I've been using a cylinder plastic type case (cue craft) where I slide the cue and 3/4 butt out when I take it out and sometimes they slide out together and bang into one another.
This has now left scrape marks (not deep) on the ebony and wondered what's the best way to remove the marks.
Not quite sure what type of finish is on the cue but it's like a semi silk type varnish or wax? It's a King Cue from Thailand.
Here's a picture of the scrapes

Any advice welcome.
This has now left scrape marks (not deep) on the ebony and wondered what's the best way to remove the marks.
Not quite sure what type of finish is on the cue but it's like a semi silk type varnish or wax? It's a King Cue from Thailand.
Here's a picture of the scrapes

Any advice welcome.