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dan shelton cues

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  • i keep reading what a good bloke dan is.if that is so why has he not returned the money he owes people.he would then get them off his back and give him time to sort his life out!!!!!


    • i for one dont want a refund, i want my cue. and i know its almost done
      Last edited by ja.; 12 May 2011, 06:29 PM.


      • Dan was very kind to offer to design my badge for me when I first started. I am always grateful for that. We used to chat quite a bit on MSN. He was also very kind in including my cue pictures in his web site, which again, was a very kind gesture that I will always appreciate.

        I am very sorry to see how things have turned out for Dan. I dont have any comment but I just want to say this:

        Dan, if there is anything I can help you with, please do not hesitate to let me know.

        I hope you can get everything up and running soon.

        Take care, mate.
        Last edited by poolqjunkie; 14 May 2011, 04:23 AM.


        • Dan was a nice broke to chat & deal with, i have no doubt about it.
          I have also learn many things about snooker cue simply thru our regular chats.

          Over the years, i have had about 6 cues off him either repair, refurnish or build from scratch.
          Maybe i m just unlucky but all didn't came about to my expectations and he usually took longer than average to have them shipped out after completion.
          He still owned me a John Parris mini butt which he has promised me to be shipped out by sept 2010 which i have paid in May 2010.

          I m quite surprise that he can randomly chat on MSN even though he indicated that he has no internet connections.

          I know you must be feeling at your worst right now when everything in life come crashing down, i wish i can provide you with some help.
          But do have a heart for those who had paid you good money for a Dan Shelton cue which is long due out to them, for they are worried that their payment is seemingly going down the drain.
          Last edited by willytan; 14 May 2011, 03:32 AM.


          • Originally Posted by trevs1 View Post
            I have no idea of what the problems have been, but I do wish Dan all the very best in getting things back together in his personal life.

            In response to the above......

            I manage my workload because it's actually what I do for a living. It is NOT a paid hobby for me. Although I work alone, and largely by hand, I have been making cues for a long time, have decent equipment to speed some processes, and know exactly what I can get done in what sort of timeframe.

            I think perhaps this is where part of the issue is for Dan. From what I understand, he began working on cues as a hobby, posted images of that on this forum, which led to requests from people to have cues altered or repaired, and eventually cues to be made to individual specs and designs. This is where it can go wrong if you're not realistic over what is achieveable, given your abilities and resources. I would never have been surprised if Dan had got into trouble if he accepted too much work, as it is quite surprising how it mounts up, and puts pressure on you to deliver. If this is anything like being close to what he has gone through, then it will have felt like a big weight on him. If that is then coupled with personal problems, which maybe drain you of your energy or desire to get things done, then it's a recipe for disaster.

            I wouldn't dream of suggesting anything to Dan apart from... take care of yourself, and be positive, there is always a corner to turn, you just have to hang on long enough.

            If at some point you are able to contact those you are dealing with, all well and good and I'm sure they and Dan would feel better for it. I'm sure it's a very difficult situation for everyone involved.
            honest post trev, even though you are used to making a large number of cues by yourself, still quite a task in my opinion, so well done too you, as you keep the quality up.
            totally agree with your view of dan, orders have prob got over his head etc. but i do think will sort it eventually


            • Anybody heard anything yet?
              Just because its old, doesn't mean its worth a fortune!!


              • No muck , its getting to the stage where thye best solution maybe for Dan to pay the money back to people as there seems to be no signs of any cues being made, or hearing from him .


                • Think maybe its time for ADR to pay him a visit !
                  Thought he would be up and running by now, maybe he is and is working flat out to deliver backlog......but no one seems to know if that is the case or not, and i guess for you guys awaiting cues that would be the most annoying thing.


                  • Someone not so long since quoted as having spoken to him on MSN and told him about this thread. Take a look at Dans profile and he's still not been on.
                    If it were me then I'd certainly have been on to this and tried explaining things.
                    The man appears to be beyond help or has not a single care about his customers.


                    • Its getting to the point now that im seriously thinking of seeking legal advice
                      Just because its old, doesn't mean its worth a fortune!!


                      • Originally Posted by Burwat Champ View Post
                        Its getting to the point now that im seriously thinking of seeking legal advice
                        Hopefully it won't come to that. However, it's been long enough for those who have handed over their hard earned cash. Hope it works out for all parties involved!


                        • Dan get yourself together mate, it is not too late.


                          • Originally Posted by Inoffthered View Post
                            Hopefully it won't come to that. However, it's been long enough for those who have handed over their hard earned cash. Hope it works out for all parties involved!
                            I really hope I dont have to go down that route as Dan seems like a nice guy when I have spoken to him and I do sympathise with what he has been through, but considering I paid him in full in January 2010 and he is not keeping anybody informed Im not sure how much longer we just wait around before people have to look at options to either get cues or recover money.

                            Times are hard for most at the moment and I for one just cant write off that kind of money.

                            Dan just give us an update please
                            Just because its old, doesn't mean its worth a fortune!!


                            • refund is the best way anyway


                              • has anyone actually asked for their moey back then?

