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Is Stephen Hendry still using his Acuerate cue?

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by hendrykitty View Post
    hi, doctor, i have seen some cheap lp cues played much better than the more expensive lp ones, lol
    lol, is there any cuemaker left in this world whom you have not bout cues from??? haha


    • #32
      i do johns tips mate and trust me he uses a northwest cue which you correctly stated as being 55inches long but the tip is 9.7mm and he uses black med/hard kamui tips i dont know where you got the 8mm part from but it wasnt me, i have done johns tips for around last 6 years including the last 3 worlds which he has won, i also do graham dotts which he has won the world with which at the time was an elk and now uses black kamui also, i do jamie burnetts who uses blue diamond or elks whichever he feels comfy with at that point including the tip he hit the 148 with and the tip he got to shanghai final with last year, have done james mcbains tips for years from before he was on the main tour, do scott mackenzies tips who is currently back on the main tour, do you want me to go on? so you should check what your talking about and stop talking bollocks as you put it
      Originally Posted by JP1 View Post
      Absolute nonsense, I am right here at the venue, the cue Hendry has is the LP DUKE C002 with the palm wood lower butt splicing, I dont know where you guys get off, someone else suggested he re tips John Higgins Cue and that he uses an 8mm tip ?? again what a load of bollocks, Robby Foldvari who does the commentary on Fox Sport speaking to John had him show his cue on TV, it's a 55" 17.5Oz Kevin Muncaster one piece with a 10.5mm tip which is Elkmaster and not Kamui. Besides Players like to change, Dominic now plays with an antique again and not a Hunt or Robert Osborne.
      Last edited by frazz; 24 July 2011, 10:36 PM.


      • #33
        Originally Posted by khizzy View Post
        well i met hendry and luca at the star snooker academy during the first ptc in sheffield and saw the cue after we finished practising, it was surely an acuerate.

        its 9.25, 57.625, 17oz, 27mm.

        he also said is not 100% happy with this one although it plays quite well.
        when i last saw him the cue was badged acuerate that does not tell you who made it though.


        • #34
          Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
          when i last saw him the cue was badged acuerate that does not tell you who made it though.
          exactly thats what im saying, its usually made by parris or lp cues, its just that he has them spliced like an acuerate or perhaps even has a acuerate badge fitted because of his association with chris henry.


          • #35
            Acuerate cues have a patented specification which is what gives it the unique performance characteristics !


            • #36
              Really??? do you work for them?? certainly sounds like itS1P-02-2.jpg

              I attach picture, the top cue is what Hendry played with in Bendigo the butt end on the bottom shows what logo disc he has on it.

              Hate to disappoint you henners but maybe just maybe the Acurate cues are not quite as phenomenal as you make them out to be?? just a wild guess.

              Surely someone here will get close enough to Stephen to verify that.


              • #37
                Hi Stan,

                Hope things are well.

                The early cues used to have " HAND MADE BY LOUS" on them, they were pretty good too, his current cues are of good quality with better ash then you get on the UK made cues these days, they are not cheap, the type Hendry uses is the DUKE and they retail for around 5000 Y Chinese, which is roughly 450 pounds, trade is better, I have two here I picked up from his workshop, I will photograph one of them a one piece with great ash and a solid ebony butt to 21" with Snakewood splices on all four sides to 17" looks and feels great, wonder what that would cost from Trevor or John?? It's laughable really when you at the guys factory and see all the Acurate cues and boxes there to have some fruitcake tell you they are patented super cues made in Belgium. Photo with Lou Pei and Stephen attached. I will ask Lou if he is willing to post the names of the UK cue makers he made cues for that were advertised as made in Britain?? I think everyone is aware of the early O Min cues and who they were made for. I have no association with Lous or O min and could not give a proverbial what people buy. I am simply telling you what I have seen and heard. I am still of the opinion if you want a badge on your cue and it helps your game by all means pay John or Trevor what they want at least you will end up with a good cue, once you get better in the game all that cue logo rubbish will disappear on its own and you will begin to see the cue for what it is, a utility tool.

                Originally Posted by stan-mullin View Post
                Hi Joe

                On my LP cues it says handmade by Lour, but when I met him he answered to the name Lours.


                • #38
                  This is like an echo chamber, I am sure you do the most wonderful tip replacement in the world, glad we agree on a few things like make length of Stephens cue, otherwise I might think I am going blind, the replacement tip he needed was 11 mm because the 10 mm would not fit properly and he asked for an Elk, maybe he only uses the Jap tips when you put them on for him in the UK?? when you put the next one on you can take the Elk off and send me a short note. If you look back on the thread you will find who mentioned 8mm
                  By the way I am a pretty useful player myself and I absolutely hate the kamui tips, have tried the Buffalo Plus Blue diamond they are not bad but I have gone back to what I have always used Elkmaster. I do think players get confused a bit these days and as you are a tip expert you would know how many fake Elks and Blue Diamonds there are, and if you get one of them they really are horrible. same as if play with the China copies of the Aramith Pro Championship balls, drop one each of the original and the copy from the same distance to the floor and watch the result.

