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problem with trevor white cue !

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  • problem with trevor white cue !

    Hi guys !
    I had recently received PLANE EBONY BUTT, ONE PIECE ASHWOOD CUE
    From Trevor white , After just four days i noticed two thin crack in the
    middle of the ebony butt measuring about 5'' to 6''(vertical) in length,
    i had e-mailed trevor white regarding it, but no reply from him !
    Honestly speaking i was not impressed by his cue ! i have used and seen
    several cues they were much superior then Mr. WHITES cue !
    I think Members of This forum have HYPED His name, and he has become
    to big for hi shoes !
    I REQUEST to the members of the forum to be care full before advising
    his name to the guys who are seeking advice for the new cue. i am
    one of the unlucky ones who fell prey for it !!!!

  • #2
    I'm sorry you've had a bad experiance but I've think you are being too quick to pass judgement. I brought my que from trevor based on the advice given on this forum and the cue is first class. I'm sure trevor will replace the cue or refund you if your unhappy.
    I can only speak from my own experiance and found my que to be on a par with John parris if not better, especially the finish
    Last edited by cazmac1; 7 August 2010, 07:00 AM.


    • #3
      Could you show us some pictures please?
      You are in India and sometimes climatic difference can do funny things to a perfectly built cue.
      It is hard to really understand what you meant when you said there were cracks.
      Speaking from my personal experience, all the Trevor White cues I have seen are very well made. I love his work very much. They are very elegant and classy. His price is more than reasonable, and they hold up their value very well on the used market world wide.


      • #4
        I think ebony can develop thin cracks as i have had a cue with the same problem and that was from a top cue maker . I,m sure Trev will sort it out , he,s not going to stake his reputation for a single cue .

        I think you are just unfortunate , it happens in all walks of life , with every single product thats made , but give him a bit of time my friend to sort it out . Like other top cue makers he,s very busy , but very honest .

        Cazmac , sorrt to echo Cally , but its cue not que mucka .


        • #5
          Hi mate,

          What you think is "crack" on the ebony might be due to over expanding.

          Due to the diff in temp & climate btw UK & India, the ebony must have expanded thus causing a edge btw the ebony splash.
          It can not be seen clearly by the naked eye but can be easily felt from the human touch.

          You can easily cure this problem by getting a very fine grain sand paper at least 1000grid.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by shailendra View Post
            Hi guys !
            I had recently received PLANE EBONY BUTT, ONE PIECE ASHWOOD CUE
            From Trevor white , After just four days i noticed two thin crack in the
            middle of the ebony butt measuring about 5'' to 6''(vertical) in length,
            i had e-mailed trevor white regarding it, but no reply from him !
            Honestly speaking i was not impressed by his cue ! i have used and seen
            several cues they were much superior then Mr. WHITES cue !
            I think Members of This forum have HYPED His name, and he has become
            to big for hi shoes !
            I REQUEST to the members of the forum to be care full before advising
            his name to the guys who are seeking advice for the new cue. i am
            one of the unlucky ones who fell prey for it !!!!
            I know that you have tried to contact Trevor without reply. We all know that he is really busy, but he will respond to you eventually. As for your assessment of his work i have seen about 5-6 cues and they have all been of high standard. I play with a Trevor White cue myself and after a taking a while to get used to it, it is the best cue i have had. During the design and delivery of my cue Trevor has been great. When i recieved my cue i thought it the taper could be a little slimmer and Trevor sorted this out within a week. I cannot agree with your statments as in my experience he has been great to deal with. You are entitled to your opinion, but i think you should give Trevor an opportunity to respond. He will i am sure will sort out any issues.


            • #7
              quite honestly ,have you given trevor enought time to address your concerns . as its all to easy to come on here and tarnish or TRY to tarnish a mans reputation by shouting off ... THE MANS WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF...


