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Starting out: What kind of cue

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  • Starting out: What kind of cue


    When I was 14 (21 years ago) I used to play a bit of snooker. Seeing Mr Hendry playing again has brought back memories and I thought I'd give the game another go. Need a cue and some advice for goof cue for a begginer. Willing to pay up to £70ish if needs be although happy to pay less! Is 2nd hand a good/bad idea?

    Thanks for any help

  • #2
    Originally Posted by snookerbeginner View Post

    When I was 14 (21 years ago) I used to play a bit of snooker. Seeing Mr Hendry playing again has brought back memories and I thought I'd give the game another go. Need a cue and some advice for goof cue for a begginer. Willing to pay up to £70ish if needs be although happy to pay less! Is 2nd hand a good/bad idea?

    Thanks for any help
    For that money ur sort off restricted. chinese cues, painted bce/riley or rack cues are realistic options.

    I would personally say that using a one piece rack cue is best choice from the three. Ideally making it oil finished and have a good tip on it.

    Using the same cue each time will make a big difference as you will get a feel for it and what itcan do


    • #3
      OK - what sort of money would you recommend a beginner spend? Any advice on shops etc? (I live in London)


      • #4
        I could go up to £150


        • #5
          I would recommend you read some of the recent threads of people in a similar position to yourself.

          For just over £150, i would be looking at craftsman, travis and mastercraft. Never owned a mastercraft but good reviews on here.

          Craftsman are cracking cues as are andy travis.


          • #6
            master Pro butt 1
            Would be a good choice

            Or If Mike have 175 shark can offer when he reopen his shop. The best choice no batter option.


            • #7
              I'm in a similar position, though I have a few cues - inspired and going back to the game. I think the first thing to do is go to a club and try out cues of different lengths and weights. When I started playing again I was thinking I preferred around 18oz and 3/4, but pulled out an old Burroughs and Watts cue which is 16.2oz and 56.75ins and absolutely loved it. So 17oz is my new maximum - I hold the cue more lightly and play better. I also have an older cue with a 11mm tip, which was fairly common with older cues. I found that too wide, and now I know I want to play a 9.5mm tip.

              I'd buy an older cue on ebay - it has history and often nice wood, frequently maple which I like fine. Then spend £30 or so giving it to a good cuemaker to clean up. I'm having my 11mm cue retapered to 9.5mm.



              • #8
                Starting out: What kind of cue

                There are plenty decent cues to go at on eBay. But craftsman is a safe choice. They have cues for a budgets. Check out their website.

                If you live anywhere near Leeds you can go to the shop and try before you buy. Get your spec what you want and feel comfortable with.
                Always a pleasure


                • #9
                  Thanks. What should I look for on ebay? Just craftsman and Andy Travis?


                  • #10
                    doesnt matter on the make so long as you play well with it is all that matters.

                    if youplay well with a cheap 40 quid bce cue stick with it etc....

                    dont be blinded by going for a set cue maker


                    • #11
                      I think it's definatly what cues feels right for you as appose to which cue costs the most money, I have a Dunns Cue that only cost about £75-£80 and am pretty happy with it, if i was to be honest it is definatley to long at the moment but i am going to get it shortened but after that i am sure it will be the cue i have for a good few years


