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hunt and o'byrne black label

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  • hunt and o'byrne black label

    hi im new to this site and would appreiciate some information about a cue i have just aquired. i have what i believe is a origional hunt and o'byrne black label, its in fairly good nick exept for a couple of indents up the shaft of the cue, i was wondering if i was to get in lengthend and smoothed back down to get rid of them would it alter the value of the cue? some advice would be great
    thanks joe

  • #2
    How long is it at the moment ??
    And how bad are the dents ? these can normally be removed/smoothed out in a matter of minutes


    • #3
      cheers for reply, the cue is 57inches long 3/4 piece. the dents are not that deep but you can feel them and see them under the light, u reckon they will smooth out? do you know what you would pay for one of these cues?


      • #4
        Well this one has a famous owner lol

        Or a green plate one here

        They do seem to sell for a £1000 or more, (for some reason), how much did you pay ??


        • #5
          If dents are not too deep you can use a glass to get rid or them, hard to explain but it does work. Rub the glass up and down the shaft where the dents are, and you will hear a clicking noise as the glass runs in and out of the dents, keep rubbing applying some pressure until the clicking stops, and voila, dents gone and if done right you will never know where they were.


          • #6
            lol i think they will say anything on ebay to get an extra bit of money! but it is exactly the same as that cue, i didnt pay anything for it, it used to be my dads. i started practising with it about 4 months ago not realising what cue it was when a player yesterday in the league pointed out that is a rare cue. i just wanted to find a bit of info about it, what would you do keep it in its origional state or get it cleaned up?


            • #7
              would you not send it off somewhere to be buffed up a bit? if so where would yo suggest?


              • #8
                Originally Posted by joeyhollo View Post
                lol i think they will say anything on ebay to get an extra bit of money! but it is exactly the same as that cue, i didnt pay anything for it, it used to be my dads. i started practising with it about 4 months ago not realising what cue it was when a player yesterday in the league pointed out that is a rare cue. i just wanted to find a bit of info about it, what would you do keep it in its origional state or get it cleaned up?
                First things first, the Tony Meo cue is up for sale by a reputable cue dealer and is 100% genuine.

                With regards to your cue, unless you know what you're doing don't touch it yourself. Assuming you are planning to sell it, send it to a reputable cue maker to have the dents removed and have it cleaned/re-finished if necessary. I wouldn't do any other alterations as that will reduce the value of the cue.


                • #9
                  Well if you think it needs cleaning up by an expert there's plenty of people to use. Where abouts in the country are you, may be better to drop it off by hand rather than post. There is Craftsmans, Glover, Coutts, Cook, etc etc


                  • #10
                    ok i apologise its just i know people will say alot of things to geta bit of extra cash!

                    i was never considering touching it myself i just wanted to continue playing with it, seem to be hitting the ball well with it! but if i was to cleaned/re finished would it alter the value considerably? because i would rather stop playing with it now and buy another cue if it was going to alter the value that much.


                    • #11
                      yeah i think it need cleaning up a bit if im honest, i live in shropshire mate


                      • #12
                        Cleaning/re-finishing will not reduce the value at all. Alterations like lengthening the cue would reduce its value.


                        • #13
                          do you think its worth doing that first to see what it comes out like? what sort of age and value do u reckon its is?


                          • #14
                            If I had just picked up the cue I would have it re-finished and the dents removed but that's just me. It really depends on two things:

                            1) Are you planning to sell it? If yes then I would get it professionally re-finished to remove the dents.

                            2) If no then does the current finish and the dents bother you when playing? If yes get it re-finished, if not just leave it as is.

                            I'm no cue expert so I have no idea what age it is, especially as you haven't posted any pics!! If you can post some pics and ask for opinions on age I'm sure some folks who know about these cues in particular may be able to help you with the age.

                            Value wise, it's as jrc said above, they seem to be selling for £1k+ at the moment.


                            • #15
                              These dents you see under the light, they are not with the grain are they?

                              What you describe happens too ash after a number of years if not used/looked after etc, and the grain raises a bit in parts, maybe wrong but thought i'd ask

                              Get it off to a reputable cue doctor for a refnish and it sounds like it all it needs to me. and have it back as new in no time..

                              Some piccies wouldd be nice. we do like cue piccies round these parts...

                              All the best man..
                              Last edited by cally; 1 February 2012, 10:24 PM.

