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A cue's not for life then!

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  • A cue's not for life then!

    Whilst I was a table fitter, I have never been a big snooker player though I do thoroughly enjoy the odd game. Reading this forum I never realised just how many top quality cues there are about and was surprised at some of the cash people are prepared to pay for the right cue and indeed how many cues some people buy and change around what they use. I have two cues that I have had since the early eighties, a one piece power glide Embassy and a two piece Barracuda Kirkham, to me they are good quality cues but reading on here they are maybe not as good as I thought they were! Still I suppose it's what you can do with the cue that my case not a lot!
    Billiard Fitters always have time for a nap!

  • #2
    One man's trash is another man's treasure!!
    Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


    • #3
      As a coach I try and get my students to buy a less expensive cue when they're starting out and then once they improve a bit and have figured out what they like in a cue then go out and buy a very good cue from a reputable cue maker.

      Now that said, I am probably the worst offender of this rule and in the past 5 years since I came back to the game I have tried out probably over 50 cues. However, when I was playing full time in Britain in the 80's I only used one cue, a John Parris custom made 3/4 cue which unfortunately had to be shortened when it cracked up near the ferrule, probably from sitting in a dry closet for over 10 years while I was busy trying to make a decent living in the USA.

      Terry Davidson
      IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


      • #4
        When I find the cue that pots every ball I go for and positions the white just where I want it, I will stick with it. I have just not found that cue yet!


        • #5
          Barracuda Kirkham was hand spliced and probably one of the better cues that Baracuda did.Named after the address I believe and still attract quite a premium second hand,somewhere in the £80-£90 region recently on E-Bay.Seem to be very attractive to our Antipodean friends,although I dont know why.I dont know much about your Powerglide ,but I do know that one piece ,hand spliced Powerglides are sought after,so maybe your cues aren t so bad after all.Many a good tunes been played on an old fiddle you know.


          • #6
            I think Ronnie has proved that you don't have to play with the same cue all your life admittedly Ronnie is an exceptional player but I think the trick with Ronnie is he knows exactly what he wants from a cue. I also believe that you should change your cue as you age as your body is constantly changing therefore it makes sense that a cue that was perfect for you at 20 might not be so good at 40 IMO.


            • #7
              Cheers for that info Old School, I'm learning every day on here!
              Billiard Fitters always have time for a nap!


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Fedagari View Post
                When I find the cue that pots every ball I go for and positions the white just where I want it, I will stick with it. I have just not found that cue yet!
                If only eh!
                Billiard Fitters always have time for a nap!


                • #9
                  ronnie is the exception, most pro's dont change there cues unless it gets damaged etc. As they settled on theirs early in their careers and compatability with one cue is vital, so vitial i have heard stories of old billiard players and snooker players having their cue broken or stolen and they could not play with any other. willie smith prings to mind and ray reardon.

                  Hendry put out a reward of 10 grand for his cue when it was stolen, just shows how important one cue is when feels right.

                  cue swapping mostly is an amateur disease, i dont believe that you should change your cue when you get older, no need.
                  Terry has experience of losing his cue when it became broken, he had it since the 80's and now trying to find a cue which feels like that one. unfortunately all cues play different so you have to adapt to them
                  Last edited by mattyshinobi22; 18 November 2011, 11:52 PM.


                  • #10
                    I think many people have this affliction

                    My husband has had over 50 cues and he keeps buying and selling and cant settle on just one, as he gets bored after a few months or a bad run of form and a new cue seems to invigorate his enthusiasm to play more.
                    I started buying him cues fifteen years ago and have become quite an expert (sad) myself.

                    I understand it more than most women as I have a fetish for shoes and bags in much the same way so I dont mind buying him a cue or three to keep my man happy - not many other women/wives/girlfriends would understand this the way I do but hey what can I say, its a fun hobby much the same as me buying shoes and bags really.

                    snooker players = the new women


                    • #11
                      lucky enough my gf is like you blonde, she will buy me one every now and then, dunno bought 3 ! lol
                      most get sold on though


                      • #12
                        1 Blonde u must be every snooker players fantasy , what would they give to have a woman like you .


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by hotpot View Post
                          1 Blonde u must be every snooker players fantasy , what would they give to have a woman like you .
                          awwww so sweet,

                          Well what it is - is this - women have this natural inbuilt instinct to stop their men having any fun in any capacity that does not involve them -How many times has your phone gone off in a snooker club when playing - "Yes love I will be home soon" is something like the response.

                          Its not like you are in a lapdancing bar is it?

                          As for buying cues - women like me buy alsorts of what you may call crap (make up shoes bags perfume too etc) and men dont moan at us when we do this - (I spend hundreds on hair nails and face producs every year and nothing gets said, so why make a fuss over your fella buying some cues - if a guy knows what he is buying then its more of an investment - I buy a bag and dont like it I cant get my money back a year later-you Mr Hotpot - buy a trevor white cue and dont like it you would probably make money 12 months down the line.

                          I started buying snooker stuff and going to events and things many years ago and I love it - nice to show an interest in something your partner adores I think.

                          Simple logic - sadly most other women dont think this way.

                          I quite enjoy it - making my man happy buying him a cue or two or a book or ticket for an event gives me a buzz and I get to watch the programmes I want on TV while he's out having fun playing snooker with his mates or (occasionally) with me - secret of a happy life - sense of humour, your own space and a relaxed attitude to life.


                          • #14
                            I like your attitude and outllok on life you seem so laid back , wish my partner would buy me a cue now and again .


                            • #15
                              I've just read this out to my misses and she thinks your a bloke pretending to be a women lol.
                              Hope this don't offend you I'm right behind you no matter what the other half thinks.
                              Last edited by cazmac1; 19 November 2011, 04:15 PM.

