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Stephen Hendrys new cue

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by deant1982 View Post
    Also, I'd like to see MW start sending the pro's some of his cues to their specs, just to see how many would stick with their free JP or use one of his. (I know, he himself says he is too much of a tightwad to send out free cues) but like all of us, pro's love free stuff.... Where they have the choice, I wonder which they would choose on a level playing field (no endorsing required).....
    JP does not give pros free cues. Maybe one or two have received them in the past but he no longer to my knowledge does this now. Why would he anyway, I mean there are hundreds of players around today and to make them all new cues would end up costing him tens of thousands of pounds in materials and lost working hours. He already has a long waiting time as it is without adding to that problem giving away his cues to pros.


    • #17
      as far as i know and have been told , Stephen Hendry uses an Acuerate cue for which a new range is just being brought out as we are going to be stocking them . The one in particular that he uses costs £450 and i can confirm that as we are giving one away free to someone just before christmas , for more details about that go to or search accu-rest on . What i will do is find out the spec of the cue for you all and post it here when i do .



      • #18
        i think hendry been telling porkys, just been watching some recorded footage of the brazilian event and Hendry clearly using what looks like an acuerate cue, from how butt is. either that or parris copied there style of butt, but cant see that


        • #19
          I recently saw a picture of a close up of Hendry's cue during a recent exhibition.
          That cue appeared to be an Acuerate cue, as that is what was written on the badge.
          But he said he was using a JP...
          This is so strange.


          • #20
            parris publicity maybe?


            • #21
              Isnt Chris Henry Stephen´s coach?
              mind control > body control > cue control > ball control


              • #22
                I think so. He said on facebook Acuerate cue is no longer made by LP cues from China, while few Chinese have come on here to say that Hendry's new cue was made by LP.
                Anyway, just hope to see Hendry playing well again.
                I dont really care what cue he is using, as long as he can win frames with it again.:-D


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by cueman View Post
                  JP does not give pros free cues. Maybe one or two have received them in the past but he no longer to my knowledge does this now.
                  Oh no, I'm sure the pro's happily pay £800+ for a cue then stand there shaking his hand for plenty of pictures for him to plaster over his website for incredible publicity completely free...

                  Originally Posted by cueman View Post
                  Why would he anyway, I mean there are hundreds of players around today and to make them all new cues would end up costing him tens of thousands of pounds in materials and lost working hours. He already has a long waiting time as it is without adding to that problem giving away his cues to pros.
                  Err, how many idiots have brought a JP Traditional or Ultimate in the design of a traditional, just because Ronnie O'Sullivan uses one...
                  If Judd Trump or Stephen Maguire or someone else who he has given a cue to wins the world title using a JP whatever, how many people will buy an exact replica of the cue he used FROM THE SAME MAKER because they think by doing this, the cue will automatically turn them into that standard of player?
                  Answer - Absolutely thousands. Make 3 cues for Ronnie, all to the same spec, he chooses which one he wants for free. He takes a few pics with JP, goes off and plays a tournament making sure the cue gets plenty of TV time, and whammo. Every 18 - 19 year old that plays and watches snooker and can afford it, instantly wants that exact cue. Not to mention the fact that he can also sell the other two as "cues made personally for ROS" at a higher rate as well. It is good marketing sense and sales strategy. I respect JP for that. Plus, on his website, there is actually a paragraph where he states he does more of the taking and processing of orders, and customer service than making cues. From what I gather, he makes the cues for the pro's, whilst the rest of his team make the cues for Joe Bloggs and John Doe like you or me.
                  If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                    I think so. He said on facebook Acuerate cue is no longer made by LP cues from China, while few Chinese have come on here to say that Hendry's new cue was made by LP.
                    Anyway, just hope to see Hendry playing well again.
                    I dont really care what cue he is using, as long as he can win frames with it again.:-D
                    I agree. Come on Hendo!!
                    If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!


                    • #25
                      hendry is definetly not the player he used to be. whatever the cue he use now it won't change anything. stephen used to play for many years with a cheap one piece mapple cue ( connoisseur powerglide ) that was according to his manager one of the worst in the world but won everything with it .... so lp , jp or whatever , it's just a piece of wood that won't bring him back his lost genius.


                      • #26
                        i am surprised he has never tried a new 1-piece cue at all, since his original cue was a 1-piece


                        • #27
                          I am afraid that no cue maker in the world could sort Stephens problems out..Just a sign of the times and a big loss in confidance.
                          Not played for 3 years and itching for a game....11-3-2017.


                          • #28
                            yep sign of the times
                            confidance as gone too , and i'm sad to see him slowly "deacying" cuz' he's a legend
                            i never understood this curious choice of a 3/4 accurate cue instead of a one piece
                            really strange ... and especialy that brand that is supposed to make "low deflection"
                            cues when you spent 20 years playing with a conventional shaft
                            commercial reasons ?


                            • #29
                              I think he probably just chose a cue that felt right, not because of low deflection or things like that.

                              I just cannot see Mr Hendry saying to himself, " Wow! Just what I have been looking for. Such low deflection! I was having so much problem with using side before but now I can finally make them shots! "
                              Last edited by poolqjunkie; 4 October 2011, 11:03 PM.


                              • #30
                                you're probably right
                                anyway stephen new cue look like an accurate with birdseye maple splices instead of the green ones ( brazilian masters images )
                                in fact i just hope i'm to get confidance again and get back to the top 16

