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which cue?

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  • which cue?


    which cues would you guys say are better Tony wilshaw or tony glover cues?
    im thinking of buying a plain ebony cue of one of these cue makers. TW is slightly more expensive for this type of cue

  • #2
    Glover in my IMHO although not too much in it
    Just because its old, doesn't mean its worth a fortune!!


    • #3
      I had a Tony Wilshaw cue and can say that that was a really good cue well build and good balance. Cant say much about the Glover ones as never owned one.


      • #4
        I just put this in another thread

        You can only really compare cue for cue, not maker to maker.

        What works for you may not work for the next person.

        What I have learnt in the past year or 2 of trying different cues has totally changed my views. I had all these thoughts of wonders whats the best, right answer etc etc. It has taught me that its not the manufacturer, its the cue itself. Whether that be branded Trevor White, Robin Cook or David Beckham.

        What also plays a majority of the part is the person behind it.

        Providing you have the got the right cue and it feels right, plays well for you, nothing else matters.


        • #5
          What Jaffa says is correct. You can't really differentiate between cue makers as to who makes the better cue as its always down to personal opinion at the end of the day. You could have 2 cues made up from both TW and Glover made identically but both will play differently. It doesn't mean either one will be bad or good, its just down to which feels better for you. So what we are kind of saying is, you pay your money and you take your chance, if you've got the opportunity then go and visit both as they will or should have a few cues available to buy but at least you can see them and feel them and its a far better way to buy a cue.


          • #6
            i can say glover is a great guy to deal with.


            • #7
              Tony Glover's cues are quite good. I like his antique replica cues very much.
              Tony Wilshaw is a good cue maker, too. His cues tend to have a more soft feel in my opinion. It is not a bad thing as a lot of people I know like a more lively feel to their cues. But if you are looking for a stiff hitting cue you may want to mention it when you place your order.
              I also agree that it is hard to compare two cue makers--easier if you just try their cues out to find out which one works better for you.
              In my opinion, it is not a matter of who is better but which cue suits you more.
              Good luck.


              • #8
                Tony Wilshaws cues often have quite a slim taper,but play very well as to Tony Glover his work is impeccable.Tony Glover may still have a bench jig in his workshop that allows him to recreate the taper of any cue you might care to think of (down to 000s of an " ).Therefore if you have a favourite cue you could get an exact replica made,if he still has the jig.I am not saying it would play the same but it would probably be close.Worth thinking about if you know exactly what you want.

