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Cue Advise

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  • #31
    I think the ebay rush got to me and I ended up getting a craftsman cue with plain ebony butt (with case and mini butt) from there today for 100.

    Thinking about it I should have just gone for Andys one he has on sale.....

    Will see when I get in a couple of days as to how well it plays :-)

    Otherwise I have my eye on a couple of others at the moment and might start the buying and selling till I get the right one for me.

    Shane not sure if you have been to any good cue places but there is Thurstons in Aston where you can try out a few cues, I went there but wasnt to keen on the peragons though, however there own braded ones were fantastic, so I asked them if they had any mastercues since they were using mastercue extenders and was told no. When I got home I found oput that Thurstons own brand are rebranded Mastercues. The exclusive 2 felt very nice but was about 186.


    • #32

      If you are still looking for a cue I advise you to pop over to Thurstons in Aston, I went over there and found out the difference between the cheap peragon ones and the smoothness of some good cues.

      Funny thing is I asked if they had any mastercues and the guy told me they didn't do them, and I liked the exclusive 2 which I found out afterwards IS a mastercue just rebranded........

      Anyway I managed to get a cue, piece of madness on ebay, bought a craftsman classic handmade one with all ebony, paid 100 for it.

      Should have talked to Trav as the day after, he sold a one piece for the same price, just saw cue and bid for it without thinking .....

      Good luck in your hunt ......

      ps there is also B&W in Sutton where you may look at good cues


      • #33
        Did you settle on a cue?


        • #34
          Thanks for everybody's help and advice, it was really appreciated yeah I got a cue in the end, brought it off Stu from green baize who was very very helpful and its a lvely cue, only had chance to use it once but won the 2 games i played so can't be a bad start , Thanks again to everybody who replied


          • #35
            Good to hear Shane. I'm going to visit Green Baize too next time i'm down that way so good to know Stu gets the thumbs up.


            • #36
              Yeah he is really really helpful and would defiantly recommend him to anybody

