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Best way to make a flat on butt end?

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  • Best way to make a flat on butt end?

    I have a cheap cue (all ash) which has a fully round butt end but I want to put a flat slice on the end of the butt as I'm finding it more comfortable to grip.

    Whats the easierst way to do this DIY?

    Use a wood plain, wood saw, rasp, sand it down?

  • #2
    wood plane then sand is the best way


    • #3
      I often used a metal file and then finished with sand paper!


      • #4
        Just plane it then sand it.
        If you dont have a plane and do not want to buy one, you can try to wrap some sand paper around a sanding block and sand the butt flat. But you do need to clamp the cue so it would not move left and right as you sand. This method is cheaper but is not as easy because you may or may not get the flat really flat, and you may end up making a flat sloped to one side. Using a metal file also works but again you need to make sure your cue does not move as you sand.
        You can buy a small block plane which is cheaper than the bigger planes. I personally think using a hand plane is the easiest.
        Last edited by poolqjunkie; 6 September 2011, 08:45 AM.


        • #5
          Thanks all.

          Do I need to clamp it to a vice while planing it or is it possible without?


          • #6
            Would be very difficult to do correctly without some sort of vice/workbench


            • #7
              Thanks will check if my mate has a vice/workbench and give it a go


              • #8
                Yes, would be kind of hard but if you must try you can try to hold the cue with your left hand and plane with your right. You would need a bit of practice to get it right.

