For Sale - Very Very Rare 1pc Joe Davis Exhibition 147 Ash Cue with the Weight Stamp Side On.
These are Very Rare as these Joe Davis Cues with the Weight Stamp Side on were Only Made for Joe Davis 2 Major Exhibitions 1 in 1937 and the Other in Late 1950's after he Made his 1st 147 in 1955. This Cue has the 147 Badge on with the Weight Stamp Side On so this would have been the 2nd Major Exhibition after his great 147 in 1955 and his last Ever Major Exhibition!
I spoke to Andy Hunter on Sunday who 99% of People know or Heard of him if they are into Antique Cues and Collectables as Andy is the Most Knowledgeable Person in the UK if Not the World on Antique Cues & Collectables! and he said he has had 1000's of Joe Davis Cues but Only ever Seen 2 of These Cues with the Weight Stamp Side on which he Confirms they were Made Specially for Joe Davis Major Exhibitions which there were Only 2 Ever!!
I also asked Andy that the Ash looked very Dark Colour and he told me to Smell the Cue as he said that was Smoke from the Old Clubs! And I did smell it while I was on the Phone to Him and Yes he was Correct again smelt like a Fag! He did tell me Not to Clean the Cue or Anything as this is the Way Collectors and Fans of Joe Davis would love Original Cue Not Touched.
I have Attached some Pictures of this Very Rare Cue Below Please look at the Weight Stamp Side On instead of being Straight!
Cue Specs.......
Length Approx: 58"
Tip Approx: 9.7mm
Butt Diameter: 31.7

As the Picture Below Shows I have just given the Badge a Quick Wipe and Most of the Nicotine/etc has come off the Badge but so has some of the Ink writing which is Nothing to Worry About as Tony Glover and Many Others can put that Back in like its was Originally as the Grooves are still there and it just needs the Ink put back in which I will get Done for Who ever Buys this if they want me too ok.

These are Very Rare as these Joe Davis Cues with the Weight Stamp Side on were Only Made for Joe Davis 2 Major Exhibitions 1 in 1937 and the Other in Late 1950's after he Made his 1st 147 in 1955. This Cue has the 147 Badge on with the Weight Stamp Side On so this would have been the 2nd Major Exhibition after his great 147 in 1955 and his last Ever Major Exhibition!
I spoke to Andy Hunter on Sunday who 99% of People know or Heard of him if they are into Antique Cues and Collectables as Andy is the Most Knowledgeable Person in the UK if Not the World on Antique Cues & Collectables! and he said he has had 1000's of Joe Davis Cues but Only ever Seen 2 of These Cues with the Weight Stamp Side on which he Confirms they were Made Specially for Joe Davis Major Exhibitions which there were Only 2 Ever!!
I also asked Andy that the Ash looked very Dark Colour and he told me to Smell the Cue as he said that was Smoke from the Old Clubs! And I did smell it while I was on the Phone to Him and Yes he was Correct again smelt like a Fag! He did tell me Not to Clean the Cue or Anything as this is the Way Collectors and Fans of Joe Davis would love Original Cue Not Touched.
I have Attached some Pictures of this Very Rare Cue Below Please look at the Weight Stamp Side On instead of being Straight!
Cue Specs.......
Length Approx: 58"
Tip Approx: 9.7mm
Butt Diameter: 31.7

As the Picture Below Shows I have just given the Badge a Quick Wipe and Most of the Nicotine/etc has come off the Badge but so has some of the Ink writing which is Nothing to Worry About as Tony Glover and Many Others can put that Back in like its was Originally as the Grooves are still there and it just needs the Ink put back in which I will get Done for Who ever Buys this if they want me too ok.
