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Robert Osborne

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  • Robert Osborne

    Got greenplates for sale for anyone who hasnt noticed

  • #2
    Robert has got some nice looking cues for sale.


    • #3
      1st cue ......Zebrano is very nice . Good looking shaft
      Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


      • #4
        Nice cues but rather over priced IMO. Don't forget those prices are plus VAT so you are looking at the cheapest being £660 ranging up to £864 for the GP cocobolo. This is a big increase on the price for the GP range before the new website launch, I'd hate to think what a black plate would cost!!!


        • #5
          Does anybody know if he will also offer some Redplates soon?


          • #6
            I very much like the Ovangkol cue but the prices seem waaaayyyy up. No thanks.
            Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


            • #7
              very nice, price ouch


              • #8
                Yes some Nice Cues and I also like the Greenplate Ovangkol but at £585+ Vat is way more expensive than John Parris Same Style Cue.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by gazza147 View Post
                  Yes some Nice Cues and I also like the Greenplate Ovangkol but at £585+ Vat is way more expensive than John Parris Same Style Cue.
                  What range cue are you comparing that with Gareth ? A JP Special ? Would that be the equvialent ?

                  Nice cue i agree .
                  Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                  • #10
                    I imagine they are aimed at the overseas market at that price.

                    The Ovangkol is like the JP Traditional isnt it? Somewhere around the £400 mark inc vat.
                    Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


                    • #11
                      I thought the same thing, RO is certainly aiming his cues at those willing to pay silly money which of course seems more likely to be the Chinese contingent as well as the collectors in this country who pay silly money for a badge. He has been quite clever in making his cues seem like a collectors item, not making them to order or readily available of course means paying a premium to own one.
                      Just a shame that genuine good players can't really afford to pay that sort of price on a cue that may or may not suit them.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Deepscrew View Post
                        I imagine they are aimed at the overseas market at that price.

                        The Ovangkol is like the JP Traditional isnt it? Somewhere around the £400 mark inc vat.
                        What i mean is , would a Robert Osborne Greenplate be classed as a better spec than a standard JP Traditional ?

                        So would you then have to compare a Greenplate with say a JP Special cue ?
                        Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


                        • #13
                          Ahh i see. I dont know is the simple answer!
                          Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


                          • #14
                            Well either way, from there being 16 this morning it seems that only 4 are left now. I'm certain they have been bought by collectors or traders looking to sell them on for profit, I guess Ebay will have a few over the coming weeks, lets see what premium they get charged for next time.


                            • #15
                              None at all left now