                  Cheers M8

                  Originally Posted by frazz View Post
                  i do johns tips mate and trust me he uses a northwest cue which you correctly stated as being 55inches long but the tip is 9.7mm and he uses black med/hard kamui tips i dont know where you got the 8mm part from but it wasnt me, i have done johns tips for around last 6 years including the last 3 worlds which he has won, i also do graham dotts which he has won the

                  world with which at the time was an elk and now uses black kamui also, i do jamie burnetts who uses blue diamond or elks whichever he feels comfy with at that point including the tip he hit the 148 with and the tip he got to shanghai final with last year, have done james mcbains tips for years from before he was on the main tour, do scott mackenzies tips who is currently back on the main tour, do you want me to go on? so you should check what your talking about and stop talking bollocks as you put it


                  • #39
                    Originally Posted by JP1 View Post
                    ...I think everyone is aware of the early O Min cues and who they were made for.... once you get better in the game all that cue logo rubbish will disappear on its own and you will begin to see the cue for what it is, a utility tool.
                    Hi JP1, I had the opportunity to test play a couple of O'mins around 5 years ago and all played really well... I may be kind of new at this but who were the earlier O'mins made for?

                    Well said on the part about cue logo. Totally agree with you on that... I'm also the same as you with Kamui tips too, blacks, tans, M, MH... tried the lot... there has been so many rave reviews I thought I must be some kind of weirdo not to like it.
                    When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


                    • #40
                      Originally Posted by JP1 View Post
                      Hi Stan,

                      Hope things are well.

                      The early cues used to have " HAND MADE BY LOUS" on them, they were pretty good too, his current cues are of good quality with better ash then you get on the UK made cues these days, they are not cheap, the type Hendry uses is the DUKE and they retail for around 5000 Y Chinese, which is roughly 450 pounds, trade is better, I have two here I picked up from his workshop, I will photograph one of them a one piece with great ash and a solid ebony butt to 21" with Snakewood splices on all four sides to 17" looks and feels great, wonder what that would cost from Trevor or John?? It's laughable really when you at the guys factory and see all the Acurate cues and boxes there to have some fruitcake tell you they are patented super cues made in Belgium. Photo with Lou Pei and Stephen attached. I will ask Lou if he is willing to post the names of the UK cue makers he made cues for that were advertised as made in Britain?? I think everyone is aware of the early O Min cues and who they were made for. I have no association with Lous or O min and could not give a proverbial what people buy. I am simply telling you what I have seen and heard. I am still of the opinion if you want a badge on your cue and it helps your game by all means pay John or Trevor what they want at least you will end up with a good cue, once you get better in the game all that cue logo rubbish will disappear on its own and you will begin to see the cue for what it is, a utility tool.
                      Hi Joe

                      I am great. I was at the LP factory last April, the cues I had were for an exhibition. They look ok and play fine but I think they were the lower end of his range. I did see top end cues in his office but I am no expert, I am never seen a Trevor or JP cue, and before I started selling cue joints I hadn't heard of either of them!

                      Lour's factory reminds me of the old pictures you see of Peradon 100 years ago, with 1000's of cues stacked everywhere, I will post pics when I am back at my main computer.

                      Tell him the QKlik is nearly ready, I'll see him soon!



                      • #41
                        first off u mentioned johns higgins tip being 10mm now your saying hendrys? i dont do hendrys tip. fake tips? being honest no, i dont really use elks very often on any cues now apart from jamie burnetts and scott mackenzies. i use brown med kamui, john, graham, james all use black med/hard kamui, i dont find there to be too much difference between elks and these provided you get a good elk but most are rotten to be honest and i have seen myself go through easy 20-30 tips to try find a decent one which is why i use kamuis as they are basically all the same


                        • #42
                          The early cues used to have " HAND MADE BY LOUS" on them, they were pretty good too, his current cues are of good quality with better ash then you get on the UK made cues these days

                          Your posts on this Forum at times make you out as some what of a know it all .......and you seem to think that what you say is correct and no one else knows what they are talking about . Now , i have no doubt that you have a far greater knowledge than me on the subject , but how to do you come to the conclusion that his Ash is better than Ash on UK cues ? That is a very bold sweeping statement on what is purely a personal opinion and is derogatory to the cuemakers of the UK .
                          Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                          • #43
                            Very simple Neil you compare the two.


                            • #44
                              Some cue, how does it do that????

