Hi there, just getting back into me snooker after not playing for over 10 years
(blame golf!:biggrin
I'm playing with my lovely 15 year old handmade/hand spliced(ebony) Britannia 3/4 ash cue which I've kept in my Barracuda Tournament Case(aluminium).
Basic cue specs are 58" long and just over 19oz which I have recently had a base joint fitted buy Robert Osborne and purchased a ebony mini butt & extension from him for it.
I've also been playing around with a lovely silky smooth Smith & Nelson "The Sportsman Cue" maple cue which is 57 1/4" long and just over 19oz which was originally a 1 piece but been converted into a 3/4 cue which is kept in a Cheddar Classics aluminium case.
Would add photos but can't do at mo.
By the way...great forum guys:encouragement:

I'm playing with my lovely 15 year old handmade/hand spliced(ebony) Britannia 3/4 ash cue which I've kept in my Barracuda Tournament Case(aluminium).
Basic cue specs are 58" long and just over 19oz which I have recently had a base joint fitted buy Robert Osborne and purchased a ebony mini butt & extension from him for it.
I've also been playing around with a lovely silky smooth Smith & Nelson "The Sportsman Cue" maple cue which is 57 1/4" long and just over 19oz which was originally a 1 piece but been converted into a 3/4 cue which is kept in a Cheddar Classics aluminium case.
Would add photos but can't do at mo.
By the way...great forum guys:encouragement: