I search stamford's web site and sent a request for price list. At that moment I realised there's different line Series 1 and 2, and the price difference is pretty large, and further confirmed with Stamford that, the one I tried in the pro shop in HK the lower level series 2, then i made the decision to order a series 1, I really have some expectations.


      • #33
        Originally Posted by kcfong View Post
        I ordered 2 series 1 stamford cues in July and assuming they will finish by end of Sept, I checked with them once a month by e-mail and they reply quickly and up to now, they confirmed it is on schedule. So 3 months waiting, I think it is kind of efficient.
        I choose Stamford because I have tried 2 in a pro shop in HK, and found they deliver strong feelings of solid and firm, on every pot no matter on spin, stun, forward.....etc, I don't know how others think, but for me, I think a cue can offer you the confidience on every pot is the most important. I almost brought one on that date but they charge too high i throught, then I search stamford's web site and sent a request for price list. At that moment I realised there's different line Series 1 and 2, and the price difference is pretty large, and further confirmed with Stamford that, the one I tried in the pro shop in HK the lower level series 2, then i made the decision to order a series 1, I really have some expectations.
        Remember to share some pictures with us


        • #34
          What's the difference between series 1 & 2 of stamford cues?


          • #35
            Originally Posted by sbq79 View Post
            What's the difference between series 1 & 2 of stamford cues?
            the shaft quality and overall material quality of series 1 is better than a series 2.

            can be compared to a john parris ultimate and other jp stock cue.


            • #36
              New arrival - stamford series 1 ash

              i finally received my order for stamford series 1 ash, totally 3.5 months waiting from order confirmed to goods arrived.

              I played with it yesterday and here are what i feel:

              1. i just ordered a very pain cue, so not much to comment on splices. The craftsmanship is good. And for the polish, someone says it's awful, it really doesn't look like there's a wax or something shining on the surface, but the shaft still very smooth, personally i prefer this polish way and feels like the cue is easier to dehumid, i will check Stamford later for suggested maintence way and frequency for cue oil protection.

              2. I ordered a 4/3 cue. The joint is great, no matter how you screw them on, the arrows (my shaft has 9 arrows) on the shaft and the badge on the butt are always on the same line

              3. balance - this part is a bit disappointed, my spec. order was 44 cm from the butt and i mentioned i don't mind a bit forward if they think better, but finally it is now 41cm from the butt. In fact, i don't know how this will affect me, maybe it's nothing bad, as i still find it easy to control.

              4. very good cue power, easy to control, good for white cue ball placing. but maybe the wood is a bit too "soft", no good for long shots, feelings not "firm and solid" enough. (hope you know what i mean..)

              5. The tip, for me, it's too soft, it's the ELK master, maybe I will change it to Morri S later.

              Overall speaking I believe my cue is a good one, but maybe not the best. Hope i'll get use of it soon!


              • #37
                Congrate mate.. for getting a nice cue there.. Any pictures to share with us ?


                • #38
                  thanks mate, but seems my account cannot post photos.....


                  • #39
                    my stamford series 1



                    • #40
                      it's ok mate.. you can post up the links


                      • #41
                        see nothing!

