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craftsman v phoenix

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  • craftsman v phoenix

    which is better: a craftsman handmade cue or phoenix hand spliced cue?

  • #2
    No such answer.

    Following your other thread questions about cue manufacturers.

    I advise that you concentrate on picking the right cue rather than name.

    If possible go to craftsman, try out the craftman cues, phoenix and the others they have such as mastercue.

    Pick the one which feels good for and the one you play best with. Buy it regardless of the name.


    • #3
      When you say better do you mean playability or craftsmanship?
      I would say (without actually seeing Phoenix cue in person) usually Thai cues are quite well made with nice splicing works and nice finish.
      But if you are asking which cue plays better it is impossible to say because each cue is different and what I think plays well may not be suitable for you.
      If you are thinking of re-sale value, usually Thia cues do not have as good a re-sale value as a UK made cue, but then again ti depends on which Uk company.


      • #4
        i just want to find a cue i can use and fairly soon. my problem is im from ireland and definitely wont be getting near any workshops to try out cues. obviously id love to but i wont be. so thats why im trying to find out peoples opinion on cues.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by markmattie View Post
          i just want to find a cue i can use and fairly soon. my problem is im from ireland and definitely wont be getting near any workshops to try out cues. obviously id love to but i wont be. so thats why im trying to find out peoples opinion on cues.
          I understand. I am in Canada and it had been the same situation for me as there was no shop where I could try out a decent cue before I buy.
          I think if you know what you are looking for in terms of hit and spec it might be easier to custom order a cue, or order a cue as close to your spec as possible.
          Some shops are quite knowledgable and they can talk you through to find a cue that suits your style of play. I have heard nothing but excelleent feedback regarding Stu of Green Baize. Perhaps give him a ring and let him know your budget, and what kind of cue you are looking for and such?
          When you order a cue you are always taking a chance. Even if you have tried the cue out you may find that it is not suitable after a few days/weeks...this kind of things happen.
          I would like to suggest that you also pay attention to the value of a cue on the used market as it will become important when you want to sell the cue. Some cues are doing very well and some not so on the used market.
          Say if you pay 300 GBP for a cue but you get 220 GBP for it when you sell it, you have only paid less than 100 GBP for the cue essentially; while if you have paid 200 GBP for a cue but are only able to get 80 GBP for it then you have actually spent more on this seemingly cheaper cue.
          Lastly, a used cue that your mates have down in the club may be a better buy than a new cue in a shop you cannot see or touch. You can also try out their cues to get a feel of the craftsmanship and playability of the work of various companies to give you a reference of what to expect.
          Hope this helps.


          • #6
            craftsman cues good, phoenix cues good, master cue good, had them all,trev, parris,name don't mean a thing, i know ton break players with dunns cues, robin scott, keep your head down and cue smooth you could use just about anything


            • #7
              ya, cheers,i am playin for 15 yrs now and have had 3 centuries myself. im just tryin to get my hands on a cue in the next couple of weeks for under 300 with extensions.


              • #8
                Hi there
                Have you looked at
                A friend of mine recetnly ordered and received a cue with mini+tele extensions and a case, for just over your budget.
                Obviously his designed would not be yours, he had 4+4splices with veneers.
                It is a lovely cue, I have had a game with it, the quality is very nice and plays very well.
                He loves it and also he did not "try out" and cues either, apart from rack cues and a few from friends.
                He is a lot less experienced player (being that he is early 20s) than you and I helped him decide on his specs.
                Up the TSF! :snooker:


                • #9
                  just getting onto mastercraft alright. thanks ill let ya know how i get on.

