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problem with trevor white cue !

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  • #46
    I have Played,Seen and Dealt with many of Trevors Cues and they are Superb!!

    I have never known Anybody to have a Problem with Trevor White Cues as he is One of the Best Cue Makers in the World if Not the Best!

    Not saying there wasn't a problem with yours but you were Very Very Unfortunate as your the 1st Person I have ever heard with a problem.

    Trevor is a Top Guy and if there ever is a Problem with any of his Cues he would be the Sort to Correct the Problem with No Fuss at all.



    • #47
      In a perfect world every thing would be perfect, but unfortunatly we don't live in a perfect world. I'm sure if the cue has any problems trevor will sort it out there is no need to try and rubbish the guys work due to your bad experiance.


      • #48
        i got my cue from trevor about 2weeks ago, i have to say the only problem i have with it was that the tip is slightly too small, 9mm instead of 9.5mm, but that was my problem, coz i told trevor to make it 9mm. trevor maybe slow when it comes to replying emails, but he is a nice guy. and his cue is top notch, one of mate has already fell in love with my TW cue i hope in near future i will have enough money to order another cue from trevor, and it will be a 9.5mm tip


        • #49
          Originally Posted by davidwu View Post
          i got my cue from trevor about 2weeks ago, i have to say the only problem i have with it was that the tip is slightly too small, 9mm instead of 9.5mm, but that was my problem, coz i told trevor to make it 9mm. trevor maybe slow when it comes to replying emails, but he is a nice guy. and his cue is top notch, one of mate has already fell in love with my TW cue i hope in near future i will have enough money to order another cue from trevor, and it will be a 9.5mm tip
          Lol all that waiting and you ordered the wrong specs


          • #50
            Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
            Lol all that waiting and you ordered the wrong specs
            haha, well it is my first cue so i just went for what i think was right. 9mm tip is not a big problem, since i play pool most of the time. but i guess 9.5mm will be better for beginner of snooker.


            • #51
              I presently use a custom built TW cue and love it! Trevor made it exactly to my specifications and the cue workmanship is superb. In addition he got the flex of the shaft exactly correct.

              There are a number of good cuemakers around, perhaps starting with Parris years ago but now you can add White, Wooldridge, Cook, Aurora and even LK.T to the list of cuemakers who make excellent products. However, every once in a while any of these cuemakers may do a cue which has some problems since we're dealing with a natural product here which can be affected by such things as temperature and humidity changes.

              All that said, I believe the best value for money to be White, Cook and Aurora with Wooldridge, Parris and LK.T being more costly by some degree. A custom Parris will run me around 650quid (incl shipping), a custom Wooldrige around 750quid and a custom LK.T. I just paid $889(CAN) for and just got a courier's bill for another $56 so around $950(CAN) or about 600quid or so.

              So, you makes your choice and you pays your money and generally you will get what you paid for. If you buy a cue for 200quid don't expect it to equal a Wooldridge, it just won't be the same quality for sure.

              Terry Davidson
              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


              • #52
                Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                I presently use a custom built TW cue and love it! Trevor made it exactly to my specifications and the cue workmanship is superb. In addition he got the flex of the shaft exactly correct.....
                Put some pics on Terry when you get the chance


                • #53
                  Hello to all,

                  I wanted to ask if there is a certain temperature which is best for a snooker cue?

                  I know that very cool temperature is bad but what about warm temperature?

                  I keep my cues in the car garage and its pretty warm in there. The other day I noticed that one my cues developed a small crack on the ebony just where the butt joint is. Could this happen because of the warm dry air in the garage?



                  • #54
                    Extremes of temperature and extremes of humidity can cause wood to expand and shrink but in my opinion what causes most damage is the speed at which the cue is exposed to different temperatures/humidity, i.e taken from a cold car boot where it was left over night to a hot indoor dry atmosphere.
                    Try to keep the cue at the temperature/humidity that it will be used in, room temperature.
                    If a cue does get very cold or hot try to let it get to room temperature as gently as possible.
                    I am sure in Russia you have a wider range of temperatures to deal with than we in the UK usually face.
                    Also what helps is the quality of the woods used and how long they have been allowed to "settle" before being used in the making of the cue. I am sure a cuemaker can cast better light on that subject.
                    All the best.
                    Last edited by DeanH; 3 December 2011, 03:23 PM.
                    Up the TSF! :snooker:


                    • #55
                      DeanH thats some really useful information... thank a lot!!

                      Does this also cause cue bending? I got a new cue about a month ago and last week I was randomly spinning the upper part of the cue (it's jointed) and I saw that its not spinning smoothly. I have no idea how this could happen being very careful with the cue and all... The only thing to blame here I guess is the quality of the cue or more precisely the shaft. I gave it to some local guy yesterday who claims he knows how to straighten cues and I really hope it will work since I kind of got used to it already and it would be a real shame putting that cue aside after such a short period of time... : /


                      • #56
                        I think large temp/humidity changes usually affects splices and joints but I think could cause bending in extreme conditions.
                        How do you mean "spinning"? as in - in your hand with the cue vertical, butt on the floor?
                        The best way of checking the straightness of a cue is to view down the cue and turn in 90degs.
                        Do not test the trueness by rolling the cue on a table to see if it is straight; this technique will show up a big bend, yes, but if it shows a small wiggle this is more probably the taper in the shaft and not a bend.
                        There is some old threads on checking straightness and tapers so a short search will give you some more reading. Enjoy
                        Up the TSF! :snooker:


                        • #57
                          I was happy after reading your message because the technique I used was rolling the cue on the table and what it showed was something between a bend and a wiggle I guess... So I took the cue in my hands today hoping to find out its straight but then I looked at the cue from all angles possible and it definitely has a bend It's quite a shame since the cue is only about one month old!
                          I carried it with me through a 3 hour flight and my only guess is that the cold temperature while in the air caused the bend.


                          • #58
                            easy enough to straighten it.

