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Making a cue

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  • Making a cue

    Hi all, Digging around on this and other forums provided very little information for making a cue. Even though the basics of making a cue is not that wildly complex (compared to say making a grandfather clock, a cupboard or a chair) there are definitely some open questions that I would like to answer before continuing on this project. Some of the questions I have are:

    1: Is there a standard angle for the splices or is that open to interpretation.
    2: How is extra weight added to a one piece cue? Is it done with lead or with rod end brass or steel screwed in the butt end.

    Obviously any information available on the web known to people here will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    No clear answer on the angles of the splices yet, but I've been thinking about the weight and will do it my way . My first search on the forum provided little in the line of cue making, but a second search hit far more info. Good to see that there are enough guys getting their hands dirty.


    • #3
      cue making

      hi weighting a cue requires drilling the butt and weighting with watever you choose a 1 piece drill about 8 inches into butt put weight and try for balance add or remove as you see fit spliing ime the worst cant get them level no matter how i try


      • #4
        re the splices, i would say that that is a matter of personal choice and trial and error. As for the weighting, now you're just getting technical on my ass!!


        • #5
          You must be damn good with timber man ! Making a cue sounds like madly complex work to me. Good luck for your project btw I hope it turns out well and good !


          • #6
            The sg of steel is 7.8 and of lead is 11.3. Instead of filling the hole drilled in the butt with lead, the idea is to tap a thread in the butt. Then I'll weigh how much rod end needs to be inserted and use teflon tape on the rod end to ensure that it doesn't move. The balance point will then be fully adjustable.

