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how to contact trevor white

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  • #46
    Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
    well i spoke to trevor this morning - have you tried to phone him?
    Andrew this sort of suggests you found out something with regard to this missing cue - couldnt you at least post here what you found out rather than continue the embarrassment for Trevor - the buyer is in a different country and may not wish to run up a huge phone bill !


    • #47
      I have received TW's email finally. I am so glad that he communicated with me, and he is going to take care of the situation.
      It is truly a relief for me. And I am hopeful that all the waiting is going to come to an end soon.


      • #48
        Good that everything has been sorted out


        • #49


          • #50
            Trevor White cue


            I am not that new to the game but I am starting to get serious about the game and I feel my old cue which was bought for my yonks ago by my mum is holding me back! Its the 2 piece version of what Stephen Hendry Used to play with before it was broken (power glide connoisseur). I know it sounds terrible to say I think the cue isn't very good when it was used by such a legend. However I was hoping to also get in contact with Trevor White as he from all accounts makes fantastic cues. However I don't know how to go about doing so!

            Also as a side comment do you think its to soon to seek such a nice cue when you are not very good at the game? I always like to buy something that lasts but don't know if this is a bad idea.



            • #51
              Welcome to TSF mate ,

              TW email is on the first few pages of this thread. You can send him an e-mail.
              It would be better if you let us know about your budget and your spec.
              In my opinion, getting a suitable cue for yourself does helps to improve your game. Since you are getting serious, no harm invest in a good cue. A good cue could last you many years. Maybe can live longer than you.
              Many great cue makers around, do check out some of the old threads by using the search button. Do some research around and maybe you'll find yourself a good deal.
              Terry Davidson in TSF, has some nice cue for sale on the other thread. The H&O is a good deal.
              ADR147 has a very nice one piece Omin Classic for sale too ..



              • #52
                Thanks for your reply Freddie. I am willing to spend maybe upwards of £400 on a cue + case and extensions, like I say I don't mind paying for quality and maybe something you can pass on etc.

                As for the spec I don't really know exactly as I have only ever played with one cue. However I always feel my cue is really butt heavy and exagerates the movement towards the tip end if you see what I mean. I like the weight but wish it wasnt so poorly distributed in the cue, however don't know if thats just how it is. I feel the butt size is a little big for me but have no idea about working out the correct size for my hand. The height seems a tad long, I am 5 7" and play with the stance were your right leg is back and your left leg is forwardand striaght. I forget the name but its not "boxing stance" , I know this has a impact on how long you want your cue. Tip size is another problem I feel I should measure mine currently but dont have a caliper to do it accurately. My potting would probably improve with a slightly bigger tip but I don't know if my cueing will improve to were I can deal with a smaller tip! But this is what I had in mind:

                18 oz - roughly the weight of my current cue which I am used to.
                9.5mm tip size - I hear this is good balance for spin and long potting
                56inch length - I assume this is a good length for someone who is 5 7"
                3/4 with a SD bottom
                Butt diameter I am unsure - is there a good way of measuring?
                I like the look of Maple (in particular I love the cue furthest right in this picture 3rd picture down and the furthest to the right of the four cues shown.)

                Any Advice would be much appreciated!


                • #53
                  Originally Posted by channy View Post
                  Thanks for your reply Freddie. I am willing to spend maybe upwards of £400 on a cue + case and extensions, like I say I don't mind paying for quality and maybe something you can pass on etc.
                  Good idea to pay for quality, a good cue is a good investment.
                  As for the spec I don't really know exactly as I have only ever played with one cue. However I always feel my cue is really butt heavy and exagerates the movement towards the tip end if you see what I mean. I like the weight but wish it wasnt so poorly distributed in the cue, however don't know if thats just how it is. I feel the butt size is a little big for me but have no idea about working out the correct size for my hand. The height seems a tad long, I am 5 7" and play with the stance were your right leg is back and your left leg is forwardand striaght. I forget the name but its not "boxing stance" , I know this has a impact on how long you want your cue. Tip size is another problem I feel I should measure mine currently but dont have a caliper to do it accurately. My potting would probably improve with a slightly bigger tip but I don't know if my cueing will improve to were I can deal with a smaller tip! But this is what I had in mind:

                  18 oz - roughly the weight of my current cue which I am used to. Good idea
                  9.5mm tip size - I hear this is good balance for spin and long potting Sounds good to me
                  56inch length - I assume this is a good length for someone who is 5 7" At 5'7", 56 - 56.5 should be a good size, unless you have long or short arms for your height. In which case adjust accordingly ...
                  3/4 with a SD bottom Very good idea.
                  Butt diameter I am unsure - is there a good way of measuring? A butt diameter of 29 - 29.5mm is the current "norm" and is good for most people
                  I like the look of Maple (in particular I love the cue furthest right in this picture 3rd picture down and the furthest to the right of the four cues shown.) You have VERY good taste in cues, my friend! Just one thing, is your current cue maple or ash? If you're not used to playing with maple then prepare for a time of adjustment upon receiving the cue.

                  Any Advice would be much appreciated!
                  I think you've got pretty much everything worked out well for someone who claims he doesn't have much experience! Lol Now all you have to do is contact Trev and wait 6 - 9 months :snooker:

                  Oh, by the way, welcome to TSF!
                  Il n'y a pas de problemes; il n'y a que des solutions qu'on n'a pas encore trouvées.

                  "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad." Brian O'Driscoll.


                  • #54
                    You can reach me at...

                    Trevor dot White at virgin dot net

                    I'd be happy to discuss it with you.


                    • #55
                      Thanks for you advice keithinfrance. I tried my best to read up about cues and all the aspects so don't let that fool you I am not that experienced! Its currently ash cue but I like the idea of a more subtle grain. Not that I should be looking at that to much on my execution! Whats the main difference with the two types apart from grain and colour?

                      Thanks Trevs1 I shall E-mail you right away!


                      • #56
                        Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                        Andrew this sort of suggests you found out something with regard to this missing cue - couldnt you at least post here what you found out rather than continue the embarrassment for Trevor - the buyer is in a different country and may not wish to run up a huge phone bill !
                        i do what i can - i don't own trevor!


                        • #57
                          Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                          i do what i can - i don't own trevor!
                          Thanks for you help. Andrew


                          • #58
                            Trevor, did you get my e-mails regarding my new cue and the spec adjustment (if its not too late of course)




                            • #59
                              Originally Posted by trevs1 View Post
                              Not been in the country for a while, but email me directly and I'll get back to you.
                              My name is paul beasley I would like to talk with Mr Trevor White about purchasing a cue. I hope I have the right contact and thank you for any help you can offer.


                              • #60
                                Check post number 54 above.

