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Holding your cue with the flat bit

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  • Holding your cue with the flat bit

    Heard Dennis Taylor mention that the players always hold their cue in the same position for every shot. By that I meen with the flat part of the butt either up or down.

    Is that why cues are made with a flat bit on the end, so you can feel the cue in the same position in your hand for each shot?
    "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford

  • #2
    Originally Posted by Maverick54 View Post
    ...Is that why cues are made with a flat bit on the end, so you can feel the cue in the same position in your hand for each shot?
    Having a flat on the butt is just a tradition i think, going back to the old days when cues were pushed along the baize, so needed a flat part to do that. It is also nowadays a convenient place to put the badge, and since that is the side you will be looking at, they place the best looking ash on that side too, so majority of players will use a cue with the badge upwards


    • #3
      I came on snooker forum this morning to upload a thread on this issue but glad that Maverick has done it already.

      Ideally it is a tradition + recommedned by a lot of top coaches to hold the cue the same way for every shot, most of the time it is a norm to hold a cue with the badge facing the roof reasons are
      1. you get to see the same grains on the ash every time you play a shot
      2. most cue makers will put straight arrows on that side of the cue which helps to aim some players
      3. some believe it helps you get the same feel for every shot.

      After playing for 25 years and taking part in many crucible qualifiying rounds my coach is now a not a very good fan of holding the cue the same way for every shot. He used practice with Ronnie in the Romford club when Ronnie was 12 and he was 13 and he told me that Ronnie has the habbit of holding the cue always badge facing up.
      If you play a million shot with the same part of the tip, it will not remain a domed shape tip anymore.
      We all know Ronnie had problems related to his tips on many occassions.

      so i am confused, there are pros and cons holding the cue badge facing the roof.
      I will be glad if other people give their views as well.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by Sam-Romford View Post
        ...If you play a million shot with the same part of the tip, it will not remain a domed shape tip anymore.
        Well that's where re-shaping the tip comes into play lol, or even dare i say re-placing the tip, 5 minute job tops


        • #5
          Good point that about using the cue in the same position for every shot . I use a round butt and still always hit along the line of the arrows . Tip does change shape but then i file it back to shape .

          Must be different for the Pro's as the amount of time that they use their cue........just imagine they must change the tip quite frequently .
          Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


          • #6
            Not all players will hold the cue with the flat part up, check out Williams (oops, too late, you'll have to use youtube) and also Allen and a few of the other pros. It's a matter of personal preference however most will hold the cue the same way every time in order to be using the same part of the tip all the time for consistency.

            Of course, that does lead to tip wear and compacting in one spot although I've noticed some of the good layered tips don't tend to do that as much as an Elk Master or Blue Diamond. I guess it's the price you have to pay

            Terry Davidson
            IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


            • #7
              Just a thought. If you were playing with a maple shaft and round butt end cue you would never have to give a care about which way you held the cue.
              The bitter taste of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.


              • #8
                Hehe gud thought!


                • #9
                  i find that when cues warp, even slightly, they warp in the direction of the arrows, which most cue makers tend to line up with the flat side of the cue. i figured if i hold this side up all the time, arrows up, and my cue warps, itll warp up, and ill always cue straight. no?


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by BoBnoGG!n View Post
                    i find that when cues warp, even slightly, they warp in the direction of the arrows
                    Thats a very good point.


                    • #11
                      i used to rotate my cue on every shot to stop wear on the tip, but after a few words of advice i find its better to keep the same grip and file the tip now + again, its really what feels best for you though


                      • #12
                        Jamie thats what i used to do mate, rotating cue for every shot to wear up the tip evenly but i find the arrows which are usually on the same side as the badge somewhat helps me get the instinct whether or not i am cueing straight,

                        i think there is a reason why top pros and coaches are one the side of holding the cue the same way for every shot, we just dont know that reason yet, if some pros here or coaches... please share the knowledge.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by Sam-Romford View Post
                          Jamie thats what i used to do mate, rotating cue for every shot to wear up the tip evenly but i find the arrows which are usually on the same side as the badge somewhat helps me get the instinct whether or not i am cueing straight,

                          i think there is a reason why top pros and coaches are one the side of holding the cue the same way for every shot, we just dont know that reason yet, if some pros here or coaches... please share the knowledge.
                          I think its simply what one feels most comfortable with . I usually hold cues badge up and use the arrows as i suggest most players do but on my playing cue now i hold it badge down as it feels more comfortable i,m more accurate this way on this cue and it has nice reverse grain . But like has been said its thae practical use of the arrows as well as comfort .


                          • #14
                            As i said i play with a round butt . But i always spin the cue to have the arrows facing up . It makes me slow down on the shot.....rather than get down and just hit the ball !
                            Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                            • #15
                              I also Play with the Badge/Flat Up and also like the Arrows/Chevrons in Line with Badge, You will find most top players even semi pro playing every shot Holding the Cue same place everytime but personal preference really.

                              I find its alot better to line the shot up if your looking down the Same Arrows/Chevrons everytime gives you alittle edge well me anyway and Especially Using the Rest!
                              Last edited by gazza147; 24 January 2012, 11:33 AM.

