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My new Mike Wooldridge legend Cue :-)

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  • My new Mike Wooldridge legend Cue :-)

    Been thinking about getting a cue made from one of the premium cue makers for some time since starting playing UK 8 ball Pool 8 months ago after a 20+ year break from snooker.

    I'm glad I waited as I have been doing a lot of experimenting with different cues to find what type of cue that suits me and after changing to many different specs I have come to find that I prefer to use a very short and lightweight cue which I find great for controlling the lighter/smaller cue ball used in UK 8 ball.

    I emailed Mike originally back in October to see if it was possible for him to make me a cue to my extreme specification and he was not 100% sure as he had never made a cue this short or this lightweight before. He was hopeful and mentioned that he was waiting on some new lightweight joints to be developed and these should make the 3/4 cue I wanted as light as possible.

    Finally received the cue just before xmas but it was a little heavier than I'd hoped at 15oz. I emailed Mike and like the true professional he is, suggested some ideas that could reduce the weight further and the cue was returned for him to do his magic.

    Cue finally arrived back today and I've had a quick practice with it and must say it plays wonderful. I felt comfortable with it from the first shot I played which is very encouraging. The workmanship and finish on this cue is truely excellent and better than any cue I've owned so far. The splices are perfectly formed and the finish is just super smooth and to top it off it has my favorite tip on it (MW Supertip)

    The specs are -
    3/4 maple cue with Mike's invisible lightweight joints
    51" long
    40" Shaft
    11" Butt
    8.5mm tip
    28mm butt (fully round with no flat slice)
    MW lightweight butt joint
    13.93oz according to my digital scales
    Balance point 15.5 inches

    Being plain ebony/maple perhaps make it look a little plain to some but thats how I prefer them. It doesn't even have a MW badge on it!

  • #2
    sub 14oz now thats light!


    • #3
      Originally Posted by sootyvrs View Post
      Been thinking about getting a cue made from one of the premium cue makers for some time since starting playing UK 8 ball Pool 8 months ago after a 20+ year break from snooker.

      I'm glad I waited as I have been doing a lot of experimenting with different cues to find what type of cue that suits me and after changing to many different specs I have come to find that I prefer to use a very short and lightweight cue which I find great for controlling the lighter/smaller cue ball used in UK 8 ball.

      I emailed Mike originally back in October to see if it was possible for him to make me a cue to my extreme specification and he was not 100% sure as he had never made a cue this short or this lightweight before. He was hopeful and mentioned that he was waiting on some new lightweight joints to be developed and these should make the 3/4 cue I wanted as light as possible.

      Finally received the cue just before xmas but it was a little heavier than I'd hoped at 15oz. I emailed Mike and like the true professional he is, suggested some ideas that could reduce the weight further and the cue was returned for him to do his magic.
      i take back what i said about being a cue maker not a magician. i am a magician as well now

      Originally Posted by sootyvrs View Post

      Cue finally arrived back today and I've had a quick practice with it and must say it plays wonderful. I felt comfortable with it from the first shot I played which is very encouraging. The workmanship and finish on this cue is truely excellent and better than any cue I've owned so far. The splices are perfectly formed and the finish is just super smooth and to top it off it has my favorite tip on it (MW Supertip)

      The specs are -
      3/4 maple cue with Mike's invisible lightweight joints
      51" long
      40" Shaft
      11" Butt
      8.5mm tip
      28mm butt (fully round with no flat slice)
      MW lightweight butt joint
      13.93oz according to my digital scales
      Balance point 15.5 inches

      Being plain ebony/maple perhaps make it look a little plain to some but thats how I prefer them. It doesn't even have a MW badge on it!

      got there in the end eh?

      nice pics of the joints

      Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
      sub 14oz now thats light!
      tell me about it...

      i knew it would be tight but hoped i could get there with the black F1 joint, but in the mad rush just before xmas getting a few outstanding cues out, i pretty much finished this cue as it was, very short but with fairly standard specs.

      i did not actually check the weight which was requested @14oz cos it was as light as it possibly could be. i knew that for a fact. i even used a spliced butt section selected from several that was naturally the lightest...

      but like the true pain in the ar*e that customers can be (sorry sootyvrs ), he instantly weighed it and informed me of my 'mistake'.

      anyway, we got it back and set about losing 1oz. did this by taking out some 'meat' here and there. not easy i can tell you, and very frustrating each time you do a bit and find only 1/8oz gone...

      having said that, it's a better cue now the slimmer taper overall has brought the maple shaft to life, and in hindsight maybe i should have done this to start. but then i might get someone who complains it's too thin...

      (sigh) the complicated life of a cue making...:snooker:
      The Cuefather.


      • #4
        well i am impressed i have never seen a modern cue that is under 14oz


        • #5
          you ant seen some off crap i turn out lol only joking just finished one 59 in 1piece 13 oz


          • #6
            lovely looking cue.

            With a joint and still be 14oz, that is very impressive.


            • #7
              51'' mind...

              got to love those joints.
              Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Deepscrew View Post
                51'' mind...

                got to love those joints.
                I am a one piece man but as joints go, these do look great.


                • #9
                  Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by jim evans View Post
                    you ant seen some off crap i turn out lol only joking just finished one 59 in 1piece 13 oz
                    fly rod is it?


                    • #11
                      Beautiful cue Mike. Loving the invisible joint. Amazing work m8.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by sootyvrs View Post
                        Being plain ebony/maple perhaps make it look a little plain to some but thats how I prefer them. It doesn't even have a MW badge on it!
                        Plain ebony 4tw m8! Beautiful cue.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                          fly rod is it?
                          you never know if it dont work out as a cue,lol


                          • #14
                            That invisible joint looks awesome..... lovely looking cue bud!!:snooker:
                            Winner of 2011 Masters Fantasy game......
                            Winner of 2011 World Championship Fantasy game.......


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by MikeWooldridge View Post
                              but like the true pain in the ar*e that customers can be (sorry sootyvrs ), he instantly weighed it and informed me of my 'mistake'.

                              having said that, it's a better cue now the slimmer taper overall has brought the maple shaft to life, and in hindsight maybe i should have done this to start. but then i might get someone who complains it's too thin...
                              Yeah I'm pretty ana1 about the weight of my cue(s) and you know Mike, you do set everyones expectations very high from your cues LOL

                              I've played for a few hours today and it really does play extremely well and responses are very consistent to what I am expecting!

                              Just want to say a big thanks for your efforts as I'm sure many cuemakers might have just give up and said tough. So for all you pain in the ar*e potential customers, Mikes your man LOL

                              PS I wouldn't have complained about being too thin as I mentioned my current cue had a thin taper

