Tipping your own cues is such an important task and it should NOT be passed off to the guy in the club. Why? Doing your own tip from start to finish provides the greatest reward of all: accomplishment and confidence knowing you did the tip yourself and that will show in your match play! After all, the tip is the second most important part of the cue next to the cue itself!!
However, tipping can be a pain without putting the cue on a lathe. I have a lathe, but it's not large enough for my one-piece cue. I'm pretty good with cutting excess material off now and sanding a curve to the tip but the sides of the tip continue to be a challenge. I haven't found any smart trick or easy way to sand the sides of the tip yet.
Do you have some trick or tip for sanding the sides of your tip by hand?
P.S. Lovely 46 break today
Pinks and Blacks!!
However, tipping can be a pain without putting the cue on a lathe. I have a lathe, but it's not large enough for my one-piece cue. I'm pretty good with cutting excess material off now and sanding a curve to the tip but the sides of the tip continue to be a challenge. I haven't found any smart trick or easy way to sand the sides of the tip yet.
Do you have some trick or tip for sanding the sides of your tip by hand?
P.S. Lovely 46 break today
