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My JP Professional

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  • #16
    A day has gone by, surely the Trev is now surplus to requirements?
    One day I'll make a century, I've knocked in a 51!


    • #17
      Ste many people would argue with you there but im just not going to bother as i think your right everytime i have a bad day i get annoyed with myself to much like you say and blame the cue as well. Like tonight played for an hour and dont think i made a break over 10 and just kept getting annoyed so wasnt going to improve.

      I know what your saying about getting used to a cue thats why this Trevor White is a keeper for sure but the tip i have on the cue is absolute rubbish at the min its one of them Blue Diamond Plus and its the worst i have ever tried but its the only tip i have so cant change it.

      DWOT mate told you shes a keeper.

      Anyone on here have any tips they cant get on with and would like to send me one feel free as this current one might just rip it off and play without one feels lifeless. PM for address if anyone has a tip they could spare.


      • #18
        I havent played snooker for over 2 years until last night, I went to a local club in Bilston, had to use their crappy in-house cues and knocked in a 52 break near the end of the 2 hour session. It's not all about the cue chaps,.....


        • #19
          My JP Professional

          Haha way to rub it in the poor guys face. I wonder if the club will sell me that cue? Which one was it again?? Maybe it's the magic 50 cue I am searching for?!


          • #20
            I didnt take the comment that Ste wrote as offensive everyone has there own opinion which they are very welcome to but after thinking i know he was right how many people have a bad day and dont want to blame themselves which leads to one thing blaming the cue they use.

            Now no matter how i play im going to stick with the cue that I have now which is the Trevor White and just practise hard i know improvement will come no matter how small it may be.


            • #21
              Matt how long has that B D plus been on the cue , they take a good 10 hours plus of firm hitting to bed in , they dont feel nice until their bedded in .


              • #22
                Just a thought. Maybe you should spend all that cash on finding a coach instead. In saying that cuemakers need to make a living somehow.


                • #23
                  Hotpot gave it about 5 hours mate i will get a couple more to give them a try again mate.

                  Dottcom yeah your right i have been thinking about some coaching sessions.