              • #8
                well i am in a slighly different position from most people in that i have seen hundreds of trevors cue - there is nobody better - as for your own problem i know for sure trevor would have sorted it prior to you slagging him off on a public forum


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by shailendra View Post
                  Hi guys !
                  I had recently received PLANE EBONY BUTT, ONE PIECE ASHWOOD CUE
                  From Trevor white , After just four days i noticed two thin crack in the
                  middle of the ebony butt measuring about 5'' to 6''(vertical) in length,
                  i had e-mailed trevor white regarding it, but no reply from him !
                  Honestly speaking i was not impressed by his cue ! i have used and seen
                  several cues they were much superior then Mr. WHITES cue !
                  I think Members of This forum have HYPED His name, and he has become
                  to big for hi shoes !
                  I REQUEST to the members of the forum to be care full before advising
                  his name to the guys who are seeking advice for the new cue. i am
                  one of the unlucky ones who fell prey for it !!!!
                  What cues have you seen that you consider are better than a TW cue ?
                  Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by shailendra View Post
                    Hi guys !
                    I had recently received PLANE EBONY BUTT, ONE PIECE ASHWOOD CUE
                    From Trevor white , After just four days i noticed two thin crack in the
                    middle of the ebony butt measuring about 5'' to 6''(vertical) in length,
                    i had e-mailed trevor white regarding it, but no reply from him !
                    Honestly speaking i was not impressed by his cue ! i have used and seen
                    several cues they were much superior then Mr. WHITES cue !
                    I think Members of This forum have HYPED His name, and he has become
                    to big for hi shoes !
                    I REQUEST to the members of the forum to be care full before advising
                    his name to the guys who are seeking advice for the new cue. i am
                    one of the unlucky ones who fell prey for it !!!!
                    Does Trevor want to tell us something ! Has he grown out of his Hi Heels !

                    Sorry Trevor , could not resist that little joke
                    Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                    • #11
                      The O.P of this thread mailed me about the issue with this cue on Thursday the 5th at 6.45pm U.K time, expressing his concerns over the condition of the butt on this cue.

                      Although I didn't reply immediately to that mail, as is sometimes the case with mails or calls, I did speak with him on the phone the following day or maybe the day after when he called me. At that time I had no idea that he had posted this here.

                      I apologised for the issue he had experienced with it and offered to build a replacement cue or to fix the issue with the current cue if he would prefer to keep that one. I was told that a replacement would be fine and that he was very happy with the offer. It was agreed that for the replacement cue, the specs would also be slightly altered from the original cue, which I had no problem with and am more than happy to do in order to make him pleased with the end result. I apologised again and we left it at that for me to build the replacement for him.

                      If the above offer was not satisfactory, then I woud happily refund him on return of the cue and would make sure he had lost nothing other than time in waiting for it to be made in the first place.

                      To me, it does seem a little unfair to post what he has here, but everyone is entitled to their views and I fully respect that in this case he might have been unhappy. At the end of the day, this forum does provide a great service to those seeking to learn more about cues and their makers, so as a maker, I must take the good with the bad.

                      Thanks to those who have spoken well of their experiences of me, I appreciate that.

                      Oh, and Neil is wrong.......I never wear high heels...........

                      You get your mini-butt Neil..???
                      Last edited by trevs1; 8 August 2010, 10:19 AM.


                      • #12
                        Mini Butt and hi heels in the same thread ! And it's God's day as well . Heaven Forbid
                        I'm glad you cleared that up about your footwear .

                        Not got it yet Trevor .
                        Not a bad result in buying it as the next day Hotpot[member on the Forum ] was looking for a mini butt for his cue . So i can sell him mine .

                        Going out this afternoon to do your wonderfully made cue some justice , i hope

                        Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                        • #13
                          well there is no motive in this , i said what i felt at the time. i expressed my
                          feeling, everyone is entitled to their views.i wish i could post pictures of the
                          cue, but i do not know how to post them. i mean the cue is so thick and
                          slightly heavier then i thought, actually in my cue specs i told him to keep
                          weight between 17.5 to 18 oz but the cue is 18.5oz . The EBONY butt is
                          also disappointment i expected it to be jet black and shiny smooth.
                          well may be my expectations were too high or i am overreacting !
                          I DO NOT KNOW !
                          Anyway cue is back on its way to uk
                          I have not yet made up my mind whether to go for refund or replacement !


                          • #14
                            Shailendra, I've sent you a PM.


                            • #15
                              Go for a replacement , you won't regret it .
                              Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !

