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Green Baize cues

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  • Green Baize cues

    I've read the green baize cues are ok on this forum. But I can't find a post about the green baize budget cue..
    It's very cheap since it comes with a case and 2 extensions.. My question about it:

    How does it play? Is it worth buying or rather buy one a bit more expensive? Anyone has one of these or ever played with one of these that can comment on them? (I'd go to look for myself, but I'm from Belgium, and there are no "cheap" cuemakers over here..)

  • #2
    I suggest you email Stu and ask him. From my dealings with him he seems a straight shooter who wil give you a fair assessment of the cues.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by ruben- View Post
      I've read the green baize cues are ok on this forum. But I can't find a post about the green baize budget cue..
      It's very cheap since it comes with a case and 2 extensions.. My question about it:

      How does it play? Is it worth buying or rather buy one a bit more expensive? Anyone has one of these or ever played with one of these that can comment on them? (I'd go to look for myself, but I'm from Belgium, and there are no "cheap" cuemakers over here..)
      i have one those budget cues and they are pretty good but then i changed to a GBL champion from Stu and the difference was huge,so as a first time cue they are good but i would say that you could save a bit more and buy something a bit better.


      • #4
        "a bit more" saving, the cheapest champion cue (to get with case+extension) is more then double the price of the budget cue.

        Is it really that much different?


        • #5
          I cant really speakk for the budget cues but as far as the the gbl champion cues goes their as good as they get .; brilliant cues.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by ruben- View Post
            "a bit more" saving, the cheapest champion cue (to get with case+extension) is more then double the price of the budget cue.

            Is it really that much different?
            i did'nt mean that you should get a GBL cue,i mean't that you could aim for a master cue,mastercraft,craftsman and other brands that are a bit cheaper then GBL cues.


            • #7
              one of my mates said he bought a custom made master cue off him a few years back and it was great.

              really helpful and seemed a nice guy.

              think he plays pool nowadays on the uk tour.....

