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How do they make a snooker cue?

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  • How do they make a snooker cue?

    my question is simple are one piece cues out of 1 pc of wood? Because the Butt is almost every time out of ebony,
    and the rest out of Ash or Maple so I would like to know how they are made. I saw pictures on Jason Owens Site there it seams that it is one wood piece and the ebony is put on on the but end.

    Am I gettin it right? Please somebody help me out. Sorry if the question is stupid.

  • #2
    In 1 piece cues the shaft will run from tip to base of cue with the hard wood(ebony, rosewood) spliced onto the shaft in 2 stages.
    For 3/4 cues, the shaft will normally run to the joint position and be made as above however, the butt below the splices will normally be 1 solid piece of wood. It can then be drilled out to achieve the desired weight, without having to add any lead.
    Hope this helps.
    "Don't think, feel"


    • #3
      Firstly, welcome to TSF
      There are one or two cue makers that have made 1pc or 3/4 cues that are 100% ash in the past [Cannon (Peradon) comes to mind] with no "butt" wood at all.
      A friend has one of these and yes it is light (approx 14-15oz).
      But the general trend is for a different wood spliced onto the butt, usually ebony or rosewood but some can be more exotic like wenge, etc., 1) for weight reasons, 2) "feel" of the cue when playing, 3) decoration.
      see for some good words to do with cues and woods, etc.
      Up the TSF! :snooker:


      • #4
        Thank you all that helped alot


        • #5
          For the longest time I wonder how do they make gravity cues? No cue building schools or DVDs would teach you that...yet

