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Funniest cue prices thread!

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  • #46
    Originally Posted by Izzyfcuk View Post
    Any link to cues for sale in HK or CHINA would seriously seem overpriced to me.
    Most of the chinese cues I have seen out here are mainly suitable as firewood so any price is really too much. There possibly are good ones made locally but if so I have yet to find one.


    • #47
      Originally Posted by philip in china View Post
      Most of the chinese cues I have seen out here are mainly suitable as firewood so any price is really too much. There possibly are good ones made locally but if so I have yet to find one.
      when i say that i am branded as a racist!


      • #48
        A lot of the stuff here is OK. I still like British made cues. It isn't racism- I simply like them. Of course I have never used a Canadian cue. With all those trees to choose from they should be quite something!


        • #49
          I was referring to UK cues in HK or CHINA, the prices are just crazy.


          • #50
            Originally Posted by Izzyfcuk View Post
            I was referring to UK cues in HK or CHINA, the prices are just crazy.
            this thread is not funny at all. the prices are what they should be and more. unfortunately, snooker was mainly brit-centric and given that the sun set on the british empire 70 years ago, that's why cue prices have been run into the ground just like the sport.


            • #51
              Any thing over £100


              • #52
                Originally Posted by philip in china View Post
                I still like British made cues. It isn't racism- I simply like them.
                This is funny: it is like saying, "I am not racist, I just simply like white people more.:-)"
                Last edited by poolqjunkie; 22 October 2011, 06:08 AM.


                • #53
                  Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                  when i say that i am branded as a racist!
                  Lol... similar to when a gay person uses the word "fag" (and I don't mean ciggies), no big deal but when a straight guy says that, then he is gay-bashing.
                  When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


                  • #54
                    Not a funny price as its 99p start but its a funny cue.


                    Is a joe davis 2501? Do any come with green veneers?


                    • #55
                      Originally Posted by jaffa.johnson View Post
                      ... Is a joe davis 2501? Do any come with green veneers?
                      Errr its a Walter Lindrum cue ???


                      • #56
                        Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                        Errr its a Walter Lindrum cue ???
                        If thats a walter lindrum 4137 then I will eat my hat. If it is one then I have never seen that type before.

                        The 4137 cue I have owned is a machine spliced ebony with rosewood front and thin maple veneer.

                        So is the cue which my mate owns and all the cues I have seen on ebay with this badge.

                        i think this badge has been put onto this cue (by mistake or on purpose).



                        • #57
                          Ahh i see what your saying now, i jumped in too fast with the obvious lol. The front splice looks wrong for a 2501 cue, and as you say never seen green veneers on one, a mystery (for now)


                          • #58
                            i think its the badge that sends it but the badge looks real not just made up


                            • #59

                              after looking at it again it looks like a joe davis -fred davis cue with wrong badge


                              • #60
                                its a cut and shut!