                              Originally Posted by henners View Post
                              Stephen plays with an Acuerate Pro cue because this cue deflection degree co-ordinates with his mechanics and BRAIN-hand visual co-ordination !


                              • #45
                                Derogatory to the cuemakers of the UK ?? Do you know what derogatory means Neil?? Or are you suggesting that because they are UK cue makers that they are beyond reproach and any comparison is to be considered derogatory if it's not favorably to them, are you quite right in the head Neil?
                                Your opinion or interpretation of what I have said is infantile at best, if you don't like what I say don't read it, if you don't understand what I say ask before making a complete goose of yourself. Unlike you Neil I know that what I say is correct simply because I speak of things I have knowledge of and many years of experience in, that does not mean I do not value other opinions or that everyone has to agree with me, what I don't value is silly curt missives designed to provoke.
                                A cuemakers ability or the quality of his end product, regardless of his nationality, is not judged by the quality of the ashwood he uses alone, you need to get rid of your Britain rules chip you have on both shoulders Neil, arrogance and ignorance are not very valuable attributes.
                                A UK cuemaker buys his ashwood, or used to, from places like Hardwood Dimension Ltd, what they buy and that includes John Parris Trevor White etc. is North American Ash blanks that are of building/construction quality, no one in the UK imports coppice grown sporting ash for the sole use in snooker cues, there is simply not enough demand to warrant such an import, the cuemaker selects his blanks in accordance with closeness of grain straightness and without knots or splits, in other words he picks what he thinks is the best available, at home he rips the blanks into roughly 1-1/2" sq. by whatever length he needs either for 1 piece or 3/4 type cues, from the so cut cue blanks he then selects the ones with the best and straightest grain for his higher cost cues, people asking for 3,4,5, 7 shevrons on top, that is not always easy to supply, timber does not grow along a dictated line, and the supply of top quality straight grained ash shafts with just that type of cosmetic appearance, because that's all it is, there is no difference in quality or play ability in a shaft that does not have 5 or 6 shevrons as opposed to one that does, is limited.
                                As with everything, quantity determines quality and price, if you are able to import a few container loads of coppice grown North American sporting ash on your own, as opposed to selecting blanks of building grade ash from the various wood shops, your choice of quality blanks is naturally that much greater, and if you buy in huge quantities your cost is lower.
                                O Min and two of the other three top Thai cuemakers import specific coppice grown sporting ash in blank sizes of 4-1/2" X 1-1/2" by 3 - 3.6 meter lengths, in many container loads, but don't just take my word for it ask others who have been there, these ash blanks are far superior to most ashwood available in Engalnd today, quite a few UK cuemakers venture to Hamburg Germany to buy their ash for this very reason.
                                Cuemakers in the Far East and Thailand manufacture massive amounts of cues, numbers the UK cuemakers can only dream about, and most like Trevor White who is a one man band would not want to have anyway, they are happy to be a niche cuemaker of quality cues, the Far East and Thai cuemakers have a ready market for their mediocre ash which they can use in their low cost cues and as a consequence of both their buying power and the quantity they get those much sought after sevhron laden shafts are much easier for them to supply as well.
                                I think you will find that every cuemaker in the UK will confirm what I have said and I doubt very much that anyone of them would consider derogatory what I have said.
                                In fact I have two cues on order right now from what I consider to be England's finest cuemaker, I know that the quality of the ash wont be as good as if I select one from O Min, or other top Thai cuemaker or LP in China and I also know that the cost of the two cues will be far in excess of what the Far East cues would cost, I ordered the cues because I like the cuemakers work and for that I am happy to pay the extra cost, now don't ask me who the cuemaker is, because as I have already told you it is my opinion and with someone as narrow minded as you I will probably be accused of being derogatory to the other UK cuemakers.
                                If you had bothered to read Stan Mullins comments earlier in this thread instead of sending curt missives to me, you would have learned from someone who was actually there, that just one cuemaker, LP has literally thousands of cue shafts in various boxes and stages of finish quality graded to comply with customers requests on his workshop floor.

                                Neil there is nothing wrong with not having anything to say, unless of course you insist on saying it. If you think you think I am a know all Neil that would make you a know nothing eh?

                                Originally Posted by neil taperell View Post
                                The early cues used to have " HAND MADE BY LOUS" on them, they were pretty good too, his current cues are of good quality with better ash then you get on the UK made cues these days

                                Your posts on this Forum at times make you out as some what of a know it all .......and you seem to think that what you say is correct and no one else knows what they are talking about . Now , i have no doubt that you have a far greater knowledge than me on the subject , but how to do you come to the conclusion that his Ash is better than Ash on UK cues ? That is a very bold sweeping statement on what is purely a personal opinion and is derogatory to the cuemakers of the UK .

