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Cue makers

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  • Cue makers

    does any one know how much all the wood and joints etc costs just to make one cue

  • #2
    Depends on what wood and what quality of wood you buy. Plus a one piece has no joint so no cost there.

    Too many variables to say accurately unless you know what woods you want.
    Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


    • #3
      If you are new to it then the costs are high to, as you tend not to know where to go to get the best for your money ?

      here is a list of what things have cost me based on a classic ebony cue, although you may well source better prices if you deep enough ?

      im not going in to suppliers

      Shaft wood - £10
      Ebony - £30
      Butt joint - £10
      Ferrule - £1
      Tip - 50p
      Badge - £10 (can get cheeper ones)

      Other costs could be added like lead for weight sandpaper cue oil ect, and if you were trying to make just the one cue you can double these costs with the postage you would need getting them all sent to you

      all these things are sourced in the uk !


      • #4
        Originally Posted by crispian jones View Post
        If you are new to it then the costs are high to, as you tend not to know where to go to get the best for your money ?

        here is a list of what things have cost me based on a classic ebony cue, although you may well source better prices if you deep enough ?

        im not going in to suppliers

        Shaft wood - £10
        Ebony - £30
        Butt joint - £10
        Ferrule - £1
        Tip - 50p
        Badge - £10 (can get cheeper ones)

        Other costs could be added like lead for weight sandpaper cue oil ect, and if you were trying to make just the one cue you can double these costs with the postage you would need getting them all sent to you

        all these things are sourced in the uk !
        thanks was thinking of making a cue for a wood project at school


        • #5
          Make a case. Much simpler


          • #6
            Originally Posted by pottr View Post
            Make a case. Much simpler
            oh yeah much simpler and cheaper i guess


            • #7
              Cases cost more to make than a cue
              and they take longer, that i can assure you !


              • #8
                Not when a school provides the base materials. A school won't be able to provide ferrules and cue joints or a decent choice of woods for a cue.

                They will have enough mdf for a few mistakes, catches and hinges though.

                I made one at school, was easy enough, probably still have it somewhere, I'll post a pic if I find it.


                • #9
                  Depends who's making the If its you then Yes would take longer as your as Fussy as me....ha ha


                  • #10
                    Yeah, what does Crispian know about making cases anyway...?


                    • #11
                      somewhere between £60 and £90 depending on the quality of the woods etc used.


                      • #12
                        I'd guess the cost would vary from place to place, but I bought two 6' boards of ash from a local timber yard for 50 quid.
                        Found five 24" x 2" sq anjan blanks for another 25 quid online, Dave Coutts sells ferrules on ebay at a pound each. Then there's abrasives, adhesives, oils, fillers etc. But really you should be looking at anything upwards of £50.00


                        • #13
                          hahaha yeah it will be good if you find the cue


                          • #14
                            I've never seen anyone pot a ball with a case, so spend your time and money on the cue. The best case is an ABS plastic tube. Incredibly strong due to round shape, stands up if necessary, and it's cheap. And you can decorate or put stickers on em.
                            Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Particle Physics View Post
                              I've never seen anyone pot a ball with a case, so spend your time and money on the cue. The best case is an ABS plastic tube. Incredibly strong due to round shape, stands up if necessary, and it's cheap. And you can decorate or put stickers on em.
                              i have won frames with the case!

