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My TW's almost here...

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
    You not got a tape measure then ???....balance it on your finger then just measure from the butt to your finger, job done
    Have I got the cue in my hands yet? lol. Nvm.
    Last edited by Inoffthered; 22 June 2011, 06:01 PM.


    • #17
      Lol sorry mate, forgot that minor point


      • #18
        Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
        Lol sorry mate, forgot that minor point
        You're right tho. When it comes to balance points I'm cueless and useless haha


        • #19
          Looks lovely IORT....

          Not long now bud...


          • #20
            Got a reply from Trevor.

            "The balance point on this is around 18", which is quite forward for a cue of this length and shape. Give it a go and let me know what you think."

            Fingers crossed I get on ok with it. Because it won't be the cue that's the problem... but me!


            • #21
              willtyson, clam down mate, it was said tongue in cheek.

              most cue makers take a long time from taken an order to the point of posting it out to you, as a general rule say to yourself it will take 6 months plus, if it turns up before great unless your like me and your cue is ready a good bit before you were expecting it and you don't have the money in the bank.

              i learned myself not so long ago, no one gives you a straight and accurate answer cause it changes from cue maker to cue maker and also how buzy that cue maker. just my opinion but i think a lot of folks on the forum feel it's a bit rude to say how long they waited ???

              best bet is just to ask them yourself. sorry if my sarky comments offended mate if so it was not intended,must be my Scottish humor


              • #22
                Originally Posted by ashbash View Post
                most cue makers take a long time from taken an order to the point of posting it out to you, as a general rule say to yourself it will take 6 months plus, if it turns up before great unless your like me and your cue is ready a good bit before you were expecting it and you don't have the money in the bank.
                In a way, it's not a bad thing. This gives you plenty of time to put cash aside each week towards your purchase. As I've got older, I'm no way near as impatient as I once was ( although in the last week it's been like Xmas ) haha.


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by Inoffthered View Post
                  In a way, it's not a bad thing. This gives you plenty of time to put cash aside each week towards your purchase. As I've got older, I'm no way near as impatient as I once was ( although in the last week it's been like Xmas ) haha.
                  True, but the last time I ordered a couple of cues together and they were ready at least 6 weeks before I was expecting it (should have budgeted better lol) Next time I will have the money in the bank long before I expect to take delivery.
                  Hope you enjoy your new cue mate, looks a cracking piece of wood, love the grain pattern.


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by ashbash View Post
                    True, but the last time I ordered a couple of cues together and they were ready at least 6 weeks before I was expecting it (should have budgeted better lol) Next time I will have the money in the bank long before I expect to take delivery.
                    Hope you enjoy your new cue mate, looks a cracking piece of wood, love the grain pattern.
                    TW received in the mail today. OMG. I've not seen a finish on a cue like this in years ( I cannot remember what my JP felt like when I first had it ). Not had a knock with it yet ( hope to do so over the next couple of days ).

                    But the positive thing is, in my hands it feels almost identical to my "JP slim", despite having a slightly wider butt @ 27mm. Trevor did advise me though, as I chose a longer butt, the shaft is shorter and therefore stiffer. So will have to see how it goes.

                    I have another couple of cues hanging around and will def. be mailing to Trev when I get the time. His finish is the best I've seen on a cue. People have use the words "silky smooth" on here before when describing this finish and they're spot on!

                    It's been well worth the wait.

                    Will post some pictures later.


                    • #25
                      Sounds nice muck , hope it plays well .


                      • #26
                        Congrats buddy... The wait is over....

                        Hope it plays as good as it loooks/feels for ya.


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by cally View Post
                          Congrats buddy... The wait is over....

                          Hope it plays as good as it loooks/feels for ya.
                          Hey, I think I got lucky!

                          Just wanted to share with the forum my initial feedback on this cue.

                          Had a little knock with it today. As you well know, I was umming and arrhing over 27.5 or 27mm. I am so glad I went with the 27mm.

                          This cue feels SO GOOD in my hands. It feels like my old JP "slim" ( esp. compare to the other spare cue which was chunky in comparison ). This cue Trev has made for me is right on the money. It feels SO familiar. I love IT!

                          The weighting, balance point ( which I have do not much idea about ) @ 18" feels RIGHT and familiar. I can't believe my luck. I was sure my specs were right for me, BUT i have seen SO MANY ppl on the snooker forum selling TW cues and other cue makers' cues within a few weeks of receiving them that doubts were starting to creep in this last week or so. I was afraid I would not take to it.

                          This cue is a solid hit and very responsive. This also is similar to my old cue, it seems I've liked stiffer shafts on my cues all these years but haven't noticed, I've just played snooker! I have been fortunate enough to have played to a high standard with 3 cues now. I am confident this will be my 4th ( despite me & the ageing process ).

                          The finish on Trev's cues are awesome. I cannot remember how my John Parris felt all those years ago, but I'm sure it didn't feel THIS silky smooth.

                          To sum up, I'm blown away by this cue. With a combination of Trevor's experience, expertise and luck on my part, I now have a cue that almost resembles my JP ( which was proving SO hard to be weened off ) that is solid, exceptionally constructed and feels so familiar to me.

                          I wish to thank Trevor pubicly for all his help and patience with my emails, changing my mind, then changing it again, some sent gone 3am ( you get the idea ) LOL. You're up there with the best cue makers in the world. Some other cuemakers can be SO overrated.

                          I forgot my camera today doh! My mobile phone wouldn't do this cue justice, so will upload at a later date.

                          Thanks for your support Cally!

                          Last edited by Inoffthered; 25 June 2011, 03:40 PM. Reason: Picture added.


                          • #28
                            Pretty sure this is my playing cue now (not that ive been doing much of that) though i play with the badge down so there's a couple of arrows near the ferrule, which is now a blackspin ferrule. I'll have to double check tomorrow

                            Be interesting to know how many owners its had so far, when i got it around march last year it already had the blackspin fitted. Also had a weird circular dent around the diamater of the shaft like a tip clamp had squeezed onto the wood too tightly but was too far down to have been that. Sorted by Mike Wooldridge . Gonna have to try and get playing again soon.
                            Last edited by narl; 2 January 2016, 02:58 AM.


                            • #29
                              You bought it off "inoffthered"?


                              • #30
                                Originally Posted by Jedwick View Post
                                You bought it off "inoffthered"?

                                Bought it off eBay, no clue who the seller was. Definitely the same cue though It has lost some weight, around 17.7 instead of the 19.oz it was originally. Far as I know length and tip size are the same. Getting extensions sorted was a PITA as none seemed to fit (old or new), can only assume whoever bored the weight out never re-seated the base joint properly as it had to go to Trevor to be sorted out.
                                Last edited by narl; 3 January 2016, 12:21 AM.

