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HELP NEEDED, In the market for a new hand crafted personalised professional cue.....

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  • HELP NEEDED, In the market for a new hand crafted personalised professional cue.....


    I've read various topics however I would greatly appreciate and welcome some advice about who to go for a new hand crafted professional cue in the UK. I have been pointed to many times. Does anyone know the reliability of this store?

    I am situated in Gloucestershire so anything local and with good reputation will be great but will be willing to travel if needed. Any information on proces etc will also be welcomed.

    Thank you


  • #2
    I have only heard very good things about the cue-makers at Mastercraft cues.
    I would get in contact with them and arrange to pop into there workshop (not store )
    Up the TSF! :snooker:


    • #3
      Brilliant just what I wanted to hear. Am in contact with them and hopefully will be making a trip to their workshop (not store) very soon. Thank you


      • #4
        Originally Posted by jwhitbread View Post
        Brilliant just what I wanted to hear. Am in contact with them and hopefully will be making a trip to their workshop (not store) very soon. Thank you
        Best of luck, enjoy your trip.
        Do not forget to post any cue you get on the "post pictures of your cue" thread
        Last edited by DeanH; 5 May 2011, 08:32 PM.
        Up the TSF! :snooker:


        • #5
          oh I will do don't worry! I would with my current cue but it's only a off the shelf model and not worthy of showing off much cueing skills at the moment :P will let you know how it turns out! thanks again


          • #6
            Do a search on here for mastercraft and you will hit good feedback which should give you confidence with these makers.
            I belive that Dave and Chris at Mastercraft worked at another good-reputation British cuemaker before setting up on their own.
            Up the TSF! :snooker:


            • #7
     is in gloucester.


              • #8
                Craftsman at Kippax worth a shout,check out their feedback on this forum.Large display of cues and two tables to trial them.Find what you like and get total custom build to your specs.Couldnt be simpler.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by old school View Post
                  Craftsman at Kippax worth a shout,check out their feedback on this forum.Large display of cues and two tables to trial them.Find what you like and get total custom build to your specs.Couldnt be simpler.
                  I would also recommend craftsman but as you said you were in gloucester, I mentioned


                  • #10
                    it depends on your budget, but if your going to spend a bit more i'd go for a mike wooldridge cue meself.

                    the quality and finish are the best out there imo.


                    • #11
                      so guys, back again as didn't realise how many of you replied which is awesome btw. I've never had a customer cue made. but i expected my budget to be maximum £185 (as this is the price I was happy with of mastercraft cues). if you were all me are you saying you'd all choose different places are are you all coming to a general consensus of one place? really need advice as I really need to order it in time for my 21st birthday haha! all help is greatly appreciated


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by jwhitbread View Post
                        so guys, back again as didn't realise how many of you replied which is awesome btw. I've never had a customer cue made. but i expected my budget to be maximum £185 (as this is the price I was happy with of mastercraft cues). if you were all me are you saying you'd all choose different places are are you all coming to a general consensus of one place? really need advice as I really need to order it in time for my 21st birthday haha! all help is greatly appreciated
                        Do you know the exact spec of the cue you want?


                        • #13
                          I have absolutely no idea. The guy at mastercraft cues told me to pick a cue that I like playing with and use similar specs. Now I currently have a cue however I would have no idea what it's specifications haha


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by jwhitbread View Post
                            I have absolutely no idea. The guy at mastercraft cues told me to pick a cue that I like playing with and use similar specs. Now I currently have a cue however I would have no idea what it's specifications haha
                            Well I suppose its whether you like those specs as to whether you want to get a cue made to those specs?

                            For your budget, there is still a lot choice for makers, the british makers you have craftsman, mastercraft, or cue guru who is just starting out making cracking cues.

                            If you like the specs of your current cue, then I would suggest you get the cue to one of the above and ask them to match the cue specification.

                            If you wanted something different, I would go to craftsman workshop where they have hundreds of cues you can try out on their tables.

                            Find the one you like and buy it.


                            • #15
                              And if you were to choose a reputable and reliable craftsman who would you go to?

