my question is simple are one piece cues out of 1 pc of wood? Because the Butt is almost every time out of ebony,
and the rest out of Ash or Maple so I would like to know how they are made. I saw pictures on Jason Owens Site there it seams that it is one wood piece and the ebony is put on on the but end.
Am I gettin it right? Please somebody help me out.
Sorry if the question is stupid.
my question is simple are one piece cues out of 1 pc of wood? Because the Butt is almost every time out of ebony,
and the rest out of Ash or Maple so I would like to know how they are made. I saw pictures on Jason Owens Site there it seams that it is one wood piece and the ebony is put on on the but end.
Am I gettin it right? Please somebody help me out.
