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Maple or Ash?

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  • Maple or Ash?

    Quite simply, Maple or Ash,

  • #2
    Actual cue i use is pearwood, of the choice def ash.


    • #3
      Thats for you to decide
      Ash is most common, but that doesn't mean its the best, try a few cues out to see what you like


      • #4
        i have a maple cue, i thought that ash was more common, but i seem to fell maple cues are smoother
        but thanks for the replies people


        • #5
          If you are used to maple then you might find the change to ash a bit tricky.
          It is not all that common for players to go from one to the other and stick with it.
          I had always used ash cues but recently got a fantastic Maple 'C' brand cue from Unclevit.
          I love most things about this but the hardest part is the different feel and throw of the cue ball compared to Ash.
          I have been making a few decent breaks (for me at least) with this cue and considering how little I have played I seem to be more consistent with the Maple.
          I think you would be as well sticking with Maple unless you can try an Ash one first and like it more.


          • #6
            I personally prefer Maple over Ash mainly because of the lack of distraction that the grain in Ash gives.

            If you can get yourself down to a good cue stockist that lets you try before you buy, you will be able to sample some different ash and maple cues for you to decide yourself. Do note that every shaft plays different which means that one ash cue may be preferential to another maple one and also vice versa depending on which cue you just happen to pick up.

            Good luck


            • #7
              Originally Posted by snookdevon View Post
              Actual cue i use is pearwood, of the choice def ash.
              Mannock by chance??

              I prefer ash due to the grain, but that's only because I'm used to it. Tried a very nice mastercue maple I got off ADR that's was great, but I couldn't get used to it. Personally I think pearwood cues look best, as they're just so elegant, but they're known to be whippy.

              It's all personal opinion though. (and remember - opinions are like a**eholes. Everyone has one, and most are full of s**t)
              If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!


              • #8
                I like maple much more.
                Maybe it is more difficult to find a very good playing shaft in maple than in ash.
                At least thats my experience.
                mind control > body control > cue control > ball control


                • #9
                  I would recommend Maple. Not because thats what I use but more because if you start early on with maple then you will never have that hang up about ash grains and arrows.

                  Plus a lot of old maple cues are great players, more so than old ash cues. By old i mean pre 1950.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for all the advice people,
                    I think il stick to maple seen as that's what I'm used to and I feel comfortable with it


                    • #11
                      [QUOTE=deant1982;615003]Mannock by chance??

                      Yes bought it about 20years ago tbh didnt realise its history although not easy to play with at first guess 6 months or so practice to be happy with my game.


                      • #12
                        Ok so I've got a cheap 1/2 jointed ash beginner's cue, and the butt end of a really, really awful 1/2 joint maple (as in, all maple with the butt painted black. Probably cost a fiver from the newsagents or came with a happy meal or something).

                        But for some reason if I stick the ash shaft on the maple butt it feels nice. Much nicer than it does with the actual butt of the cue attached.


                        • #13
                          sorry to hi jack the thread matt but does anyone know of any difference in playing qualities with maple compared to ash ?


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Harry Hossack View Post
                            sorry to hi jack the thread matt but does anyone know of any difference in playing qualities with maple compared to ash ?
                            Have a read of this from Mike Wooldridge which might help



                            • #15
                              cheers for that

